Used in (20 in total)
cold wintry wind
wintry desolation; poor business conditions
to wither while standing; to die standing (of plants)
blighted; withered
to die (esp. foliage as winter approaches)
to be withered or nipped by frost
nipped by frost; bleak
summer slump
autumn; fall; withering of the grass
dry-looking; withered
to wither (esp. plants as winter draws near); to fade; to shrivel; to pass one's prime; to start deteriorating; to begin to decline
leaf withering
to die at the top
winter (season); slack or off season
damping-off; die-back; blight
bacterial wilt (caused by the bacteria Ralstonia solanacearum)
scarcity of goods; being out of stock
dying of the little twigs and branches
bushkiller (species of herbaceous plant, Cayratia japonica)