Used in (73 in total)
epidemic; plague; pestilence
immunity; immunization; immunisation; being hardened (to); being unaffected (by); being accustomed (to)
god of pestilence; god who spreads infectious diseases; jinx; hoodoo; pest
immune strength; immunity
communicable disease control (e.g. by quarantine, disinfection, etc.); prevention of epidemics
quarantine; medical inspection
god who spreads infectious diseases; god of pestilence
epidemiology; the study of epidemics
quarantine station
quarantine inspector
epidemic; plague; pestilence
human immunodeficiency virus; HIV
children's dysentery
god of pestilence; god who spreads infectious diseases
foot-and-mouth disease; hoof-and-mouth disease
gods or demons that cause epidemics
epidemiological investigation; epidemiological survey
transplantation immunity
cattle plague; rinderpest
autoimmune hemolytic anemia; autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
cell-mediated immunity; cellular immunity
plague; pest
fever epidemic
Immunology Department; Department of Immunology
autoimmune hemolytic anemia; autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
immune substance; immunity substance
horse disease
African horse sickness
immunostimulant; immunostimulator
contagious bovine pleuropneumonia; CBPP
contagious bovine pleuropneumonia; CBPP