From Up On Poppy Hill

Cover of From Up On Poppy Hill
From Up On Poppy Hill
Length (in words)4315
Unique words1286
Unique words (used once)811
Unique words (used once %)63%
Unique kanji650
Unique kanji (used once)275
Unique kanji readings870
Average difficulty40/100
Peak difficulty (90th percentile)61/100
MAL avg. rating7.8
MAL rating count80342
Vocabulary list

Other anime of similar difficulty

Cover of Major S3
Major S3
Length (in words)44627
Unique words4473
Unique words (used once)2048
Unique words (used once %)45%
Unique kanji1182
Unique kanji (used once)246
Unique kanji readings1826
Average difficulty40/100
Peak difficulty (90th percentile)51/100
MAL avg. rating8.2
MAL rating count37407
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Cover of Ketsuekigata-kun!
Length (in words)3196
Unique words888
Unique words (used once)491
Unique words (used once %)55%
Unique kanji467
Unique kanji (used once)187
Unique kanji readings578
Average difficulty40/100
Peak difficulty (90th percentile)57/100
MAL avg. rating6.6
MAL rating count4400
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Cover of Munou na Nana
Munou na Nana
Length (in words)27188
Unique words3811
Unique words (used once)2004
Unique words (used once %)52%
Unique kanji1177
Unique kanji (used once)315
Unique kanji readings1768
Average difficulty40/100
Peak difficulty (90th percentile)58/100
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Cover of Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W
Length (in words)20639
Unique words3845
Unique words (used once)2180
Unique words (used once %)56%
Unique kanji1271
Unique kanji (used once)340
Unique kanji readings1923
Average difficulty40/100
Peak difficulty (90th percentile)58/100
MAL avg. rating7.3
MAL rating count79294
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Cover of Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series (2017)
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series (2017)
Length (in words)20065
Unique words3164
Unique words (used once)1676
Unique words (used once %)52%
Unique kanji1087
Unique kanji (used once)288
Unique kanji readings1602
Average difficulty40/100
Peak difficulty (90th percentile)53/100
MAL avg. rating7.6
MAL rating count61740
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Cover of Crayon Shin-chan Movie 21: Bakauma! B-Kyuu Gourmet Survival Battle!!
Crayon Shin-chan Movie 21: Bakauma! B-Kyuu Gourmet Survival Battle!!
Length (in words)6266
Unique words1391
Unique words (used once)761
Unique words (used once %)54%
Unique kanji592
Unique kanji (used once)223
Unique kanji readings756
Average difficulty40/100
Peak difficulty (90th percentile)59/100
MAL avg. rating7.0
MAL rating count1663
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Cover of Strike Witches S2
Strike Witches S2
Length (in words)17182
Unique words2751
Unique words (used once)1388
Unique words (used once %)50%
Unique kanji984
Unique kanji (used once)267
Unique kanji readings1408
Average difficulty40/100
Peak difficulty (90th percentile)56/100
MAL avg. rating7.3
MAL rating count36051
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Cover of Hataraku Maou-sama!
Hataraku Maou-sama!
Length (in words)29231
Unique words4289
Unique words (used once)2228
Unique words (used once %)51%
Unique kanji1248
Unique kanji (used once)280
Unique kanji readings1934
Average difficulty40/100
Peak difficulty (90th percentile)54/100
MAL avg. rating7.8
MAL rating count728547
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Cover of DRAMAtical Murder
DRAMAtical Murder
Length (in words)17734
Unique words2827
Unique words (used once)1497
Unique words (used once %)52%
Unique kanji1019
Unique kanji (used once)287
Unique kanji readings1498
Average difficulty40/100
Peak difficulty (90th percentile)51/100
MAL avg. rating6.1
MAL rating count59441
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Cover of Diabolik Lovers More, Blood
Diabolik Lovers More, Blood
Length (in words)5120
Unique words1131
Unique words (used once)618
Unique words (used once %)54%
Unique kanji514
Unique kanji (used once)198
Unique kanji readings661
Average difficulty40/100
Peak difficulty (90th percentile)53/100
MAL avg. rating5.6
MAL rating count59749
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