Used in (40 in total)
cumulonimbus; gigantic columns of clouds (in summer); thunderhead
vapor trail (vapour)
thin clouds
snow-laden clouds
early evening cloud; clouds at sunset
drifting cloud; floating cloud; instability
fleecy clouds (esp. cumulus clouds)
mushroom cloud (from nuclear explosion, etc.)
scattered clouds
cirrocumulus cloud
summer cloud; summer clouds
cirrus (cloud)
wall of clouds; bank of clouds
morning clouds
altocumulus cloud
cirrus cloud
cirrocumulus cloud; mackerel sky
mountain clouds; (arch.) mountains and clouds
fog-like cloud; high fog; stratus cloud
altostratus cloud
cap cloud (cloud shaped like an Asian bamboo hat that forms at the peak of a tall mountain)
layers of clouds
weather radar (showing the location of precipitation); rain radar
mammatus (cloud); mammatocumulus; festoon cloud
clouds appearing before the wind starts to blow; winds and clouds
tsuchigumo (people of ancient Japan who were not subjects of the Yamato court)
banner clouds in layers
fire cloud; pyrocumulus cloud; flammagenitus
roll cloud; rotor cloud
cirrocumulus cloud; mackerel sky
clouds in the sky
cloud during rainy season