Used in (73 in total)
companion; fellow; group; company; member of the same category (family, class)
on good terms with; on cordial terms with; getting along well with; to make friends with; to be good friends with; to get along with
relation; relationship
companions; friends; comrades; mates; partners
reconciliation; make peace with
intimate friend; close friend; bosom buddy; chum
close; intimate; on good terms
close; intimate; on good terms
close (e.g. in terms of relationship); intimate
on bad terms; at loggerheads
harmonious; intimate
joining a group
being left out; being ostracized
private; informal; among one's people (group, friends)
waitress (in a ryokan or traditional restaurant); hostess
being in love with each other
split among friends; falling out; internal discord
discord; (on) bad terms (with)
discord; breaking up (e.g. friendship)
peers; friends; fellow workers; comrades
feeling of fellowship; fellow feeling
like cats and dogs; (on) very bad terms; (lit.) relationship of dogs and monkeys
conjugal relations; conjugal affection
on bad terms; at loggerheads
mediation; agency; agent; mediator; middleman; go-between
to add to one's circle of friends (or colleagues, etc.); to take in; to accept
shopping street in the precincts of a shrine (temple)
very; considerably; by no means; not readily; middle; half-way point
intimate friend; close friend; bosom buddy; chum
same group; same gang
good fences make good neighbors; a hedge between keeps friendship green
drinking companion
nakamise; shops lining a passageway in the precincts of a Shinto shrine
love for one another
business partner; business associate; fellow trader
gang of hoodlums (hooligans); bad company; companion in gang activities
merchant guild entrusted by the shogunate to manage its respective trade (Edo period)
15th day of the 8th lunar month; eighth month of the lunar calendar
maid working for both the living quarter and kitchen
intermediate wholesaler; middle trader; middleman; broker
longshoreman; baggageman
longshoreman; stevedore
on such good terms as to know what each other is thinking
to act as an intermediary
with no blood relation
mutual attraction; being in love
quarrel among friends; quarrel among ourselves (themselves)
being popular among one's companions
mutual admiration; logrolling
middleman; mediator; go-between
together with one's lot
group (gang) of naughty (mischievous) boys
thick (with); bound by love
transit trade; entrepôt trade
medium or average price
two is a company, three is a crowd; one companion is better than two
companion in one's pleasures; companion in hobby activities
stock exchange member who facilitates trading by matching buy and sell orders (similar to an NYSE specialist)
good fences make good neighbors; a hedge between keeps friendship green
chartering broker (arranges customs clearance and shipping details for trade goods); freight forwarding agent
Fujiwara no Nakamaro Rebellion (764 CE)
agent; intermediary
go-between; matchmaker
gap; space; good relationship