to part (usu. of people); to part from; to separate (of a couple); to break up; to lose (e.g. one's mother); to be bereaved
discontinuation (of business); closing down; giving up (one's practice); retiring
still; as yet; (not) yet; more; (more) still; at least
to depend (on the situation); to be handled case by case
and; or; and the like; and so forth; and what not
pity; sympathy; compassion; affection; love
speech; words; one's lines; remarks
to line up; to set up; to enumerate; to itemize; to be equal (to); to compare well (with)
as (i.e. in the role of); for (i.e. from the viewpoint of); apart from... (used to change the topic); even (e.g. "not even a single person"); thinking that...; trying to...
pride; boast; credit (to)
yes?; no?; isn't it?; is it?
Eh?; What?; Come on!; Damn!
simple; easy; uncomplicated; brief; quick; light
to be used to; to get accustomed to; to train; to discipline; to tack (in needlework); to baste
to ferry across (e.g. a river); to carry across; to lay across; to build across; to hand over; to hand in
that being the case; because of ...; the reason is ...; given that ...
consent; assent; agreement; understanding; comprehension; grasp
ball; sphere; bead (of sweat, dew, etc.); drop; ball (in sports); pile (of noodles, etc.); bullet
thorough; exhaustive; complete
to play dumb; to feign ignorance; to act as innocent
everyone; everybody; all; everything; all
practice; training; drill; (an) exercise; workout
to vomit; to throw up; to emit; to send forth; to give (an opinion); to make (a comment)
lie; fib; mistake; error; unwise move; bad decision
unskillful; poor; awkward; imprudent; untactful
form; shape; figure; visage
together; jointly; at the same time; with; both
to live; to get along; to spend (time)
close friend; bosom friend; buddy; crony; chum
before long; soon; almost; nearly; finally; in the end
bad boy; naughty child; brat
mountain road; mountain trail
fierce animal; beast of prey; big game
to do nothing but; to spend all one's time doing
bad reputation; ill repute; bad name; (arch.) evil deed; (arch.) wrongdoing; (arch.) wrongdoer
finally; at last; in the end; after all; never (happened)
high street; town centre (center)
to reach; to touch; to be delivered; to arrive; to be attentive; to be scrupulous
extent; degree; limit; bounds; (span of) time; (a) distance; the state of
meeting; rendezvous; encounter; confluence
big; large; loud; extensive; spacious; important