FrequencyTop 500-600
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
weak heart
Used in vocabulary (123 in total)
memory; recollection; remembrance; storage
to memorize; to memorise; to commit to memory; to learn by heart; to bear in mind; to remember
guess; speculation; supposition
Examples (58 in total)
You have a good memory.
I don't have any memory of doing that.
He has a good memory.
He lost his memory.
It is still fresh in my memory.
I remember having seen him somewhere before.
A good memory is his weapon.
We have the ability to remember.
His behavior, as I remember, was very bad.
I remember meeting that man before.
We have the ability to memorize information.
She looked at the picture to refresh her memory.
I remember reading that book when I was a student.
I remember seeing you somewhere.
I remember that I met him somewhere.
This experience will always remain in my memory.
What is your earliest memory from childhood?
My memory of that is still vivid.
The problem is worthy of being remembered.
As far as I remember, he didn't say that.
Even if my memories fade, my records will remain.
The event still remains vivid in my memory.
It turned out that my memory was largely correct.
The accident is still vivid in his memory.
The incident was etched in his memory.
I wish I had a better memory.
My brother has a good memory.
You have a very good memory.
His memory is deteriorating with age.
His memory has been decaying because of age.
He has a remarkable memory.
He answered my questions by the exercise of his excellent memory.
She has a good memory, too.
My memory is weak, but there are things I can never forget.
Learning poetry is a good discipline for the memory.
The traffic accident is fresh in his memory.
She lost her memory in a traffic accident.
Tom has a pretty good memory.
Tom lost his memory.
Tom has a good memory.
He had a wonderfully powerful memory.
Her face came back vividly to my memory.
The older we grow, the poorer our memory becomes.
The older we become, the worse our memory gets.
The scene was burned into my memory.
He will be remembered always.
If I remember correctly, Tom's birthday is October 20th.
As we age, our ability to remember gets worse.
As we grow older, our memory becomes weaker.
The scene was clearly printed in my memory.
The photograph brought back memories of my childhood.
The event is still fresh in our memory.
The event is still fresh in my memory.
His loss of memory is a psychological problem rather than a physical one.
Going back to South Africa had stirred up some painful memories for him.
This lesson should be kept in mind.
The explosion of the space shuttle is still fresh in my memory.
At this corner there happened an accident that was to be remembered for years.