Used in (62 in total)
ogre; demon; spirit of a deceased person; ogre-like person (i.e. fierce, relentless, merciless, etc.); it (in a game of tag, hide-and-seek, etc.); Chinese "ghost" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); very
vampire; bloodsucker
bloodthirsty killer; cold-blooded murderer; homicidal maniac
evil spirit; demon; devil
fierce god
brute; savage; fiend
brat; kid; urchin; preta; hungry ghost
to be bloodcurdling; to be ghastly
ghost; revenant; spirit (of the dead); departed soul
suspicion will raise bogies; once you suspect something, everything else will look suspicious; jumping at shadows
appearing in unexpected places and at unexpected moments; elusive; phantom
the northeastern (unlucky) direction; person or thing to be avoided; (lit.) the demon's gate; weak point; Achilles' heel
ghastly; dreadful
nightly procession of monsters, spirits, etc.; veritable pandemonium; large number of people plotting and doing evil; creepy characters roaming about
mask of a devil; startling appearance; devil's face
demoness; witch; ogress; married woman
devil; imp; evil spirit
inscrutable stratagem; ingenious scheme
wizard; genius; remarkable talent; exceptional ability
stupid brat; son of a bitch
to pass away; to join the majority; (lit.) to enter the death register
Hariti (goddess of childbirth and children)
hungry ghost (preta) realm
ghost; apparition; phantom; spectre; specter; demon
leader of the pack (of a group of kids); neighborhood bully (neighbourhood)
necrology; roster of the dead
demon; monster; apparition
unlucky quarter (southwest)
service for the benefit of suffering spirits
gods and demons; divine spirits and souls of the dead; one with (spiritual) power beyond that of humans; fierce god
Western brute (esp. American and British); Western savage
cruel creditor; bill collector
anxiety; concern; (secret) fear; (hydatidiform) mole
Buddhist services in memory of those drowned in a river; offering to suffering spirits at the river
sex maniac; seducer; libertine; Lothario; rake
gods or demons that cause epidemics
Chinese "ghost" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); "day of the ghost"
skilled mahjong player
"day of the ghost" (an extremely auspicious day on the lunar calendar for everything but weddings)
a horrible man will find a horrible wife
brat; kid; urchin; little devil
wicked and perverse; weird and incoherent
death register; necrology
kanji "demon" radical
god of poverty; vengeful spirit
witch's milk (milk secreted by some neonates)
having the face of a devil and the heart of Buddha; having a stern face but a tender heart
grind your inkstick gently but move your brush vigorously; (lit.) let the hungry ghost grind your inkstick, let the ogre hold your brush
sickness back; motion sickness bag
navy blue demon residing in hell
death register; necrology
early Japanese Christianity (from the later Muromachi period); early Japanese Christian
wailings of a restless ghost
spine-chilling (hair-raising) (like the wailing and weeping of a restless ghost)