Used in (57 in total)
western direction; Western Pure Land (Amitabha's Buddhist paradise); western fighter in a match (e.g. sumo)
west side; west bank
east and west; Orient and Occident; East and West; ladies and gentlemen!; your attention, please!
westering sun; setting sun; afternoon sun
west entrance; west exit
western Japan (usu. Chūbu region and westward)
Western countries; (former) Western Bloc countries
Nishida's philosophy (foundation for the Kyoto school of philosophy)
West Germany (1949-1990); Federal Republic of Germany
facing west
western citadel; west wing of the Edo castle (where the heir apparent or retired shogun would live)
taking a western route; west circuit; travelling the globe westwards; going from east to west
western hemisphere; the Occident
Nishijin silk fabrics; Nishijin brocade
western side house (in traditional palatial-style architecture)
Western Sahara
western edge of a bridge
mnemonic for remembering the months with fewer than 31 days (ni, shi, mu, ku, etc.)
not knowing one's way around; not familiar with the area; not knowing what to do
twilight; western evening sky
wind blowing on the day of the Buddhist service held on the day of Buddha's death (15th day of the 2nd month)
long-legged buzzard (Buteo rufinus)
Caspian plover (Charadrius asiaticus)
Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica)
European roller (species of bird, Coracias garrulus)
Eurasian jackdaw (Corvus monedula)
collared pratincole (Glareola pratincola); common pratincole
western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla)
common house martin (species of songbird, Delichon urbica)
Nishibara Station
Nishiyama Station
Kawanishi Station
Nishifu Station
Nishikan-ku (Niigata)