Used in (166 in total)
woman; girl
twins; twin
lost child; lost person; stray child; missing child
beloved child; dear child
dango; dumpling (usu. sweet); ball-shaped object; something round; lump; group
one's student (esp. a former one); one's pupil; one's disciple
to get lost; to become lost; to go astray
ladder; stairs; going to several places in succession (e.g. barhopping)
infant; baby; little child
(hen's) egg
illegitimate child; secret love child
foster child; adopted animal (e.g. pet)
heaven-sent child (in answer to a Shinto or Buddhist prayer); child (e.g. of an era); product
rolled egg; rolled omelette (omelet); fried egg; frying pan for making rolled eggs
mottled spinefoot (Siganus fuscescens, species of Western Pacific rabbitfish); dusky rabbitfish; sandy spinefoot
three-year-old; triplets
packhorse driver
step; stair; staircase
abandoned child; foundling
stage assistant dressed in black (in kabuki); stagehand; prompter; behind-the-scenes supporter; string-puller
first child
shuttlecock (in hanetsuki)
nobleman's illegitimate child; product (of e.g. war); offspring; aftermath
battledore (early form of badminton racket)
tenant (esp. in contrast to a landlord); renter
skewered rice dumplings in a sweet soy glaze
gold dust; silver dust; sand; grit
anybody can look good with the right clothes; clothes make the man; fine feathers make fine birds; (lit.) clothes on a packhorse driver
suckling child; babe in arms; child at the breast; baby; infant
ball of mud; dirt ball
lost child; stray child
child born with teeth; child which does not resemble its parents; changeling; wild child; badly-behaved child
garden eel; conger eel (esp. the common Japanese conger, Conger myriaster)
(an) only child
to take candy from a baby; to accomplish something with ease; (lit.) to twist a baby's arm
Gemini (constellation); the Twins
aborted, stillborn or miscarried foetus (fetus); (arch.) newborn baby
rice grasshopper (of genus Oxya); grasshopper; locust (of family Catantopidae)
function over aesthetics; (lit.) dumplings over flowers
breech presentation (feet or buttocks-first birth); breech delivery; breech birth
dumpling store; dumpling seller
child born within a year of another; children born in consecutive years
rolled Japanese-style omelette
lost child department; place to bring lost children to
the child is father to the man; (lit.) the soul of a child of three (is the same) at 100
to set a ladder up against
being bunched up together; being crowded together
mythical ball inside the anus that is sought after by kappa
bulbil (esp. of a Japanese yam); propagule; brood bud
(arch.) girl; (arch.) young (unmarried) woman; (grown) woman; lady; (someone else's) wife
to be lonely at the top; to be left high and dry by one's friends; (lit.) to have the ladder pulled out from under one
eggnog (made with sake)
adopted child; foster child
pillbug; pill bug; woodlouse; sowbug; sow bug; slater
sweet dumpling made with mochi flour and (sometimes) millet flour (famous product of Okayama); millet dumplings
ship plank
egg boiled, peeled, and steeped in soy sauce marinade
hourglass-shaped object; sarugaku performance art using such an object
bowl of rice topped with egg
child's identification tag
snub nose; pug nose; button-shaped nose; bulbous nose; cauliflower-shaped nose
child whose paternity is unknown; illegitimate child; child whose father is dead; fatherless child
young adult still living at home; dependent; female servant working for a lady-in-waiting working in the inner part of a lord's house (Edo period); freeloader living in a samurai's house; young kabuki actor in service of a master (Edo period)
core; tang (of a sword, etc.); middle of a nest of boxes
parentless child; orphan
bun (hairstyle)
mugwort-flavored rice dumpling (flavoured)
tricolor dango eaten during cherry blossom viewing (esp. pink, white, and green)
sand; grit
egg slow-boiled so that the yolk is hard but the white is still soft (traditionally cooked in a hot spring)
dumplings offered to the moon (on the 15th day of the 8th month and the 13th day of the 9th month)
