Used in (33 in total)
place; point; part; counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage
two places; two spots; two locations; two parts; two passages
itemized form; itemised form; itemization; itemisation
item; article; clause; section; point
months (period of)
various places; several sources
counter for the ichi-ni-san counting system (usu. directly preceding the item being counted); a noun read using its on-yomi
quinquennial; recurring every five years
88 temples (of, or modeled after those of, Shikoku)
how many months?; how long?
decennial; recurring every ten years
88 temples of Shikoku (holy spots related to Kobo Daishi)
counter for countries
quadrennial; recurring every four years
sexennial; recurring every six years
Charter Oath (of the Meiji Emperor); Five-Point Imperial Covenant; Imperial Oath of Five Articles
novennial; recurring every nine years
counter for languages
various countries; several countries
bilingual; in two languages
septennial; recurring every seven years
the whole month; all the month
octennial; recurring every eight years
tied-up places (spots)
baby colic (in infants around 3 months old)