Used in (22 in total)
friend; companion
purveyor (to the Imperial Household, etc.); company (or restaurant, place, etc.) that caters to or is popular with a specific clientele
female friend; woman friend
leader; pioneer; guide; leader (in Shugendō)
male friend; man friend
more than a friend (implies a degree of intimacy)
friendly relations; social relations; social life
tea-drinking companion; crony; buddy; spouse married late in life for companionship
feeling like friends; the feeling of friendship
playmate; companion; friend to play with
friend request (e.g. on a social network)
homosexual friend
Operation Tomodachi; United States Armed Forces assistance operation to support Japan in disaster relief following the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
true friend; close friend
kings; children of nobles; young nobleman