Used in (103 in total)
wooden sword
bokken; wooden sword
grove of miscellaneous trees; copse; coppice; thicket
engineering works; civil engineering; public works
sacred tree; support pillars of the traditional fire festival bonfires
bush; shrub
standing tree; standing timber
fallen tree
pulpwood; raw timber; unprocessed timber; original (or ancestor) of a tree cultivar
shrub; shrubbery
flowers and trees; flowering trees
various kinds of small trees; assorted trees
dead tree; withered tree; leafless tree; bare tree
trees and stones; unfeeling person
fragrant wood; aromatic tree
sacred tree
tall tree; forest tree; arbor; arbour
girl's lacquered wooden geta; wooden footwear; clogs; sabots
old tree of historical interest; excellent wood; precious woods; choice wood
driftwood; floating timber
unsophisticated; ruggedly honest; artless; unaffected; simple; naive
felling; logging
naturally growing tree; tree that does not grow in a tree plantation
a single tree or blade of grass; every stick and stone (of a place)
bell with wooden clapper; leader; guide (of the public)
publication; wood-block printing; canopy (trees)
naturally growing tree; tree that does not grow in a tree plantation; natural wood
civil engineering and construction
splint; brace
swinging log; horizontal bar
silk tree (Albizia julibrissin)
good for nothing (of large people); big but useless
roots of herbs and barks of trees used in Chinese medicine
red-berried elder (Sambucus racemosa subsp. sieboldiana); Japanese elderberry
withered trees and frozen rocks; (fig.) a person that is hard to approach
unusual tree; rare tree; strange tree
stock or supply of lumber
understory trees; underbrush; undergrowth
unlikely event; rare occurrence
strange tree; mysterious tree
forest tree
mine timbers
timber; lumber; wood
tree that has dropped its leaves; bare tree
man is not made of stone; man is made of flesh and blood
unusual tree; strange tree; mysterious tree
unfeeling or callous person
unlikely event; rare occurrence
beautiful trees
evergreen magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora); southern magnolia; loblolly magnolia; bull bay
donating lumber to a shrine
traveller's tree (Ravenala madagascariensis); traveller's palm
(public) opinion leader
tree blown down by the wind
tree swayed by the wind
overstory (overstorey); canopy layer; tree stratum
subcanopy tree; understory tree; semi-tall tree
A virtuous person does (should) not commit an act that offends his moral principles no matter how hard pressed he may be
fragrant styrax; styrax obassia
withered trees and cold ash; (fig.) someone who is detached and free of desires; (fig.) someone who has no vitality
silicified wood
fallen trees (esp. cryptomeria on Yakushima)
understory (understorey)
Prunus spinulosa (Japanese species of prunus)
Brazilwood (Paubrasilia echinata); pernambuco wood
royal poinciana (Delonix regia); flamboyant
Asian serviceberry (Amelanchier asiatica); shadberry; juneberry; shadbush; shadblow
night jessamine (Cestrum nocturnum); night jasmine; lady of the night; queen of the night
tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera); tuliptree; yellow poplar
kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)