FrequencyTop 1000-1100
Kyōiku (6th grade) 
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 5
Old form
Composed of
a few centimeters

My specialty is finding at least one reason to be lazy and not move even a few centimeters.

Used in kanji (2 in total)
specialty [old]
Used in vocabulary (153 in total)
speciality; specialty; subject of study; expert; area of expertise
(one's) exclusive use; private use; dedicated use; use for a particular purpose; exclusive use (of particular products); using only (e.g. a certain brand)
specialist; expert; professional; authority; pundit
absorption; giving undivided attention; devoting oneself (to)
exclusive; attached to; specialist
technical (e.g. discussion); exclusive; professional
specialist shop; shop specializing in a few types of product
special duty; being in sole charge of a duty; senior managing director; executive director
major subject; special study
outside of one's area of expertise
vocational school; technical school
wholly; solely; entirely; principally; mostly; chiefly
acting arbitrarily on one's own authority; acting arbitrarily without consultation
having a fetish for ...; specializing in ...; (arch.) first; (arch.) foremost; (arch.) doing as one pleases; (arch.) acting selfishly
patent; one's specialty (party piece, etc.)
full-time service
area of expertise; (one's) field; (one's) line
technical book; specialized book; treatise
expertise; special knowledge; technical knowledge; expert knowledge
professional job; profession
medical specialist
arbitrariness; despotism; high-handedness; tyranny
despotism; autocracy
undivided attention; concentration
personal aeroplane; personal airplane
monopoly; monopolization; exclusive sales rights
special occupation; principal occupation; specialty; monopoly
exclusive possession; sole ownership; monopoly
specialization; specialty; speciality; expertise
working exclusively for; working full-time (for)
specialist journal; specialized magazine; specialised magazine
nonaggressive defense (policy) (defence)
absolute monarch; despot; autocrat; tyrant
specialized course; specialised course; something that is specialized for a certain field or application (e.g. a sauce specially made for zaru soba)
full-time househusband; stay-at-home dad
private car; personal car
despotic government; autocracy
leased line; private circuit; private line
in-house model; company model; model under an exclusive contract; model who works exclusively for a single fashion magazine
expertise; special skills
technical college; higher schools and colleges
arbitrary decision; on one's own authority; arbitrariness
exclusively; (taking) best care
technical training; professional education
specialization; specialisation
specialist training; upper-level course
single-mindedly; wholeheartedly; with one's heart and soul
chubby chaser; person attracted to overweight people
absolutism; despotism
women-only carriage (e.g. on a train)
expert (technical) knowledge; expertise
managing director
specialization; specialisation
special (specialized, specialised) subject
(specialist) terminology
exclusive line (communications); dedicated line
technical journal (periodical, magazine)
sole prerogative; exclusive prerogative
attraction to ugly people
intently praying to Buddha (esp. Amitabha)
for the use of women only
government plane (esp. for transporting senior politicians, etc.)
person who is ignorant outside his field
receive only; RO; incoming calls only (telephone)
person who is ignorant outside his field
non-degree course for graduates
monopoly system; government monopoly
(Japanese) Monopoly Bureau
arbitrary use of power
devote oneself to; to do as one pleases; to act selfishly
younger woman (usu. 20-30 years old) who is physically attracted to mature older men (usu. 50-60 years old)
deciding or acting on one's own
attraction to ugly people
advisory committee; committee of experts; advisory panel
lurker (on a forum)
expert committee; technical committee
(special) vocational school
acting arbitrarily; arbitrary action
specialist newspaper; trade journal; specialist journal
full-time lecturer; instructor
specialist outpatient department
male prostitute; rent boy; rentboy; gay brothel
dedicated device; apparatus for exclusive use
exclusive jurisdiction
cardiologist; heart specialist
women-only carriage (e.g. on a train)
bus lane (of a highway)
group of specialists; group of experts
minor (in university or college courses); sub-major
single-mindedly; wholeheartedly; with one's heart and soul
one's special subject; specialized subject; major
person who has a romantic preference for older men
person doing one job exclusively; full-time worker; full-time union official
lurker (on a forum)
male prostitute; rent boy; rentboy; gay brothel
housing-loan corporation
vocational school; technical school
vocational school; technical school
chubby chaser; person attracted to overweight people
attraction to ugly people
person who has a romantic preference for older men
book in specialized field; book in specialised field
monopoly; exclusive right (to)
waters under one's jurisdiction; territorial waters
full-time trade union officer who remains employed at a company
prevalence of arbitrariness; rife with arbitrary decisions (acting on one's own authority)
person physically attracted to thin people
gaijin hunter; person who only dates (non-Asian) foreigners
specialized thesaurus
technical glossary; terminology
special-purpose register
concession held by a single nation (in China)
49th, 51st, 52nd, 54th, 56th, 57th, 58th or 60th day of the sexagenary cycle (said to be inauspicious with a high probability of rain)
full-time engineer; full-time technician
privately owned parts of a multi-unit building (e.g. the individual units; as opposed to the jointly-owned common areas, etc.); exclusive element
company employee working full-time as a union official
Examples (142 in total)
This room is for individual use.
I wish I had a room of my own.
I want my own desk.