Used in (152 in total)
beginning; outset; first; onset
beginning; start; outset; at first; at the beginning; initially
first meeting; first interview with
first day; opening day
early (days); initial stage; initial
first generation; founder
past middle age; nearing old age; near-elderly; age 40
early summer; fourth month of the lunar calendar
elementary level; beginner level
first experience (of something); first sexual experience
seeing for the first time; first sight; first meeting; sight-reading
origin; source; beginning; starting point
first time; first innings; initial attempt; first; initial
elementary; primary
beginning; start
first match (in a series)
first and last (time, chance, etc.); (the) only
from beginning to end; from start to finish; from first to last; end-to-end; all the way through
original intention; initial resolution
basics; rudiments; elements; ABCs of ...
first night; first watch of the night; bridal night
elementary; basic; rudimentary
early spring; beginning of spring; first month of the lunar calendar
beginning (of a century, etc.)
initialization; initialisation; formatting; resetting
initial response (e.g. to a crisis); action in the earliest stages; initial shock (of an earthquake); preliminary tremor
first edition
(very) beginning; start
first 10 days of the month
initial velocity
early autumn (fall); seventh month of the lunar calendar
early winter; tenth month of the lunar calendar
elementary course
first appearance
first performance
default settings; initial settings; initial configuration; initialization; initialisation
first number (e.g. issue of a magazine); No. 1 type
first rank in the senior class (in martial arts, go, etc.); lowest rank; one dan
menarche; first menstruation
first year; early years (of a reign or era)
first edition (book)
absolute basics; very rudiments
first draft; first proof
first year; initial (year)
pitcher's first pitch (to batter)
first offence; first offense; first offender
first marriage
carrying out one's original intention
original intention
initial value; initializing value; default value
first childbirth
initial investigation (by police)
founding member (of a music group, etc.); initial member
early; primitive; primordial
new or raw recruit
memorial service held on the seventh day following a person's death
beginner; novice; neophyte
initial medical examination
beginning of the year
beginning; origin; start
right of first night; jus primae noctis; droit du seigneur
sticker for new car drivers (green and yellow)
first appointment (to a post)
beginning student; beginner
start; first departure
starting salary; initial payment
learning (a subject) for the first time; start of one's study
first proof; first-proof sheets
we were all beginners once; never lose your humility; don't let success get to your head; don't forget where you came from
beginning of the world
meeting for the first time; first meeting
original intention
first month of the lunar calendar; first month; first moon of the month; new moon
menarche; first menstruation
early Christianity; ante-Nicene era Christianity
first-time; initial
firstborn; first-produced; newborn
first print (run); first print of the new year (esp. newspaper printed on January 1)
volume one; first volume
the first generation of a family; school (of thought) or religious sect
first five syllables (of a tanka); first line (of a poem)
first publication
(arch.) crowning a boy for the first time at a coming-of-age ceremony; noh cap with a rolled or drooping tail (indicative of nobility)
founding member (of a music group, etc.); initial member
colostrum; foremilk; first milk
beginning of an epoch; initial period
initial budget; original budget
first term (e.g. of sequence); initial term
first screening; preview of movie
to achieve one's first victory after a string of losses
setting in motion the wheel of the dharma; the first turning of the wheel
first translation
fee for an initial medical examination
first word (of an infant)
first train (of the day); first telegram (about a particular topic)
to achieve one's first victory after a string of losses
first day (in the year) that a particular species of bird or insect, etc. sing or chirp
first-run limited edition technical recording
comic sumo performance
initialization section
first-time adoption; initial application (e.g. of a new technology)
first-run limited edition production recording
sticker for new car drivers (green and yellow)
first page of a renga or renku
first half of a tea ceremony (in which the charcoal is set and light food served)
initialization code
Initial parts; first article; first off-tool parts (from a manufacturing process)
incipient tuberculosis; initial-stage tuberculosis
being in someone's service for the first time; participating for the first time; visiting a shrine (or temple) for the first time
initial condition mode; reset mode
first trial
first year of Meiji era
first watch of the night (approx. 7pm to 9pm)