so much; so often; oh, yes!; that's it; that's right; quite
by any chance; (should) it happen (that); by some chance
running away from home; elopement; (arch.) outing; (arch.) going out; (arch.) becoming a Buddhist monk; (arch.) entering the priesthood
to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to come back; to do ... and come back; to come to be; to become
a-ha-ha (laughing loudly)
Eh?; What?; Come on!; Damn!
just kidding; not!; ersatz; imitation; phony
(a) little; somewhat; somehow
ordinary; common; commonplace; mediocre; unremarkable; undistinguished
washing; laundry; relaxing; taking a break
cleaning; sweeping; dusting; scrubbing
family; members of a family
everyone; everybody; all; everything; all
day after day; day by day
same; identical; equal; anyway; anyhow; in either case
repetition; repeat; reiteration; repeatedly
always; all the time; never; usual; regular
to get dirty; to become dirty; to become sullied; to become corrupted; to lose one's chastity
body; torso; trunk; build; physique; health
to take a bath; to have a bath; to take a shower
red; crimson; red-containing colour (e.g. brown, pink, orange); Red (i.e. communist); red light (traffic); red ink (i.e. in finance or proof-reading); (in) the red
amount necessary to fill a container (e.g. cupful, spoonful, etc.); drink (usu. alcoholic); full; one squid, octopus, crab, etc.; one boat; fully; to capacity
bathtub; boat with a bathtub rented to customers (Edo period)
very; greatly; immense; enormous; serious; grave
delicacy; tact; considerateness; sensitivity; thoughtfulness
elder brother; one's senior; older man; man older than oneself
it is assuredly that ...; can say with confidence that ...; did not ...
ill will; malice; evil intent
ordinary; common; free of charge; unaffected; as is; only
sloppy; slovenly; slipshod; negligent; loose; unkempt
tepid water; lukewarm water; comfortable; easy; relaxed
living; life (one's daily existence); livelihood
to slip out; to sneak away; to break into the lead; to get ahead; to begin to fall out (e.g. hair); to break out (of a loop)
myself; yourself; I; me; you
to break up and start anew; to break out of one's shell; to make a fresh start; to go outside oneself
to fly; to soar; to jump; to leap; to spatter; to scatter; to hurry
extent; degree; limit; bounds; (span of) time; (a) distance; the state of
shape; form; appearance; state; situation; suitable
mind; heart; spirit; the meaning of a phrase (riddle, etc.)