Used in (91 in total)
luggage; baggage; burden; payload (of a packet, cell, etc.)
book; volume
treasure; treasured item; prized possession
crop; crops; (agricultural) produce; farm products
food; foodstuff
grain; cereal; corn
treasure house; storage for valuable property
cargo; freight; money or assets
baggage; luggage; burden; albatross around one's neck; excess baggage
all things; all creation
plot; ulterior motive; thing; article; penis
offering (e.g. to the gods); votive offering
(shrine) repository or treasure house; (shrine) sanctuary
thing that should be (carefully) avoided; no-no; thing to definitely not do; something forbidden; taboo
entrails; giblets; tripe; offal
be on your guard!; take care!
crops; agricultural produce
large amount of baggage; bulky baggage; cargo
hand luggage; hand baggage
freighter (vessel); cargo ship
cargo hold (of an aircraft, ship, etc.); cargo bay
first-rate specimen; first-rate object; superb item; superb article; excellent thing; pick (e.g. of a litter)
don't push yourself too hard; don't force yourself
gift; present
to pack one's things
keeping an eye on people's belongings (so they don't get stolen)
tumor; tumour; swelling
dietary fiber; dietary fibre
carry-on baggage inspection
having nothing; being free of earthly attachments
Chinese goods; imported goods; (arch.) secondhand goods; (arch.) old furniture
be on your guard!; take care!
freighter (aircraft); cargo plane
present (to build up a "friendship" with someone); bribe
parcel; package
pawn; pledge (given as security)
freight traffic (transportation); freightage; shipment
goods in straw bags
offering (to a shogun, emperor, daimyo, kami or Buddha)
luggage compartment; cargo bay (aircraft); baggage compartment
machination; secret plan; plot; trick up one's sleeve
stolen goods
furniture; fixtures; utensil; treasure
all things are essentially nothingness; all things come from nothingness; originally, there was nothing; Zen reminder to free oneself from attachments
genetically-modified crop; genetically-engineered crop; transgenic crop; GM crop
government property; taxes and other fees paid by the provinces to the government (ritsuryo system)
major multinational grain companies
pair of bundles slung over a shoulder
baggage car (of a train); luggage van
air freight; airborne cargo
freight locomotive; goods engine
Muromachi-period texts or annotations of texts used in Zen lectures; extracting from or excerpting (a classic)
pet (thing); favorite thing (toy, gadget, etc.)
offering; sacrifice
air cargo; air freight
monk's allowed daily necessities (clothes, food, etc.)
palace kitchen in which final preparations to the imperial family's meals (e.g. reheating) were made (Heian period); kitchen (in a noble's manor)
crops planted in summer
Shinto offerings; present to a guest
baggage car; luggage van
consolidated shipment; mixed cargo
grain feeding (livestock)
money and goods given to a bereaved family