FrequencyTop 400-500
Kyōiku (4th grade) 
KankenLevel 7
Composed of
thin person
standing up
Used in vocabulary (515 in total)
place; situation; position; location
(social) position; status
superior (in rank); top; higher order (e.g. byte); host computer (of connected device)
throne; crown; government position; court rank; social standing; rank; grade (of quality, etc.)
rank; place (e.g. first place); decimal place; counter for ghosts
unit; denomination; credit (in school); in units of (e.g. "in thousands"); in amounts of
dignity; eminent; high ranking; high-order (digit, bit, etc.)
position (where one is standing); place where one stands; position; stance; standpoint
part (esp. of the body); region; site; cut (of meat)
peerage; court rank
order; rank; position (e.g. in a race); precedence
first place; first rank; unit's position; Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata)
predominance; superiority; ascendancy; advantage; supremacy
the throne; the crown
first place; first rank; unit's position; Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata)
low rank; lower position; subordinate position; lower order (e.g. byte)
priority; order of precedence
accession to the throne; enthronement
(just) out of curiosity; (just) in order to satisfy one's curiosity; aimed chiefly at amusing; sensational (e.g. magazine)
second place
home position; origin; usual place (for something)
second place
highest rank; highest position; high-end; highest-order; most-significant (e.g. bit)
last place; lowest position; lowest rank; least significant (bit); lowest order
every direction
to dominate; to prevail; to be superior to; to get ahead of; to get the upper hand
pride of place; most prominent; top-ranking
right of succession; right to the throne
to take one's place; to take one's position; to go into position; to line up
third rank (in the Japanese court system); Trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
dignity; grace; nobility; grade; quality; fineness
(one's) current position; current location; present position
location information (as used by location-based services, e.g. GPS position)
pride; haughtiness
water level
court rank
to change the position of
superiority; predominance
physique; physical standard; posture; sexual position
bearing; heading; point of the compass
person of high rank or position
placement; fixed position; mapping out; location
imperial throne; the Crown
positioning; getting a position; taking a position
self-centeredness; selfishness; egotism; egocentricity
to place (in relation to the whole); to rank; to position; to locate
social status; social position
fourth court rank
fifth court rank; black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax); night heron; five ranks; five stages
first place; head position; leading position
to acquire a position; to hold an appointment
medium; mediocrity; average
downward compatible; backward compatible; compatible with input or components intended for lower tier or older systems, versions, etc.; upward compatible; forward compatible; compatible with input or components intended for higher tier or later systems, versions, etc.
Buddhist mortuary tablet
phase (e.g. wave, electricity, moon); topology; register
office and rank; an official rank
rank; order
high-ranking; senior
reign; being on the throne
the Trinity; three parts; three components; three factors
standard; basis; principle
sexual position where the man lies flat on his back and the woman sits on top; cowgirl position
how long; how far; how much
lower position
approximately the same
(Japanese) imperial succession
everyone; each and every one (of you); ladies and gentlemen
to rank (as); to occupy (a position); to be located (in); to be situated
imperial throne
(academic) degree
vacant post; vacancy; post in name only
enthronement ceremony; coronation
normal position (posture); missionary position
upward compatible; forward compatible; compatible with input or components intended for higher tier or later systems, versions, etc.; downward compatible; backward compatible; compatible with input or components intended for lower tier or older systems, versions, etc.
how long; how far; how much
placement; fixed position; mapping out; location
dan rank (in martial arts, go, etc.); advanced rank; grade of black belt
this much; this amount
sitting position
ranking table (e.g. sports league)
transposition; dislocation; rearrangement
to place (in relation to the whole); to rank; to position; to locate
to be appointed to a rank
to take one's place; to take one's position; to go into position; to line up
the same rank; the same digit
place; situation; position; location
inverted position (tarot card, etc.); reversed position
higher position
rear entry position (sexual position); doggy style
regular position (e.g. in sports team); normal position; revealing a card in the upright position (tarot, etc.)
