immediately; right away; at once; instantly
place; spot; field; discipline; occasion; situation; scene (of a play, movie, etc.)
to contact; to get in touch with; to check in (with)
at once; immediately; right away; directly (face, lead to, etc.); automatically (mean, result in, etc.)
participation in a war; going to war; taking part in a competition or contest
appeal; call for something; request; axiom
it is assuredly that ...; can say with confidence that ...; did not ...
certain; sure; doubtless; I have no doubt; You can depend on it; It's a safe bet
to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart
hah (derisively); pooh; pfft (of something disappearing); poof; huff; puff
what's the matter?; what's wrong?; what happened (to) ...?; what have you done (with) ...?; where is ...?
expressly; especially; taking the trouble (to do); intentionally; deliberately
situation; (present) state of affairs; circumstances
(suffer) deterioration; growing worse; aggravation; degeneration; corruption
it seems; I think; I guess; right?; don't you agree?
I am sorry (to hear, to say, etc.); a pity
independence; self-reliance; independence (e.g. of a nation); freedom; separation; isolation
what did you just say (to me)?; what's that?
on this occasion; now; in these circumstances; with this opportunity
clearly; plainly; distinctly; to be clear; to be definite; to be certain
to say; to tell; to state; to do
as one wishes; the way one wants; to one's satisfaction
to move; to stir; to operate; to run; to make a move; to take action; to be touched
single word; a few words; brief comment
period; epoch; the times; those days; oldness; ancientness
to mark the end; to spell the end
myself; yourself; I; me; you
somehow; how; in what way; why; what kind of
to watch what one says; to mind one's language
order; system; structure; set-up; organization; organisation
to cease; to stop; to be over
without; unacceptable; not alright; unsatisfactory
direction; orientation; bearing; course (e.g. of action)
as is; as it is; as things are; like this; this way; at this rate
throwing in; inserting; investment; commitment (of funds, personnel, etc.); launching (a product into the market); introduction
disorder; chaos; confusion; mayhem
only; just; merely; as much as; to the extent of; enough to
to go against; to oppose; to disobey; to defy
name; title; appellation; (under the) pretext (of); pretense
to recognize; to recognise; to deem; to judge; to approve; to deem acceptable; to admit
birth; creation; formation
government; administration
solid; robust; tight; taut; shrewd; calculating
to keep within limits (e.g. spending); to restrain (e.g. emotions); to control; to hold back (e.g. an enemy); to check; to curb
it's OK to ...; it's best to ...; it's alright to ...