to wrinkle; to crinkle; to shrivel
as if (something untrue were actually true); like hell (e.g. "like hell I will")
reason; cause; circumstances
to make fun of; to look down on; to make light of
amplification (elec.); magnification; amplification; making larger
stamina; endurance; physical strength; strength of an organization (e.g. profitability, productivity, economic clout, stability, growth potential)
exhaustion; consumption; using up; dissipation; waste
nothing special; no big deal; doesn't matter; nothing to worry about
to compare; to make a comparison; to compete; to vie
continuation; succession; series
apt to (do); liable to; predominantly; mostly; ... reaps the rewards; ... takes the prize
knight on a white horse; Prince Charming
(not) anything; (nothing) at all; (not) any
interval; distance; suitable time; appropriate opportunity; distance between opponents (kendo)
it's OK to ...; it's best to ...; it's alright to ...
question; question (mark)
advertising the excellence of one's wares; boasting; self-advertisement; statement of the virtues of a medicine; description of the virtues of a drug
to lock up; to shut up; to imprison
sleeping medicine; hypnotic; soporific
to mix; to stir; to blend
soundly (sleeping); fast (asleep)
first of all; to begin with; probably; most likely; more or less (satisfactory); on the whole
to deliver; to extradite; to stretch across; to hand over
princess; spoiled girl; hothouse flower; glue
to pledge allegiance; to swear an oath of allegiance; to take an oath of allegiance
to refuse; to reject; to inform; to give notice; to ask leave; to excuse oneself (from)
to tidy up; to put in order; to settle (problem); to clear (dispute); to finish; to bring something to an end
to be of benefit; to be useful; to be good for you
(not) at all; (not) a bit; (not) in the least; (not) in the slightest
to move forward; to move on
to get involved or entangled in; to get mixed up in; to have something to do with; to have dealings with
to tie up; to tie together; to hang (oneself); to summarize; to put (it all) together; to estimate; to expect
obedient; gentle; meek; submissive; docile
ugly; unattractive; unsightly; unseemly
quantity of heat (e.g. in calories, BTU, etc.); heat value; calorific value; (degree of) enthusiasm; zeal; passion
loyalty; sincerity; allegiance; fidelity; integrity