to fail to earn a credit; to fail to make the grade
heir to the throne; successor to the throne
position; orientation
phase space; topological space
potential (electric)
employment position or rank
monetary unit; currency unit
rank-deciding competitions (e.g. in go or shogi)
system indicating court ranks by headgear colors (colours)
farmland given to nobles of the fifth rank or above (ritsuryo system)
(person of) high rank and office (exalted station); persons in high positions
having no special rank or title
to whom it may concern
pragmatism; functionalism; practicality; being intended for practical purposes
upper level; upper layer
to raise someone's position; to raise someone's standing
second grade of the third rank of honor (honour)
positioning; measurement of position
inferior position; inferior situation; disadvantage; subordination
restoration; reinstatement
good position; favourable situation
person of low rank or position
to whom it may concern; to the involved parties; to all persons concerned
justification; positioning; alignment
self-centeredness; self-centredness; selfishness; egotism; egoism
change of position; displacement
base unit (metre, etc.); standard unit
(electric) potential difference
without rank
subrogation; substitution
first rank in the hierarchy of the government; highest rank given to a shrine
female dominance; female supremacy
senior grade of the third court rank
this much; this amount
positioning; getting a position; taking a position
rank and official position
astronomical unit; AU
exalted position
black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax); night heron
high-grade; high-rank; high-definition
being unworthy of one's rank; being outranked
standing position (working, sex, etc.); erect position; upright position
grade; class; quality; unit; digit; positioning of decimal point
memorial tablet
alignment; justification
registration; positioning
second rank; second place
exclusive cut (of meat); rare cut
male dominance; male supremacy
position of aircraft
wind direction
phase contrast
enthronement ceremony; coronation
Japan-US Status of Forces Agreement (1960)
first system to rank officials into 12 levels (603 CE)
proprioception; kinaesthesia; position sense; sense of location; sense of the geography of a place
per unit time; rate per unit of time
order of merit
high level concept; superordinate concept; broader term
abdication of an emperor (before demise)
military superiority; military supremacy
status of forces agreement; SOFA
favourable position (during a race; e.g. 3rd to 5th place)
(chromosomal) inversion
fineness of gold; purity of gold
mortuary chapel
lying down (of body); reclining position; decubitus
homeomorphism; topological equivalence
nominal rank
this much; this amount
conferral of a posthumous rank
rank (of a monk)
the precedence of merit; performance orientation; ability-based (promotion, pay scale, etc.); merit-based
correct location; correct position
boarding position (e.g. on train platform)
court rank diploma
magnetic bearing
to rise to the highest possible rank
having no special rank or title
chiefly on the basis of someone's personal character
first place; head position; leading position
court rank and honors; court rank and honours
hypostasis; locative (case); adessive
most significant bit; MSB
(Japanese) omnidirectional foreign policy
bending from the hips with the legs straight and head nearly to the ground; deep forward bow
silver standard system
membrane potential
supreme order (i.e. of the chrysanthemum); highest possible order of merit
Great Interregnum (gap between Hohenstaufen and Habsburg rule of the Holy Roman Empire, approx. 1254-1273 CE)
presentation (of a fetus)
male orientation; male-oriented
current position
corresponding angles
God of directions (generic terms referring to many different Gods)
neglecting the duties of an office while taking pay
last five matches of makushita division wrestlers
being unworthy of one's rank; being outranked
breech presentation
driver's seat; dominant position
ranking; unit
diploma; testamur; graduation certificate
comparative advantage
lateral sexual position; spoons; spooning
inability to live up to one's rank; out of one's league
character position
standard money; standard coin; legal tender
how long; how far; how much
source module; compilation unit
lead position; first position (in a string)
rank and order of merit
money-centered way (of thinking)
Viennese oyster (sexual position)
First Audience after the Ascension to the Throne
coursework completed without degree; withdrawal from a course having completed the coursework
identity element; neutral element
yellow bittern (Ixobrychus sinensis)
how long; how far; how much
economic unit (entity involved in economic activity, e.g. households, businesses, nations); economic unit (measurement of economic activity)
low-priced stock; low-level stock
least significant bit; LSB
Supreme Orders of the Chrysanthemum
absolute (as opposed to relative) position
prefixed unit of measurement (i.e. millimeter, kilogram, etc.); supplementary SI unit (radian and steradian)
ancient headgear showing rank
displacement sensor
abdication ceremony
Collar of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum
rank of the emperor; the imperial throne
game or series of games between the first and second place teams
potentiometer; voltage measuring device
self-centeredness; selfishness; egoism; egotism; egocentricity
imperial throne
digit position
conferment of Court ranks and decorations
this much; this amount
rank; grade; same rank
silver standard
person's rank
double standard
order of rank; order of seating
schools of the upper quartile; highly ranked schools
collating (printing)
lexical unit; lexical token
point system; credit system
single standard; monometallism; monometalism
person of the same rank or position
International System of Units; SI
centimetre-gram-second system of units
usurpation of a throne
frequent site (for a disease, tumour, etc.)
