Used in (41 in total)
collar; lapel; neckband; nape of the neck; scruff of the neck
(around the) neck; nape; collar (at the front)
nape of the neck
to seize (someone) by the collar; to grab (someone) by the scruff of the neck; to collar (someone)
hairline at nape of neck; nape of neck
to straighten oneself; to straighten one's clothes and one's posture; to adopt a more serious attitude
stand-up collar
muffler (often fur); scarf; comforter
neckline (of dress, etc.)
quality collar for an under kimono
lapel badge; collar badge
stand-up collar
collared; having a collar; (appearance of) one's collar when wearing multiple kimonos; (arch.) (financial) circumstances; (arch.) lifestyle
jewellery worn at the neck or collar of Western clothing (brooch, necklace, choker, etc.); necktie
white collar; white lapel
round collar (of Western clothing)
scruff of neck
ruff; ruffled collar; ruffed collar
collar points; tip of a collar
white powder for use on the neck (e.g. by geisha)
same-colored neckband (coloured)
collar; area around the collar; counterclockwise (when seated in a circle); anti-clockwise
protective collar on kimono or bed clothes
turned-down collar; lapel
becoming a geisha (of a geisha apprentice)
height of the neck
neckband lining
neckband (of a shirt)
choanocyte; collar cell
Choanozoa (phylum of protists closer to animals than to fungi)
Choanoflagellatea (class of flagellate eukaryotes closely related to animals)
frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii); frill-necked lizard
collared mangabey (Cercocebus torquatus); red-capped mangabey; white-collared mangabey
griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus)
red-necked phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus)
woolly-necked stork (Ciconia episcopus); whitenecked stork
black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata)
red ruffed lemur (Varecia rubra)
ruff; reeve (species of sandpiper, Philomachus pugnax)