Used in (490 in total)
child; kid; (one's) child; offspring; young (animal); young woman; offshoot
girl; daughter; baby girl; young woman
that child; that kid; that boy; (arch.) you
son; penis
boy; son; baby boy; young man
parent and child
as a child; when one was a child; childhood
good boy; good girl
kitten; small cat
puppy; small dog
pink (any flower of genus Dianthus, esp. the fringed pink, Dianthus superbus); (arch.) lovable, caressable girl
someone with a liking or characteristic; a true representative of (place)
childish; child-like; immature; infantile
one's own child; one's own children
child of an emperor
(someone else's) child; child; kid
boy or doll dressed in ancient Chinese clothes; hairstyle inspired by such a doll (esp. for female children) (Edo period)
treating someone like a child
henchman; follower; (arch.) adopted child
child rearing; child raising; raising children; parenting
miko; shrine maiden; young girl or woman (trad. an unmarried virgin) who assists priests at shrines; medium; sorceress; shamaness
wife and children; (arch.) wife
childish; child-like; innocent; naive
women and children
mother and child
dancer (usu. female)
(somebody's) child; person with parents; other people's children; the Son of Man; Christ
losing everything; coming to nothing; having lost the interest and the principal
maiko; apprentice geisha; dancing girl
having children; attempting to conceive
child; offspring; issue; sperm; (one's) seed
(someone else's) child
very young fish (esp. a konoshiro gizzard shad); (arch.) new geisha
child's room; nursery
salesperson; shop assistant; hawker; (arch.) male prostitute
Son of God; Jesus Christ; child of God; Christian; prodigy; young ace
youngest child
to behave well (of a child)
childish; child-like; immature; infantile
dog; doggy; bow-wow
for use by children; for children
(an) only child
popular figure; person in demand; favorite; favourite
rearing from infancy; training from an early age (e.g. an apprentice); teaching from an early stage (e.g. a subordinate)
unmanageable child; spoiled child (spoilt); spoiled brat
small child; kid; kiddy; tot; rug rat; ankle-biter
nursemaid; nanny; babysitter; child-minding; babysitting
donko (shiitake variety)
shrine parishioner
eldest child; oldest child; first child; eldest son; oldest son
dramatic role for child; child actor
oyakodon; chicken and egg on rice; threesome including a mother and her daughter
childlike mind; judgment as a child (judgement)
parenthood; parent or someone with children on the way (esp. an expecting mother); (of a fish) containing roe (eggs)
taking one's children along (to an event, into a new marriage, etc.); parent with child
fox cub; little fox; small fox; juvenile fox
small bear; bear cub
large pink (Dianthus superbus var. longicalycinus); woman who displays the feminine virtues of old Japan
good boy; good girl
mischievous child; scamp; rascal; elf; imp
(telephone) extension; additional telephone handset; portable handset; cordless telephone
to scatter in all directions (like baby spiders)
child; childish person; immature person
tiger cub; one's treasure; precious savings
subsidiary (company)
parent-child relationship
pebble; small stone
trick that may deceive a child; transparent ploy; mere child's play; kid stuff; puerile trick
seal (used in lieu of a signature); stamp; chop
being fond of children; person fond of children
(not) a soul; (not) a single person
girl; lass; young thing; chick
true Tokyoite; Edoite; person born and raised in Edo
child one is expecting; child in one's womb
clumsy girl
child from previous marriage; child of a former spouse; stepchild
sorceress; medium; female fortuneteller; (arch.) child from the city
stage assistant dressed in black (in kabuki); stagehand; prompter; behind-the-scenes supporter; string-puller
temple elementary school (during the Edo period)
intimidating enough to quieten a crying child
calf; small cow
son and heir; son who will succeed one
younger child
to hold a child in one's arms; to embrace a child; to provide for a child (children)
goody goody; goody two-shoes; teacher's pet
unwanted child; shunned child
walleye pollack roe (generally served salted and spiced with red pepper)
to make oneself popular without any regard to others; to take all the credit to oneself; (lit.) to turn out well (of a child)
children and grandchildren; posterity; descendants
to be pregnant; to be with child
youngest child
cherishing one's children; doting; adoring parent
soft roe; milt; albino
accompanied by children
red bean paste; red bean jam; filling (e.g. of a manjū); stuffing; padding
