happy; glad; pleased; joyful; delightful; gratifying
to wither (of a plant); to be blasted; to die; to mature (of one's personality, abilities, etc.)
to view (cherry) blossoms; to look at flowers
sad; miserable; unhappy; sad; lamentable; deplorable
to begin a trip; to depart; to embark; to die; to pass away; to depart this life
to decide; to choose; to clinch (a victory); to decide (the outcome of a match); to persist in doing; to go through with; to always do
if so; in that case; in that situation
thought; imagination; mind; desire; wish; love
to finish; to end; to merely result in something less severe than expected; to feel at ease; to feel unease or guilt for troubling someone; to be sorry
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
farewell; adieu; goodbye; so long
oneself; oneself; for oneself; personally
to desire; to wish for; to expect; to see; to command (a view of)
to detain; to check; to restrain
don't; do; hey; listen; now, ...; well, ...
to take; to pick up; to pass; to hand; to get; to obtain; to adopt (a method, proposal, etc.)
from the bottom of one's heart; heartily; sincerely
aid; assistance; help; cheering; rooting (for); support
please; somehow or other; one way or another
that; the matter in question
to come and stay; to drop in; to visit
at that time; at that moment; then; on that occasion
grassy field; grassland; meadow; grass-covered plain; savannah; prairie
trembling; getting nervous; excited; thrilled
next; following; subsequent; stage; station
what kind of; what sort of; what; no matter what (kind of); whatever; any
expectation; anticipation; hope; promising; rising; up-and-coming
chest; breast; breasts; bosom; heart; lungs; stomach
to expand; to swell (out); to get big; to become inflated
(what) the heck; (why) in the world; one object; one body; one form; one style
this time; now; next time; another time; recently; lately
interesting; fascinating; amusing; funny; enjoyable; fun