abdication ceremony
position recognition (in a device or system); location awareness
this much; this amount
position (where one is standing); place where one stands; position; stance; standpoint
to acquire a position; to hold an appointment
argument position
subordinate reference
digit position
Collar of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum
conferment of posthumous rank
upward compatibility; forward compatibility; compatibility with input or components intended for higher tier or later systems, versions, etc.; downward compatibility; backward compatibility; compatibility with input or components intended for lower tier or older systems, versions, etc.
theory of comparative advantage
second accession of the same emperor
downward compatibility; backward compatibility; compatibility with input or components intended for lower tier or older systems, versions, etc.; upward compatibility; forward compatibility; compatibility with input or components intended for higher tier or later systems, versions, etc.
identity matrix; unit matrix
local labor union; local labour union
local labor union; local labour union
single standard; monometallism; monometalism
silver quality
compass bearing
displacement controlled
subcategorization; subcategorisation
subcategorization principle; subcategorisation principle
subcategorization feature; subcategorisation feature
position vector
high-definition television; HDTV
ten highest ranked maegashira wrestlers certain to wrestle against san'yaku ranks
30 highest ranked makushita wrestlers
least significant byte
global positioning (system, satellite, etc.)
(logical) conversion (transposition of subject and predicate to form a new proposition)
money-centered way (of thinking)
derived unit (i.e. metre per second, cubic metre, etc.)
derived unit (i.e. metre per second, cubic metre, etc.)
derived unit (i.e. metre per second, cubic metre, etc.)
derived unit (i.e. metre per second, cubic metre, etc.)
to disgrace one's ancestors; to tarnish the honour of one's ancestors
site of a Buddhist mortuary tablet
Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum
advanced standing (in school or college); credit for prior studies
per-connection; by connection
module; program unit
home position
positional (representation) system; positional notation
positional (representation) system; positional notation
phase modulation recording; phase encoding
phase modulation recording; phase encoding
phase modulation recording; phase encoding
location cursor
positional parameter
positioning time; seek time
subordinate dialogue
narrower term
rotational position sensing; RPS
high definition television; HDTV
hypernym; broader term
digit place; digit position
punch position; punching position
Communications Decency Act; CDA
expedited (N)-service-data-unit; (N)-expedited-data-unit
output level (e.g. in manufacturing); consumption rate (e.g. fuel, power); intensity
ranking system based on dan and kyū (in martial arts, go, shogi, etc.)
subrogation; subrogated performance; payment in subrogation
subclass; subdivision
buddha state (ultimate level of Buddhist enlightenment); buddhahood
electrostatic unit; esu
electromagnetic unit; emu
topological dimension
place of articulation; region of articulation; point of articulation
rank and social status (e.g. in the imperial family)
high-priced stock
angular displacement
displacement sensor
displacement sensor
satellite navigational system (e.g. GPS)
Ceremony of the Abdication of his Majesty the Emperor at the Seiden State Hall
rotational level; rotational state
dominant-party system; one-party dominant system
neglecting the duties of an office while taking pay
pecking order; peck order
pecking order; peck order
scissoring (sexual practice); crossed position
positional goods; status symbol goods
non-positional goods; non-status symbol goods
Japanese night heron (Gorsachius goisagi)
yew (Taxus baccata); English yew; European yew
yew (Taxus baccata); English yew; European yew
Examples (130 in total)
From my position, I cannot see the tower.
The park is located in the center of the city.
I'll look up the location of the town on my map.