stray sheep; lost lamb; (fig.) person at a loss for what to do
woman or girl who acts cute by playing innocent and helpless
tenant (esp. in contrast to a landlord); renter
to act the goody-goody; to pretend to be nice
children's clothing
child of the times; modern kid; kids of today; with-it youngster
family quarrel; quarrel between parent and child
kid's lunch; kid's meal
It's a piece of cake; It's a simple task; It's a cinch
parents' ability (or inability) to let go of their children
the older child
the treasure that is children; child
small horse; pony; foal; colt; filly
Ebisu; god of fishing and commerce
favourite child; favourite student; apple of one's eye
draw; tie; quits; even; square
lever; agent (causing something to happen); instrument; assistant; helper
facet; facetted object
outdoor creatures
decorating a metal surface with small dots resembling fish eggs; twill weave; basket weave
bamboo shoot; inexperienced doctor; quack
brat; greenhorn; novice; green youth; child
to be blessed with children
clothes padded with cotton
magical girl (in anime, manga, etc.); girl with magical powers; young witch
good-for-nothing son; profligate son
many children; large family
aborted, stillborn or miscarried foetus (fetus); (arch.) newborn baby
beater (on a hunt)
nest (of boxes); nesting; concealed information; adopting a child after one's own has died; child adopted in this manner; cavity in an oar (fitted onto a peg as part of a traditional oarlock)
sleep brings up a child well; a well-slept child is a well-kept child
girl (usu. attractive) with glasses; glasses-wearing girl
quits; even; square
Kodomo Shokudō; project to provide free or inexpensive meals to impoverished Japanese children
papier mâché; player who is not a dealer (in cards)
kid; young goat; goatling
infanticide; filicide
person of mixed parentage; crossbreed; Eurasian; hybrid; crossbreed
kabuki actor who is also a male prostitute
young woman who uses the first person pronoun "boku"
weak child; frail child; gangly child
lazy son; profligate son
safe, easy childbirth; guardian bodhisattva, buddha or deity of children or childbirth (esp. Ksitigarbha or Avalokitesvara)
root (of a plant); stump (of a tree); root (of a problem, etc.); base
Girls' Day; Dolls' Festival; Hinamatsuri; menstrual day; menstrual period
puppy; whelp; magic word said to comfort a frightened child and put him to sleep
organization for local children (for growth via sports, study, service, etc.)
young turtle (tortoise); turtle (tortoise) shell
cinch; pushover; easy matter; light snack; cake served with tea
herring roe
squab; young pigeon; pigeon meat
quilting; quilted coat; quilted clothes
love between a parent and child; parent-child affection
papier-mâché tiger (toy with a loose, wobbly head); paper tiger; someone (or something) who is all bark and no bite; man of straw
useless messenger; doing only as one is told; fool's errand
day of the Boar in the month of the Boar (the 10th month in the lunar calendar)
refusing to budge; adamant; intransigent; unyielding
chubby girl
geisha; (arch.) kabuki actor (esp. a young actor); (arch.) someone accomplished in the arts
children's (TV) show; children's program
mythical ball inside the anus that is sought after by kappa
hornet larva (esp. of yellowjacket species Vespula flaviceps); bee larva
latchkey child
baby monkey; small monkey
like father, like son; the apple doesn't fall far from the tree; (lit.) the child of a frog is a frog
child-rearing assistance; support for young parents; child-care allowance
cowrie (esp. the chocolate cowrie, Mauritia mauritiana); cowry
prodigal son; wastrel son; son of loose morals
horse native to Hokkaido; person born and raised in Hokkaido
person; man
Son of God; Jesus Christ; child of an emperor
womb; uterus; pork or beef uterus, eaten grilled or raw
small chair for children; high chair
drainboard; floor grates; duckboard; slatted wood (e.g. used as a base for storing futons inside a cupboard)
there is no love like a father's; no child knows how dear he is to his parents
indulgent to (one's) children
cloth dyed in a dappled pattern; pattern of white spots; dapples; mochi containing red bean paste; (arch.) fawn
(arch.) wild boar; infant wild boar; pig
to disturb the water; to wake a sleeping dog; (lit.) to wake a sleeping child
child's role in noh dance; child actor (in noh); henchman; follower
principle of leverage
my child
child who attended a temple school
child who loves their grandmother; child who is doted on by their grandmother
to have much trouble; to have a hard time; to not know how to handle
