Used in (576 in total)
potentiality; likelihood; possibility; availability
ability; faculty
possible; potential; practicable; feasible
talent; ability
function; facility; faculty; feature
very likely; very probable
ability; performance; efficiency
unusual power; superpower; ability beyond that of humans
proficient; skillful; enjoying; satisfaction; satiation
incompetence; inefficiency; inability; incompetent person
able; capable; competent; talented; efficient
talent; gift; function; noh (theatre)
technical skill; ability; capacity
all-purpose; utility; universal; all-powerful; almighty; omnipotent
instinctive; instinctual
impossible; incapable (of doing); incompetence; inability; impotence; having no solution (of an equation)
as much as possible; as far as possible; whenever possible; if (at all) possible
intelligence; intellect; brains
extra-sensory perception; ESP; psi; psychokinesis; PK
authority; power; function
performer; entertainer; celebrity
high efficiency; high performance
to allow; to enable; to make possible; to make feasible; to permit
impossible to understand; impossible to decipher
public entertainment; performing arts; accomplishments; attainments
person with supernatural power; person capable of extrasensory perception
laid-back; carefree; easygoing; thoughtless; happy-go-lucky
artificial intelligence; AI
effect; efficacy; virtue; benefit
the senses; sensuality; carnality
almighty; omnipotent
unable to fight (esp. in video games); unconscious; knocked out; dead
ability score (as in RPGs); attribute value
show business; entertainment industry; world of entertainment
available; enabled; can be used; may be used
potential; latent faculties; potential capacities
sensual; voluptuous; sexy; arousing
throughput; processing power
being beyond recovery; having no hope of recovery
stopping functioning; being out of service
spiritual ability
universal medicine; cure-all; panacea
communication skills; communication ability
omniscience and omnipotence
functional; efficient
to have (a) potential for ...; to have it in one to do
out of control; uncontrollable
efficiency; moment (i.e. magnetic moment)
incompetent; have no merit
dysfunction (often medical); malfunction; insufficiency
erotic novel; amorous novel; pornographic novel
low intelligence; low IQ; feeble-mindedness; unintelligent person; person with a low IQ
incompetent; no-talent; worthless person; dimwit; incompetence
protective instinct; defensive instinct
very likely; very probable
to make the impossible possible; to accomplish the impossible
occupational ability; function; role
advertising the excellence of one's wares; boasting; self-advertisement; statement of the virtues of a medicine; description of the virtues of a drug
full capacity; all one's ability
inevitable; inescapable; unavoidable
athletic; good at sports
incompetent (person)
incompetent person; incapable person; person without legal capacity
executable (e.g. executable file); capable of putting into practice
functional beauty; beauty of function; simplicity and elegance of design
proficient; skillful; patience; perseverance; fortitude
the Almighty; The Omnipotent One
unmeasurable; impossible to measure
available; usable (e.g. bandwidth)
Honnōji Incident (forced suicide of daimyo Oda Nobunaga by his samurai general Akechi Mitsuhide; June 21, 1582)
eloquence; oratory
high-functioning; high-performance; sophisticated
multifunction; multipurpose
reproductive capability; fertility; fecundity; biotic potential
new functionality; new feature
traditional art; traditional performance art
development of potential ability; capacity development
to develop one's ability
intelligence quotient; IQ
(linguistic) competence; language capability
plant and equipment; production equipment; productive capacity
cardio-pulmonary function
exchangeable; convertible; transferable; replaceable
incompetence; inability; disability; incapacity
meritocracy; merit system
deadpan face; expressionless white face; po-faced
administrative ability; managerial ability; ability to manage; administrative capacity
legal competency; criminal responsibility; ability to fulfil one's responsibilities; full accountability
intellectual crime; white-collar crime; intellectual criminal; smart criminal
unrecoverable; irreversible; irreparable
able official; capable official
functional disorder; dysfunction
extremely talented; very gifted
possibility of participation; participation possibility
a wise man keeps some of his talents in reserve; one shouldn't show off; the person who knows most often says least; (lit.) a skilled hawk hides its talons
(software) extension; add-on; plug-in
defense capability; defence capability
activity; motility
expanded functionality; extended functionality; expansion (software)
modifiable; changeable; updateable
noh theatre; noh theater
impotent (person)
achievable; attainable
fire shovel; fire pan
kidney function
innate ability; innate talent; natural gift
non-recoverable; unrecoverable; irreparable; irreversible; irretrievable
spatial awareness; spatial perception
belief that everything can be explained by science; scientism
lookup function; search function
basic functionality
excellent calligraphy; calligraphy
resolution; resolving power
feeble-minded child; poor scholar
intelligence test; IQ test
one's intellectual powers; one's mental faculties
demountable; dismountable
physiological function; physiology
Easter egg; hidden feature
noh farce; noh interlude
functional aspect
unavailable; unobtainable; not available
functional enhancement
one's work
his true objective lies elsewhere; there are ulterior motives at play; (lit.) the enemy is at Honnōji
pluripotency; multipotency
entertainment journalist; entertainment reporter; gossip columnist
removable; detachable; demountable
classical theatre; classical theater
additional function
separable; detachable
management function
it is not everything to ...