Japanese dumpling soup
dango eaten during cherry blossom viewing (esp. pink, white, and green)
there is only the thickness of the boat's planking between one and perdition; on a boat, one is only an inch or two from a watery grave
thin omelette cut into strips
ladder-top stunts
lost dog; missing dog
land-locked variety of red-spotted masu trout (Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae); amago
egg soup; egg drop soup
partitioned lidded wooden lunchbox; food served in such a box
barhopping; pub crawl
last child
mud pie; seed ball ("nature farming" technique); deer truffle (Elaphomyces granulatus); false truffle
glacial erratic; erratic boulder
hook-and-ladder truck; ladder truck
frying pan for making rolled eggs
fire escape; fire ladder
octuplet; eight-year-old child
soft-boiled egg marinated in soy and mirin (usu. topping on ramen)
young lancefish; young sand lance
memorial service to appease an aborted foetus
rope ladder; jack ladder; ratline
seed ball ("natural farming" technique)
soup or stew over which a beaten egg is poured before serving; egg-bound soup
tamago dofu; tamago-dofu; steamed egg custard with soup stock, cooked in a square mould
seahorse; sea horse
boxes which fit inside each other; nesting boxes; hiding one's true feelings; person in a scam whose role is to telephone the victim
like father, like son; (lit.) a child who does not resemble their parents is a changeling
to take candy from a baby; to accomplish something with ease; (lit.) to twist a baby's arm
ladder form of "high" kanji
silver-stripe round herring (Spratelloides gracilis)
lower class peasant; peasant working for a land-owning farmer
soft-boiled egg marinated in soy and mirin
(cute) egg-like face; (lit.) eyes and nose on an egg
splendid garden eel (Gorgasia preclara); orange-barred garden eel
sand path; sand road
young Japanese amberjack (species of yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata)
extension ladder; aerial ladder
chaplet (metallurgy)
Chinese "Heart" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
child born of older parents; child raised by grandparents; child spoiled by doting grandparents
lattice; vertical pattern on a shoji
biting midge (any insect of family Ceratopogonidae); no-see-um
silk brocade eggs; nishiki tamago; sweet steamed layered egg cake
exercise regime to convert breech presentation; trying to correct an unborn child's improper position so that the head comes out first
an old man is twice a child
twin talk; twin speech; cryptophasia; idioglossia
Botchan dango; tricolor dango on a skewer (matcha, egg yolk, and red bean paste)
small sweet rice cakes placed at the bedside of the deceased
barhopping; pub crawl
stairs at the front of a noh stage, which go over the white gravel separating the audience from the stage
cooked rice with yam bulblets
lost mail; undeliverable mail
cosmic distance ladder; cosmological distance ladder
scorpionfish; marbled rockfish (Sebastiscus marmoratus)
raspberry (any plant of genus Rubus, esp. Rubus palmatus var. coptophyllus)
spotted garden eel (Heteroconger hassi)
luna lionfish (Pterois lunulata)
common pill bug (Armadillidium vulgare)
Chinese fringe tree (Chionanthus retusus)
stone moroko (Pseudorasbora parva); topmouth gudgeon
Simon bamboo (Pleioblastus simonii)
common Japanese conger eel (Conger myriaster)
Litsea coreana (species of tree in the laurel family)
Alaska blueberry (Vaccinium ovalifolium); early blueberry; oval-leaf bilberry; oval-leaf blueberry; oval-leaf huckleberry
lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus); lumpsucker; henfish; sea hen
spinycheek sleeper (Eleotris oxycephala); spined sleeper
duck-billed eel (Nettastoma parviceps)
snubnosed eel (Simenchelys parasitica)
blotched foxface (Siganus unimaculatus, species of Western Pacific rabbitfish)
alpine bistort (Bistorta vivipara)
Laportea bulbifera (species of nettle-like plant)
red lionfish (Pterois volitans)
young lady; little girl
deer; fawn
silkworm (Bombyx mori)