mountain; hill; mine (e.g. coal mine); heap; pile; crown (of a hat); thread (of a screw)
tiny amount of money; a penny; one letter; one character; one mon (unit of currency)
to (take out and) show; to demonstrate; to point out (finger, clock hand, needle, etc.); to indicate; to show
continuation; rest (of the story, work, etc.); flow (e.g. of a piece of writing); pacing (of a story); succession (of); sequence
endorsing and questioning the preceding statement; lamenting reflections on the preceding statement
to speak; to say; to vocalize
aaah!; oooh!; oh no!; oh boy!
big; large; loud; extensive; spacious; important
good feeling; feeling good
to encourage; to cheer; to raise (the voice)
apart from that; other than that; leaving that aside; more importantly; more ... than that; but
to hurry (up); to urge on; to press; to rush
had better ...; had better not ...
that way; that direction; there; that (one); you; your family
to lose one's way; to get lost; to waver; to hesitate; to give into temptation; to lose control of oneself
suddenly; in a flash; rapidly; attractive; distinguished; showy
quarrel; brawl; fight; squabble; scuffle; argument
by all means; at any cost; whether (one is) willing or not; willingly or unwillingly; on no account; by no means
to take someone (to some place); to take someone along; to lead someone away
related to; in relation to; as far as ... is concerned
to take (someone) with one; to bring along; to go with; to be accompanied by
member; participant; attendee; lineup (sport)
inconsequential; indifferent; not worth worrying about; whatever; whichever; I don't care
inconsequential; indifferent; not worth worrying about; whatever; whichever; I don't care
somehow; how; in what way; why; what kind of
exactly as stated; verbatim
approval; agreement; support; favour; favor
flower; blossom; cherry blossom; beauty; blooming (esp. of cherry blossoms); ikebana; hanafuda
back; reverse; rear side; height; stature; ridge (of a mountain)
small; little; slight; below average (in degree, amount, etc.); low (e.g. sound); soft (e.g. voice)
shyness; fear of strangers; stranger anxiety
satisfaction; pride; one's strong point; one's forte; regular customer; regular client
to anyone; to everyone; by anyone; by everyone; in everyone; in anyone
it is I who should say so
great; excellent; very troublesome; awful; tiring; tough
recruitment; invitation; raising (funds, donations, etc.); collection; flotation (of shares, loans, etc.)
medium; average; moderation; middle school; China; volume two (of three); during (a certain time when one did or is doing something)
morning training (e.g. before school)
natural; right; proper; naturally; as a matter of course; rightly
glasses; eyeglasses; spectacles; judgment; judgement; discrimination
last (i.e. immediately preceding); previous; pre- (e.g. premodern); before; before; earlier