cake served with tea; snack; offering or gift given at Buddhist services; light meal taken before breakfast by farmers
Children's Day (national holiday; May 5)
tortoise-shaped scrubbing brush (from company name)
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree; like father, like son
child born with teeth; child which does not resemble its parents; changeling; wild child; badly-behaved child
snow child (type of winter spirit)
sparrow chick (kigo)
child who loves their grandmother; child who is doted on by their grandmother
Konaki Jijii (a ghost in Japanese folklore with the shape of a small old man and having a baby's cry)
daddy's girl; daddy's boy
daddy's girl; daddy's boy
children's shelter; shelter for abused and neglected children
bird's egg (esp. a chicken egg); chick; baby bird (esp. a baby chicken); eggshell-colored traditional Japanese paper made primarily of Diplomorpha sikokiana fibres (high-quality, glossy); eggshell (colour); red and white oval rice cakes
person (esp. child) who watches a lot of TV
member (of a group led by a kumigashira); member (of a fire brigade); muntin; mullion; member
boss and his henchmen; boss and underlings
(plant's) new bulb; new stocks; new shares
salted salmon roe
salted cod roe flavored with red pepper
spare the rod and spoil the child; (lit.) if you love your children, send them out into the world
type of faceted glass from Edo
dried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock; person in bank transfer scam whose role it is to withdraw the cash
similar things turning up one after another; (lit.) bamboo shoots after rain
papier-mâché dog
a foolish child is more precious
parishioner representative
true Tokyoite; person born and raised in Edo
children are a bond between husband and wife; children hold marriages together
dried sea-cucumber ovaries
what can you expect from a child with parents like that?; such parents, such children
nature itself is a good mother; (lit.) even without parents, children grow up
person blessed with many children
paper garment
day-of-the-Boar mochi (made with new grains)
one-child policy (of the PRC)
daddy's girl; daddy's boy
imperial princess
secondary taro corm; daughter taro corm; taro cormel; taro bud
nature itself is a good mother; (lit.) even without parents, children grow up
be guided by your children when you are old
gudgeon (any fish of genus Gnathopogon or related genera); willow gudgeon (Gnathopogon caerulescens); longtooth grouper (species of fish, Epinephelus bruneus)
flying fish roe; (arch.) travelling male homosexual prostitute
mother's boy; mother's girl
menko; children's game in which thick circular or rectangular cards are slapped down on the ground to overturn other cards
plunger (of syringe)
duckling; baby duck
extension phone (and its main line)
nameko (var. of mushroom) (Pholiota nameko)
Jersey cudweed (species of cottonweed, Gnaphalium affine)
child benefit; child allowance
minor taro root; taro cormlet; taro cormel
child who loves their grandmother; child who is doted on by their grandmother
child who loves their grandmother; child who is doted on by their grandmother
rosefinch (any finch of genus Carpodacus); monkey
rabbit; rabbit cage
people who partied flamboyantly in Harajuku, etc. in the 70s and 80s
eggshell-colored traditional Japanese paper made primarily of Diplomorpha sikokiana fibres (high-quality, glossy)
supporting; shoring up; promotion; propping-up; jacking-up; manipulation
children are a poor man's riches
jinrikisha puller
mama's boy; mama's girl; mother's boy; mother's girl; mummy's boy; mummy's girl
young boy or girl being trained as a geisha or as a kabuki actor
rough estimate; mental arithmetic
you cannot win against someone who doesn't listen to reason; you can't fight City Hall
cut glass; faceted glass
easy girl; floozy
native of Yokohama
kinoko; mountain-dwelling demon resembling a child
chintzy, money-grubbing girl
Foucault's pendulum
(game of) catch-the-child
eggshell (colour)
soba noodles in broth served continuously so that the guest or customer never has an empty bowl
child soldier
guardian Avalokitesvara of children and childbirth (bodhisattva)
kid's meal; special meal prepared for children at a restaurant
small dried sardine
when kids get in a fight, their parents come to their aid; yelping curs will raise mastiffs
he that has no child knows not what love is
you cannot win against someone who doesn't listen to reason; you can't fight City Hall
young woman who uses the first person pronoun "ore"
cloth dyed in a dapple pattern
non-dealer player
child's face; child-like face; baby face
conception after shrine visit, prayer, etc.
