eh?; what?; yes; that's correct; (arch.) strengthens a question, assertion, etc.; (arch.) hey
until now; so far; up to the present
thing; matter; incident; occurrence; circumstances; situation; work
everyone; everybody; all; everything; all
to forget; to leave carelessly; to be forgetful of; to forget about; to forget (an article)
confidence; trust; faith; credit (finance)
to believe; to believe in; to place trust in; to confide in; to have faith in
to entrust (e.g. a task) to another; to leave to; to passively leave to someone else's facilities; to leave to take its natural course; to continue (something) in a natural fashion (without particular aim); to rely fully on one's (full strength, great ability, long time taken) to get something done
hey!; wait a minute!; whoa!; boohoo; waaaa
existing (at the present moment); alright; acceptable; to be (usu. of inanimate objects); to have
hoe; raw fish or meat dish in Korean cuisine
Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; politeness marker
on good terms with; on cordial terms with; getting along well with; to make friends with; to be good friends with; to get along with
old man; old-timer; old fogey
stinking; smelly; suspicious; fishy; clumsy; unskilled
betrayer; traitor; turncoat; informer
disliked; hated; tendency; smack (of); distinction; discrimination
it is assuredly that ...; can say with confidence that ...; did not ...
-ian (e.g. Italian); -ite (e.g. Tokyoite); -er (e.g. performer, etc.); person working with ...; man; person
and yet; though; when; in spite of
ordinary; common; free of charge; unaffected; as is; only
call; summons; convening; convocation
only; just; merely; as much as; to the extent of; enough to
it is assuredly that ...; can say with confidence that ...
to die; to pass away; to lose spirit; to lose vigor; to cease; to stop
parents and siblings; one's relatives
to be sad; to mourn for; to regret
to bear a grudge against; to resent; to blame; to curse; to feel bitter towards
whole life; a lifetime; all through life; (the only, the greatest, etc.) of one's life
to curse; to put a curse on; to detest intensely
guy; fellow; chap; bastard; asshole; arsehole
phew; whew; huff; whoo; wohoo
precisely; exactly; plumb; damn; stupid; cursed
willpower; guts; determination; character; nature; disposition
to praise; to commend; to compliment; to speak well of; to speak highly of
idiot; moron; trivial matter; folly; stupid; foolish
to get up; to rise; to wake up; to be awake; to occur (usu. of unfavourable incidents); to happen
hey!; c'mon!; pushy; overbearing; self-assured
to be hit; to strike; to touch; to be in contact; to be equivalent to; to be applicable; to be right on the money (of a prediction, criticism, etc.)
speaking of; (I told you) already; come on
threat; intimidation; menace
and yet; despite this; but even so; but even then; however; nevertheless