Used in (108 in total)
fool; idiot; simpleton
first Sanskrit alphabet letter; Africa; Awa (old province of Japan); (arch.) prefixed to names to show intimacy
agonizing cries; pandemonium; two of Buddhism's hells
Asura; demigod; anti-god; titan; demigods that fight the Devas (gods) in Hindu mythology
Awa (former province located in present-day Tokushima Prefecture)
Namu Amida Butsu; Hail Amitabha Buddha; Homage to Amida Buddha; prayer for rebirth in Sukhavati, the Pure Land of Amitabha
alaya-vijnana (store consciousness, consciousness forming the base of all human existence)
the harmonizing, mentally and physically, of two parties engaged in an activity; singing from the same hymn-sheet; dancing to the same beat
Amitabha (Buddha); Amida; ghostleg lottery; ladder lottery; wearing a hat pushed back on one's head
high monk (esp. one of correct conduct who acts as a role model for his pupils); high priest; initiate (esp. as a formal rank in Tendai and Shingon); monk who conducts religious services
ending up right back where one started
albatross (esp. the short-tailed albatross, Phoebastria albatrus)
greed; cruelty; callous; (arch.) insistent; (arch.) insistence
Om; Aun; syllable representing the primordial trinity of Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma; inspiration and expiration; respiration; alpha and omega
Amitabha Tathagata; Amithaba
Avici (lowest level of hell)
Awa Odori Festival (Tokushima)
bitch; Amagasaki, Hyogo
flattery; adulation
total idiot
temple hall containing an enshrined image of Amitabha
Avici hell (the eighth and most painful of the eight hells)
stupid face; foolish look on one's face
open-mouthed form (statue with open mouth, symbolizing the "a" half of "aum")
excessive flattery; adulation
mock Buddhist sutra; type of fast-paced humorous singing mimicking the chanting of a Buddhist sutra, usually with lyrics satirizing current events; ahodarakyō
anuttara samyak sambodhi (supreme perfect enlightenment)
first Sanskrit alphabet letter (in esoteric Buddhism symbolizes the source of all things)
prostitution of learning; twisting the truth and truckling to the times
a number so great it can never be counted to; 10^56 (or 10^64)
Amitabha triad; image of Amitabha Buddha flanked by the Bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta
South Africa
you're a fool if you dance, and a fool if you just look on; we're all fools, so let's dance
amah (foreign maid or nursemaid working in east Asia)
Akshobhya (one of the Five Wisdom Buddhas)
Ajase complex (feelings of guilt towards one's mother)
elder brother; my dear brother
Akshobhya (the immovable buddha)
fool; oaf; airhead; type of fast-paced humorous singing mimicking the chanting of a Buddhist sutra, usually with lyrics satirizing current events
(second) Boer War (1899-1902)
Akshobhya (the immovable buddha)
umbrella tree (Pandanus odorifer); fragrant screw pine; kewda
laudanum; opium tincture
donkey hide gelatin; ejiao; high quality gelatin made in China from donkey hides
isolated place; hermitage
stupid chatter; foolish talk
abhidharma; texts that contain detailed reworkings of the Buddhist sutras
Thai basil (Ocimum basilicum); common basil; tree whose branches are said to split into seven pieces upon falling
the "a" column of the Japanese syllabary table (a, i, u, e, o)
to wear (one's hat) on the back of one's head
coquette; flirt; vamp; minx; tease
(arch.) father-in-law (of a woman); grandfather
ingratiation; sycophancy
gambir; gambier; catechu; cutch
asafetida (Ferula assafoetida)
ridiculous; stupid; foolish; absurd; laughable
ghostleg lottery; ladder lottery; lottery in which participants trace a line across a lattice pattern to determine the winner
Maitreya (bodhisattva); Ajita (one of the sixteen arhats)
large warship of the Muromachi and early Edo periods
Marten's pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata martensii); Akoya pearl oyster
one who knows little often repeats it
Matsubara's red rockfish (Sebastes matsubarae); red rockfish; red scorpionfish
Agni (Vedic god of fire)
fools act without thinking
fools use people to pick up things lying at their own feet; stupidity of using people for small things
ingratiation; sycophancy
there's no medicine for stupidity
Opium Law (1954)
Union of South Africa
only a fool with no manners asks for another helping more than once; only fools are gluttons
stripping a samurai of clothes and swords and exiling him naked (Edo period punishment)
wearing a hat pushed back on one's head
flattery; adulation; sycophancy
fool; idiot
ridiculous; stupid; laughable
mottled spinefoot (Siganus fuscescens, species of Western Pacific rabbitfish); dusky rabbitfish; sandy spinefoot
red-throated loon (Gavia stellata)
seductive; sensual; coquettish
to be bewitching; to look coquettish; to behave in an alluring manner; to behave in a seductive manner
Chinese cork oak (Quercus variabilis)
Samoan mullet goby (Mugilogobius abei)
Ophidion asiro (species of cusk eel)
Amitostigma kinoshitae (species of orchid)
kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)
common loon (Gavia immer); great northern diver; great northern loon
Awazumi City (a fictional city in the Remember11 visual novel)