Used in (56 in total)
not less than; ... and over; beyond (e.g. one's expectations); above; above-mentioned; aforementioned
with the exception of; excepting; excluding
ago; since; before; previous
any more; any further; any better; any longer
further; above; anymore
since; henceforth
not exceeding; and downward; below (e.g. standard); under (e.g. a level); the below-mentioned; the following
on and after; as from; hereafter; thereafter; since
within; inside of; less than
after this; from now on; hereafter; thereafter; since (then); after
since then; from that time; ever since
telepathy; tacit understanding; thought transference; non-verbal Zen Buddhist transmission to a disciple of the central tenets of Buddhism
rest omitted; and so on
nothing but; nothing more than; nothing less than
as below; as follows
more than a friend (implies a degree of intimacy)
since the dawn of history
beyond oneself; beyond one's ability; exceeding one's power
south of; and south
north of; and northward
since that time; since then; from that point (on)
... and westward; west of
since our last meeting; since we parted
... and eastward; east of
No Unauthorized Persons; No Unauthorized Entry; Authorized Personnel Only
for as long as one can remember
since the beginning of the world; since the dawn of history
after the decimal point; below the decimal; of no account; beneath one's notice
before one's birth; before one was born
beyond; further than
from (since) ancient times; from time immemorial
since the era of the Emperor Jinmu; (first ever) since the dawn of Japan's history; unprecedented
after this; from now on; hereafter; ago; since; before
traditional ordering of the Japanese syllabary; fundamentals; the ABCs of ...
controlling foreigners by foreigners; playing one barbarian state against another
(aeronautical) beyond right
using poisonous medication to control poison; fighting evil with evil; fighting fire with fire
controlling foreigners by foreigners; playing one barbarian state against another
Japanese maple (Acer palmatum)
Korean rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii); Schlegel's black rockfish
spotbelly rockfish (Sebastes pachycephalus)
threestripe rockfish (Sebastes trivittatus)
henceforth; henceforward; hereafter