FrequencyTop 400-500
Kyōiku (3rd grade) 
KankenLevel 8
Composed of
go against

If you go against what your heart feels is right you'll become sad.

Used in vocabulary (83 in total)
sad; miserable; unhappy; sad; lamentable; deplorable
shriek; scream
sadness; sorrow; grief
Examples (190 in total)
The young woman under that tree looks sad.
What a sad story this is!
I'm very sad to hear that.
The letter made her sad.
That's really sad.
I am sad to hear it.
Don't look at me with such sad eyes.
Quit making such a sad face.
What's wrong? What's making you sad?
What's the matter? You look sad.
Why are you so sad?
Why are you sad?
Why are you looking so sad?
How sad a story this is!
It is quite a sorry sight.
What made you sad?
I suddenly became very sad.
You seem sad.
It makes me sad to think of his death.
He seemed sad.
She looks sad.
She looked sadly at me.
She looked sad.
It's sad, but true.
Sadly, my cat has gone away somewhere.
How sad!
I'm not sad.
Smiling sadly, she began to talk.
She looked sad because I was angry.
My cat looks sad.
I was surprised and became sad.
When I woke up, I was sad.
I'm not angry. Rather than being angry I'm... just sad.
The old man looks sad.
The song is at once sad and beautiful.
She was so sad that she did not want to speak to anyone.
I heard screams.
Didn't you hear the scream?
All at once, I heard a scream.
It's OK to cry when you're sad.
It's a very sad story.
He told me a sad story.
I feel very sad tonight.
To her sorrow, she had no one to rely on.
Why does she look so sad?
His shadow on the wall looked sad.
The tragedy left a scar on my mind.
A sad accident took place yesterday.
She doesn't like to sing sad songs.
Those were the saddest hours of my life.
What a sad movie it was!
I don't like sad movies.
It's a pity when somebody dies.
Mother always cries when she listens to sad songs.
I often listen to sad songs.
Sometimes I get sad.
Sometimes I feel sad.
Are you still sad?
His sad story touched my heart.
Sadly, my father no longer belongs to the group.
Sadly, many Japanese people died.
This is such a sad story.
The sad story made my heart ache.
The girl screamed when she saw the flames.
I heard a woman scream.
I remember the horror I felt when she screamed.
No one really understands the grief or joy of another.
It is easier to sympathize with sorrow than to sympathize with joy.
His tone was one of sorrow.
He felt great sorrow when his wife died.
He disguised his sorrow with a smile.
Great was the sorrow of her parents.
I am filled with sorrow.
Forget your sorrows.
Crying is an expression of grief.
We didn't take notice of her sorrow.
My heart was filled with sorrow.
He hid his sadness behind a smile.
Her death brought deep sorrow to the nation.
And the little black rabbit never looked sad again.
Sadly, his dream didn't come true.
I asked him why he is so sad.
Why should you be so sad?
What makes you so sad?
His death made everyone sad.
They were very saddened to hear of his death.
She is very sad.
I am feeling sad about it.
We lamented his death.
He has a wistful look on his face.
He walked away with a sad look on his face.
I felt very sad when I heard the news.
He isn't really sad; he's only acting.
I like stories that have sad endings.
When I'm sad, my friends encourage me.
What is the real cause of this tragedy?
All tragedies end with a death.
The tragedy must be remembered so that it is not repeated.
The tragedy of war must not be forgotten.
The tragedy happened suddenly.
There's a strong probability of a nuclear tragedy.
I felt all the more sad to hear that.
He cried out and ran away.
She screamed for help.
She screamed with terror.
I heard someone scream.
She screamed when she saw a snake.
I was more angry than sad.
The news made her very sad.
Today, we got some sad news.
He brought us sad news.
She was filled with grief at the news of her sister's death.
I felt disturbed at the sad news.
I was much affected by the sad news.
I was shocked at the sad news.
I could not help crying at the sad news.
The movie was so sad that everybody cried.
The capable detective was assigned to investigate the cause of the tragedy.
I'll treat this play simply as a tragedy.
The orphan wept with grief over his misfortune.
She begged for mercy.
He felt sad because he lost his father.
It is sad that so few people give money to help the hungry.
He had to lead a miserable life for many years.
Because of her, he lived a miserable life.
It was a sad story.
She screamed at the flash of lightning.
Joe looked sad yesterday?
The old lady looked at the broken vase and sighed sadly.
No words can relieve her deep sorrow.
Her sorrow found expression in silent tears.
Her sadness was written all over her face.
Her grief expressed itself in tears.
She was overwhelmed by the sad news.
However, Beth seems to be indifferent to Chris's grief.
She died a miserable death.
Why does Tom look so sad?
Tom's heart was filled with sorrow.
Tom often listens to sad songs.
Tom looked like he was sad.
Tom screamed for help.
Joy was mingled with sorrow.
He appealed to the judge for mercy.
After hearing the sad news, she broke down in tears.
He has a tendency to be pessimistic.
She is merciful.
He died a sad death.
I prefer comedy to tragedy.
A scream broke the silence.
The busy bee has no time for sorrow.
There was a terrible accident on the freeway.
That tragedy was etched in my mind.
Jane's farewell speech made us very sad.
Jane laughed away the sorrow.
Say ... I can hear screams coming from the women's bath.
Don't be so pessimistic.
I think Tom is pessimistic.
Tom is pessimistic.
He is extremely pessimistic and has no aspirations.
Sick people tend to be pessimistic.
Please don't be so sad. Cheer up!
He was much affected by the sad news.
It was a great tragedy for them to lose their only son.
His sudden death was a tragedy.
It was not until a few days later that we heard the sad news.
I felt sad for no reason.
She was filled with deep grief to hear of her father's sudden death.
Suddenly the little black rabbit sat down, and looked very sad.
We cry when we are very sad.
The mother was still grieving over her child's death.
He grieved at the death of his best friend.
She has grieved over his loss for nearly ten years.
Let go of your negative outlook on life.
As a rule, I prefer a comedy to a tragedy.
The whole nation mourned the hero's death.
Shakespeare's "Macbeth" is a tragedy.
The girl was overcome with grief.
The tragic news drove his mother mad.
Hearing the sad news, she collapsed in tears.
How many of Shakespeare's tragedies have you read?
Shakespeare wrote both tragedy and comedy.
With a little more care, the driver could have avoided such a tragic accident.
For instance, "delight" is the opposite of "sorrow."
She was sad for the first time in months.
Pessimism believes in no improvement.
The article's tone was one of pessimism.
Sad to say, her son died young.
The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.
She mourned the death of her only son.
The whole neighborhood mourned his death.