where; which; anyway; anyhow; sooner or later; eventually
wasteful; a waste; too good; more than one deserves; impious; profane
to break; to destroy; to wreck; to ruin; to break (a bill, etc.)
to fall down; to fall over; to turn out; to play out; to abandon Christianity (and convert to Buddhism); to apostatize
to be dented; to be indented; to be beaten; to be overwhelmed; to be disheartened; to feel down
to divide; to cut; to halve; to break; to crack; to dilute; to fall below
duty; responsibility (incl. supervision of staff); liability; onus
to come together; to merge; to fit; to match; to be profitable; to be equitable
disposal; abandonment; scrapping; annulment; cancellation; abrogation
a little; some; somewhat; amount; quantity; number
surely; clearly; without a doubt; in all probability; no matter how one slices it; no matter how one looks at it
performance; take; game; season; penetrative vaginal sex (with a prostitute); unsimulated sex (in an adult movie)
third day of the month; three days
don't worry about it; never mind; that's OK
keep up your strength; chin up!
in some way or other; one way or another; somehow; only just; barely
to give up; to abandon (hope, plans); to resign oneself (to)
neighbourhood; neighborhood
sports club (e.g. at school); sports department (e.g. in a newspaper)
supermarket; subtitles; telop; superheterodyne; super
to lay in stock; to replenish stock; to procure; to learn; to find out; to take in
muddy water; red-light district
to slurp; to sip (loudly); to sniffle; to sniff
how; in what way; how about; questionable
one long cylindrical thing; one film, TV show, etc.; one version; one book; a certain book; ippon; one point
cooperation; collaboration
two (long cylindrical things)
understood; I see; OK; present; here
set; set meal; combo-meal; hairdo
three (long cylindrical things); three-of-a-kind (in a dealt hand)
point; tip; head (of a line); front; first; before; (the way) ahead
to gather; to collect; to assemble
once; one time; one round; one game; one bout; one heat
mouth; opening; hole; mouth (of a bottle); spout; gate; door
to spill; to drop; to grumble; to complain; to let one's feelings show
beginning; start; first (in line, etc.); origin; such as ...; not to mention ...
impact (on); (strong) impression; effect; impact (of a ball against a racket, bat, club, etc.)
next; hypo- (i.e. containing an element with low valence); order; sequence
You'll regret this!; I'll get you for this; Just you wait
addition; supplement; appending; appendix