Used in (133 in total)
permission; approval; authorization; to permit; to authorize
permission; allowance; acceptance; tolerance; pardon
license; permit; licence; certificate
fiance; fiancee
patent; special permission; licence (license); proprietary
permit; license; licence
to get permission; to get approval; to get the go-ahead
tolerance level; permissible range; acceptable limits
maximum permissible level or dosage
licence; license; permit; certificate (of qualification)
unauthorized; without permission; unapproved; lack of permission; absence of authorization
patent; one's specialty (party piece, etc.)
possessing full mastery of an art (e.g. Judo); initiation into the secrets (e.g. of an art); full mastership
to grant permission; to give permission
physician's license (licence); doctor's license; medical license; license to practice medicine
imperial sanction; royal charter; chartered (e.g. chartered accountant)
to get a (driver's) license
driver's license; driver's licence; driving licence
unlicensed; without a license (licence)
teacher's license (licence) (required to teach in preschool, elementary or secondary schools)
not permitting; not authorizing
driver's license; driver's licence; driving licence
license system; licence system; permit system; approval basis
temporary license; temporary licence
driving without a license (licence)
license; licence; certificate; permit; diploma (conferring permission to teach, etc.)
sanction; approval
approval and authorization; permits and licences
government permission; official licence; official license; government permit
patent application; patent filings
patent fee; royalty
tacit permission; tacit consent; connivance
Patent Office; Patent Agency
gold driver's license; driver's license awarded to drivers who haven't been in an accident in the past 5 years
hunting license; hunting licence
entry permission (to a country); landing permission; shore leave
license system; licence system
allowable error; allowable limit of error
permission; licence; license
official permission; government licence (license)
international driving permit; international drivers' license; international license
access permission
physician's license (licence); doctor's license; medical license
a little; a few; a bit; a touch; a smidge
permitter; licensor
ministerial authority to grant permits and approvals
driving license suspension
licence; license; certificate; (letter of) pardon
consent; recognition; approval; certification
Special Permission to Stay in Japan; residence status that can be granted to illegal immigrants or overstayers
application form for business permit; business permit application form
broadcast license; broadcast licence
patent description; patent specifications
international driving permit; international driver's license
voluntarily giving up one's driver's license (e.g. because of old age)
patented article or articles; patented invention
teacher's license (licence)
patent thicket; patent cluster
approval and disapproval
stripping a Diet member of arrest immunity
request to arrest a member of parliament while still in session
(immigration) re-entry permit
write-enable ring; write ring; file-protection ring; file protect ring; safety ring
search permission
poetic license (licence); artistic license
patentee; holder of a patent
Educational Personnel Certification Law; Teacher's License Law
connection admission control; CAC
appeal by permission; permitted appeal; permitted complaint
schedule of (tariff) concessions
allowable difference; tolerance; leeway
not enabled; not permitted
security of (tariff) concessions
approval; sanction