to be found; to be discovered
whether or not (in phrases like "I don't know whether or not I can come")
Eh?; What?; Come on!; Damn!
(not) at all; (not) in the slightest; wholly; entirely; extremely; very
a long time (since the last time); first in a long time
guest; visitor; customer; client; shopper
why?; what for?; how?; by what means?
counter for people (usu. seating, reservations and such); first name; famous; great; name; noun
spot; dot; place; location; (airport) apron; spot advertisement; spot advertising
isn't it?; let's ...; why don't we ...; how about we ...
shade; shadow; behind (something); other side; background; behind the scenes
to move; to stir; to operate; to run; to make a move; to take action; to be touched
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
all over the country; everywhere in the country; throughout the nation
rumour; rumor; report; hearsay; gossip; common talk
to be troubled; to have difficulty; to be bothered; to be inconvenienced; to be badly off; to be hard up
you (plural); all of you; you all
to shelter (e.g. a fugitive); to harbour; to harbor; to hide; to give refuge to
called; named; as many as; as much as; all ...; every single ...
poor; pitiable; pathetic; pitiful
I wonder; do you think?; I might; some kind; some stage; somehow
jumping to a wrong conclusion
immigration check; immigration inspection
birth; lineage; identity; background; provenance; origin
about; roughly; generally; on the whole; completely; quite
separate case; another matter
verbal message; word (from someone)
to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart
to harm; to hurt; to injure; to miss one's chance to (do something); to fail to (do what one ought to have done)
to pass through; to pass by; to pass (of time); to elapse; to have expired; to have ended; to exceed
life; existence; (one's) working life; career; life force; lifeblood
crisis; critical situation; emergency; pinch
to fall into (e.g. a hole); to fall into (chaos, depression, dilemma, illness, etc.); to fall into (a trap, etc.); to fall; to surrender
donor; contributor; provider
to search for; to look for; to hunt for; to search (a house, pocket, etc.); to search through; to rummage in (e.g. a drawer)
guidance; leading (the way); information; notice; announcement (of one's arrival); invitation
to visit; to call on; to arrive (season, time, situation, etc.); to come; (arch.) to make a sound; (arch.) to send a letter
to meet (by chance); to come across; to meet (e.g. of rivers, highways, etc.); to emerge and engage (an enemy)
remarkable ability; mastery; brilliant technique; go-getter; resourceful person; wizard
diviner; fortune teller; soothsayer
wife; Mrs; proprietress; landlady; large women's size (clothing)