terrible; dreadful; amazing (e.g. of strength); great (e.g. of skills); to a great extent; vast (in numbers)
colour; color; complexion; skin colour; look (on one's face); expression; appearance
to put on weight; to gain weight; to grow fat; to get stout
to be seen; to be in sight; to look; to seem; to come
to come near; to let someone approach; to bring near; to bring together; to deliver (opinion, news, etc.); to send (e.g. a letter); to let someone drop by
why; oh; no!; quit it!; stop!
upper lip; philtrum; under one's nose; mouth
to grow long (e.g. hair, nails); to lengthen; to extend; to reach out; to hold out; to straighten; to smooth out
Japanese cherry birch (Betula grossa); yellow catalpa (Catalpa ovata); Japanese mallotus (Mallotus japonicus); printing block; catalpa bow; catalpa medium
lovely; wonderful; nice; great; fantastic; superb
tactics; strategy; military operation; naval operation
change; modification; alteration; revision; amendment
to be sufficient; to be enough; to be worth doing; to be worthy of; to do (the job); to serve
colouring; coloring; sex appeal (esp. of women); sexiness; interest in the opposite sex; sexual feelings; charm
with a slap; with a pop; without batting an eyelid; generously; cutesy suffix applied to names
to lose; to be defeated; to succumb; to give in; to be inferior to; to break out in a rash due to (e.g. lacquer, shaving, etc.)
in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; take care (so as); hoping or wishing for something
first of all; to begin with; probably; most likely; more or less (satisfactory); on the whole
to start; to begin; to start up (a business, society, etc.); to open (e.g. a store); to start ...; to begin to ...
just like that; quite so; I agree; (lit.) that street
glitter; glimmer; sparkle; twinkle
to establish a lead; to distinguish (between); to ascertain or tell the difference (between); to discriminate
blue; azure; green; pale; gray; unripe
ghost; apparition; goblin; monster; something unusually large
next; next person; room adjoining a noble's parlor
breast enlargement; breast enhancement
how about ...?; I wonder; I don't know
the beginning (as in "this is only the beginning"); lowest division in sumo
so much; so often; oh, yes!; that's it; that's right; quite
rather; better; instead; if anything
that; that thing; that person; then; that time; that place (over there); down there (i.e. one's genitals)
end; conclusion; last; final; no sooner than; once
the art of giving a brief glimpse (of skin, underwear, etc.)
to give up all thoughts of; to abandon; to despair of; to make up one's mind; to take a momentous decision
come, come; come; come now; here you go; here; when handing something
to run along; to run beside; to follow (a policy, plan, etc.); to act in accordance with; to meet (wishes, expectations, etc.); to satisfy
strange; odd; unexpected; change; incident; disturbance
voice; singing (of a bird); chirping (of an insect); voice; opinion (as expressed in words); sound; sense (of something's arrival)