FrequencyTop 100-200
Kyōiku (2nd grade) 
KankenLevel 9
Composed of
short legs
folding chair legs

Traditionally when it's time to punish a child it's usually the father who doles out the punishment. And how to better punish a child than to have him sit his short legs on bare folding chair legs? Folding chairs usually have a piece of cloth on the top on which you can sit, but if you remove that and only leave the metal legs... ouch!

Used in kanji (4 in total)
old geezer
Used in vocabulary (164 in total)
father; dad; husband; you; he
one's father; one's old man; middle-aged (or older) man; old man; one's boss; proprietor (of a restaurant, store, etc.)
father; dad; papa; pa; pop; daddy
grandfather; old man; kyogen mask used for the role of an old man
father (esp. used in samurai families prior to the Meiji period)
father-in-law; foster father; stepfather
Catholic priest; abbe; reverend father; minister; padre
daddy; father; husband
dad; daddy; papa; pa; pop
uncle; old man; mister; manybar goatfish (Parupeneus multifasciatus)
father and mother; parents
foster father; adoptive father
uncle; old man; mister; manybar goatfish (Parupeneus multifasciatus)
father and child; father and son; father and daughter
dad; dada; daddy; pa; papa; pappa
guardians; parents; father and older brother
king who is a father
grandfather; male senior-citizen
one's real father; natural father; biological father
grandpa; granddad
father's side of family; paternal (grandfather, uncle, etc.)
great-grandfather; great-granddad; great-grandad
father and daughter
(one's) late father
uncle; old man; mister; manybar goatfish (Parupeneus multifasciatus)
old man; mister
grandfather (may be used after name as honorific); male senior-citizen (may be used after name as honorific)
daddy; father; husband
fatherly master
great-grandfather; great-granddad; great-grandad
uncle (younger than one's parent)
deceased father; late father
adoptive parents
father-in-law; foster father; stepfather
stubborn (obstinate) father; pig-headed old man
old father
grandfather (may be used after name as honorific); male senior-citizen (may be used after name as honorific)
motherless family
Father's Day (3rd Sunday of June)
bad pun; corny joke; worn-out joke; dad joke
(another's respected) father
affectionate father; loving father
father of one's country; father of the nation
godfather; sponsor; church fathers
different father
your father
uncle (older than one's parent)
your honored father; your honoured father
father; dad; husband; you; he
sly (cunning) old man
middle-aged man; uncle
male carer (at a nursery school, children's home, etc.); childcare worker
daddy's girl; daddy's boy
middle-aged man; uncle
maternal grandfather
(man's) father-in-law; father of one's wife
daddy's girl; daddy's boy
hereditary; patrimonial; handed down from generation to generation
paternal line; father's side of the family
child whose paternity is unknown; illegitimate child; child whose father is dead; fatherless child
paternal rights; father's right of control as head of the household
patriarch; patriarchal; patriarchic
patriarchy; system of patriarchy
a parents' association
Heavenly Father; God
half-sibling (with a different father)
child whose paternity is unknown; illegitimate child; child whose father is dead; fatherless child
master and father
old people; grandparents
street violence against middle-aged men
snarling old man; irascible old man
half-sister (different father); half-sisters
patronymic; patronym
middle-aged man; uncle
parents' association
one's father
father's side (of the family)
things to fear: earthquakes, thunder, fires and, most of all, fathers
becoming (like) an old man (in one's manner); turning into an old geezer
(village) elder
profiting while others fight
rights of the head of a family
grandfather; male senior-citizen
same father
band with mostly middle-aged or elderly members
sire (horse)
deceased grandfather
the same parents
grandpa; gramps
housefather; dorm father; houseparent
dad; daddy; papa; father
sculpin (any fish of family Cottidae, incl. the bullheads and the miller's-thumb); Japanese fluvial sculpin (Cottus pollux)
deceased father
parent's younger brother; uncle
deceased grandfather; (one's) late grandfather
under one's parents roof
transmission of the secrets of an art, craft, trade or learning from father to son
(one's) step-parents
34 (originally 33) sacred places in and around Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture
patristics; patrology
patrilineal system; patriliny
holiday granted to servants on the 16th of the first and seventh months
uncle (one's father's older brother)
uncle (one's father's younger brother)
not wanting to live in the same world as one's father's or lord's enemies; being prepared to sacrifice one's life to avenge one's father or lord
person one respects second only to one's father
mother and father
patripassianism (theology)
filial piety begins with not harming one's own body (as one's entire body was given by one's parents)
filial piety begins with not harming one's own body (as one's entire body was given by one's parents)
(lit.) our debt to our parents is higher than the mountain and deeper than the sea
fourspine sculpin (species of fish, Cottus kazika)
cudweed (Gnaphalium japonicum)
Asian barbastelle (Barbastella leucomelas); eastern barbastelle
Examples (200 in total)
"His father died yesterday." "I have never seen such a man before."
I'll tell you about my father.
You are my father.