Used in (30 in total)
announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known
recital (i.e. of music, by a pupil); presentation (e.g. product launch)
publication of results; announcement of results
chronological table
research publication; scholarly publication
unpublished; not yet announced
press release; announcement
announcer; presenter; speaker; publisher
imperial headquarters announcement
verbal expression
meeting for reading research papers
(issuing) a press release
above the clouds
omen; portent; sign; premonition; harbinger
annexed (statistical) table
kindergarten or nursery school dance and song performance (usu. at year-end)
chronological scientific tables
main table; this table
re-release; republication
bombshell announcement (statement)
nameplate; doorplate
appendix with chronological table
poster presentation (at a conference, etc.); poster session
already published