hated child; bad kid
subsidiary screen; sub-screen; pop-up window
child's room; nursery
Ksitigarbha statue erected to help deliver miscarried and aborted fetuses to buddhahood (foetuses)
little finger; pinky; little toe
tsuchinoko; mythical snake-like creature with thick midsection
cod roe (roe of any fish from family Gadidae, esp. salted walleye pollack roe)
beater (on a hunt)
Japanese nipplewort (Lapsanastrum apogonoides)
full lips; thick lips
cloth tie-dyed with a scarlet red dappled pattern
fish eggs; roe
(as used in Northern Japan) greenling; (as used in Kochi and surrounds) medaka ricefish
person in a scam whose role is to collect money from the victim
kelp with herring roe (sushi type)
baluster; banister
young man unknowing of women; male virgin
rough estimate; mental arithmetic
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree; like mother, like daughter; like mother, like son
clapper (that strikes a bell); hammer; vibrator; pachinko player who wins using insider knowledge of the machines
certified center for early childhood education and care; ECEC; certified child center; type of combined day-care center and kindergarten
(computer) slave station
cod roe; cod milt
crying over spilt milk; (lit.) counting the age of one's dead child
skilled actor who is like a child offstage; good actor who knows but little of the ways of the world; (arch.) child kabuki actor
like father, like son; (lit.) a child who does not resemble their parents is a changeling
to depend on one's children
guardian Ksitigarbha of childbirth (bodhisattva)
burying alive beneath stones
pattern of white spots; dapples
red and white oval rice cakes
the sins of the father shall be visited upon the son
Rip van Winkle effect (for a woman); feeling that everything has changed once one comes back to Japan (for a woman)
some things can be learned from the young; a fool may give a wise man counsel; (lit.) to be led across the shallows by the child on one's shoulders
to be quiet (due to lack of activity); to be in a slump (of a business)
friend; comrade; companion
plantain (esp. Asian plantain, Plantago asiatica)
clave-like folk instrument; two bamboo pieces beaten together
willow gudgeon (species of fish, Gnathopogon caerulescens)
popular person; star; favourite; popular geisha
calling bird (esp. a cuckoo)
one's child; a child one has brought into the world; (arch.) descendant
shrine parishioner
medium; sorceress
Mariko Aoki phenomenon; phenomenon of feeling an urge to defecate when stepping inside a bookstore
woman; girl
frivolous, flighty woman; good-time girl
thin person; skinny person
native of Amagasaki; (arch.) bitch
certified center for early childhood education and care; ECEC; certified child center; type of combined day-care center and kindergarten
mochi containing red bean paste
subentry (in dictionary)
child process
no matter how lovingly raised, a foster child is not actually one's biological child
girl who puts on airs
the doting parent's purse is plundered; (lit.) the thief caught turns out to be one's own son
the parent is the best judge of the child
parent who behaves like everyone owes them
semi-Western, semi-Japanese wooden sailing boat, popular during the latter half of the Meiji period and the Taisho period
subentry (in dictionary)
konbu as a betrothal gift (representing fertility and having healthy children)
barb fitting; barbed tubing connection
children's lunch box of cooked rice and a Western-style side dish (popular late Meiji and Taisho periods)
language game in which extra syllables are added to words
