(some) more; even more; longer; further
to be truant; to slack off; to play hooky; to skip school; to cut class; to skip out
still; much more; (not) yet; still a long way to go; still a long way off; not there yet
injured person; wounded person; casualty
crowd of people; great number of people; in great numbers
to work; to labor; to function; to operate; to commit (e.g. a crime); to perpetrate
such; that sort of; that kind of; no way!; never!
to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to come back; to do ... and come back; to come to be; to become
to make a mistake (in); to commit an error (e.g. in calculation); to confuse; to mistake something for something else
look!; look out!; hey!; look at me!; there you are!
damn; damn it; feces; excrement; damn; damned; very
to be of benefit; to be useful; to be good for you
et cetera; etc.; or something; the likes of; for example; for instance
really; truly; indeed; good grief
evil; wickedness; (role of) the villain (in theatre, etc.); the bad guy
disgrace; discredit; dishonor; dishonour; blot; shame
now that you mention it; come to think of it; that reminds me; on that subject; speaking of which
dead body; corpse; cadaver; carcass
baron; Irish cobbler (variety of potato)
fan; enthusiast; lover (of); fan (e.g. electric)
outside; exterior; the open (air); other place; somewhere else
to wait; to await; to look forward to; to depend on; to need
popularity; public favor; condition (e.g. market); tone; character
splendid; nice; sufficient; fine (in the sense of "I'm fine"); well enough; OK
dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris); squealer; rat; loser; asshole; counterfeit
people; (all) persons; you (usu. plural); various
remnants; survivors; refugees; pocket (of resistance)
wound; injury; chip; crack; flaw; defect
(what) the heck; (why) in the world; one object; one body; one form; one style
opponent; rival; adversary; menace; danger; threat
to take; to pick up; to pass; to hand; to get; to obtain; to adopt (a method, proposal, etc.)
oneself (itself, etc.); I; me; you; by oneself (itself, etc.); interjection expressing anger or chagrin
to permit; to allow; to forgive; to pardon; to exempt (someone) from; to remit; to acknowledge
ordinary; common; free of charge; unaffected; as is; only
to do completely; to do accidentally; to do without meaning to; to happen to do
to teach; to instruct; to tell; to inform; to preach
a little; a bit; just a minute; for a moment; somewhat; rather; (not) easily
to separate; to part; to divide; to keep apart
companions; friends; comrades; mates; partners
safety; security; safely; without incident; good health; inaction
fort; fortress; stronghold; fortification
to rescue from; to help out of; to save