cooling capabilities; cooling function
thin green spring onion shoots (esp. minced as a condiment)
(excelling in) one area or skill; (being skilled or gifted in) one certain area
sexual function
all-purpose knife (e.g. Swiss Army knife); utility knife
entertainment reporter; entertainment journalist; gossip columnist
self-cleansing power; being capable of purifying oneself
it is not everything to ...
subject and object; activity and passivity
rewritable (e.g. magneto-optical CD)
noh theater performed at night by a fire
ability; able person
minor piece in noh plays
skillful penmanship; skilled calligrapher
idle and incompetent; accomplishing nothing significant nor being capable of doing so; lacking the talent to do anything but idle away one's time
transferable; alienable; assignable
statement of the efficacy of a medicine
road holding; roadability; travelling performance; driveability
payment based on ability
check of someone's ability; test of someone's ability
dynamis (philosophy); dunamis
untreatable; incurable
carrying (loading) capacity (power)
non-substitutable; irreplaceable; unique; non-fungible
intellectual disability
performance of a noh play; performing a noh play
technical skills test; trade skill test
fertility; capability to conceive
skilled in writing
Technique Prize; Technique Award
admissibility of a party (to a suit)
technical intern trainee; foreign trainee in Japan on a technical intern training visa
intelligence line (in palm reading)
writable (e.g. a writable CD-ROM)
natural ability
performance monitoring
multi-skilled worker; cross-trained worker
unenforceability; impossibility of performance
potential verb; -eru verb derived from -u verbs expressing potentiality
reflective power; albedo
hemopoietic function; haemopoietic function; hematopoietic function; haematopoietic function; blood-forming functions
viewing noh; seeing a noh play; going to a noh theater
to play a noh drama
exchange function; swapping capability
worker who only does one task; single skill worker
cell potency; differentiation potency
executive functioning; function execution
Japanese Language Proficiency Test; JLPT
ineptitude and inaction; being incapable of devising any appropriate measures to cope with the situation
editing capability; editor function
function preselection capability
noh flute (transverse bamboo flute with seven holes; approx. 39 cm long)
functional group
labor efficiency (labour)
the active; active voice
capacity to act; legal capacity
talentless and incompetent; incompetent and unaccomplished
one's innate intelligence and ability
herd intelligence; collective intelligence
universal blood donor (i.e. having blood-type O negative); universal donor
non-transferable; non-assignable; unassignable; non-negotiable
high-ranking noh actor; head of a noh school
radiation symbol; trefoil; radiation warning symbol
official test for a secretarial qualification
salary based on work evaluation
resembling a noh performance
artificial intelligence language; AI language
workforce; work force; labor force; labour force
active element; active component
round-up function; rounding
foreign trainee system; technical intern training program
low-ranking priest who does manual labour at a temple; male temple employee
intelligent robot
aerodynamic performance
ability to take proper steps to meet the situation; ability to adapt oneself to (the requirement of) the moment
functional specification
active optics (telescope)
aphagia; aglutition; acataposis
performance penalty; efficiency penalty
performance management
switching capacity; switching ability
legal capacity to hold rights
professional association; professional body; professional organization; professional society
performance characteristic
systems management function
RMS; Recovery Management Support
technical intern training program (for foreigners)
jealous complaint; (lit.) the loud bark of a talentless dog
Global Mathematics Certification; Practical Mathematics Proficiency Test
zero suppression function
active smoking; first-hand smoking
functional drink; functional beverage
function character identification parameter
function word
performance guarantee; performance assurance
ability-to-pay principle (of taxation)
EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency; STEP test
city at risk of disappearing (because of decreasing population)
lexical-functional grammar; LFG
function character
Skill Olympics; WorldSkills Competition
chief effect (of a medicine)
power conservation (facility)
minimum purchase price (of a real property subject to compulsory action); opening bid; starting bid
functional coating; functional paint
control function; regulatory function; policing function
formal noh performed in full costume
zero suppression function
ability-to-pay principle (of taxation)
specific radioactivity
radiation warning sign; trefoil; radiation warning symbol
informal noh performed in light clothes (during the summer)
efficiency wages; performance-based remuneration