Seiko-chan cut; feathered hairstyle that hides the eyebrows with bangs
naughty child; fretful kid; raging child
child-rearing adviser; childcare consultant
thin inner ribs of a folding fan
child born of older parents; child raised by grandparents; child spoiled by doting grandparents
kanji "child" radical at left
notched bamboo rod rubbed with an implement similar to a bamboo whisk (used as a percussion instrument); wooden vertical batten
perpetual land lease; perpetual tenant farmer
twelfth lunar month
female usher at traditional Kansai theatrical events
koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)
type of Japanese hairstyle for young women (late Edo period)
native of Osaka
drawing every character in a similar way; same face syndrome
to conceive; to become pregnant
dried sea-cucumber ovaries
moss stitch; pique
charm for shrine visitors
twill weave; basket weave
a child is an everlasting responsibility
shrine visitors' register
tieing up (e.g. a prisoner) with a criss-cross rope so that it forms a lozenge pattern
Day-of-the-Boar Festival
red and white egg-shaped mochi
the apple does not fall far from the tree; the apple never falls far from the tree; (lit.) fox pups have white cheeks
the morally righteous are blessed with many children
if the kids make a racket outside, there will be rain
water flea (Daphnia spp.)
(arch.) vagina; girl
child; brat; tomboy
large pink (Dianthus superbus var. longicalycinus)
Solomon's seal (Polygonatum falcatum)
obsessively trend-conscious teenage girl
Japanese yellow bunting (Emberiza sulphurata)
marbled sole (Pleuronectes yokohamae)
(woman's) ugly or homely face; old bag
Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto); collared dove
Oriental false hawksbeard (Youngia japonica)
little madam; young and fashion-conscious woman married to a high-earning man
Japanese arborvitae (Thuja standishii)
Gnathopogon elongatus (species of cyprinid)
Lamium album var. barbatum (variety of white deadnettle)
cyclops (any minute crustacean of genus Cyclops)
chubby girl; plump girl
Pallas's rosefinch (Carpodacus roseus)
crane chaser; dogman
western pearly everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea); pearly everlasting
cudweed (Gnaphalium japonicum)
Sedum bulbiferum (species of stonecrop)
crested Oriental chain fern (Woodwardia orientalis)
Surinam toad (Pipa pipa); pipa
nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum)
scarlet rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus); common rosefinch
Dianthus japonicus (species of pink)
Buckleya lanceolata (species of parasitic deciduous shrub)
China pink (species of flower, Dianthus chinensis)
Dianthus japonicus (species of pink)
long-tailed rosefinch (Uragus sibiricus)
purple finch (Carpodacus purpureus)
Chinese bleak (Aphyocypris chinensis)
Chlorostoma xanthostigma (species of sea snail)
Asian rosy finch (Leucosticte arctoa)
Kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum)
painted bunting (Passerina ciris)
pine grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator)
golden venus chub (Hemigrammocypris rasborella)
Bonin grosbeak (Chaunoproctus ferreorostris, extinct)
wolf spider (any spider of family Lycosidae)
Asian watermeal (Wolffia globosa)
indigo bunting (Passerina cyanea)
maid in an Osaka brothel
first-born imperial prince
imperial princess; royal princess
son of a person of high social standing
deer; fawn
travelling male homosexual prostitute
silkworm (Bombyx mori)
imperial prince
my love; my dear; darling
children; child; young male prostitute; prostitute
wooden transport ship used on Lake Biwa
brothel for male prostitutes