FrequencyTop 100
Kyōiku (1st grade) 
KankenLevel 10
Composed of

There can only be one on this earth, only one true king that can rule the whole world.

Used in kanji (74 in total)
right now
(one's) master
Used in vocabulary (264 in total)
king; ruler; tycoon; magnate; king (of the senior player)
prince; subordinate Kumano shrine
kingdom; monarchy
queen; female champion
Satan; the Devil; the Prince of Darkness; king of the demons who try to prevent people from doing good
king; queen; monarch; the Crown (as a focus of authority in the UK, etc.); the throne
royal capital; imperial capital
royal family
royal castle; imperial castle
the throne; the crown
imposing stance; daunting pose
righteous government; just rule; easy method; simple approach; orthodox way; proper way
king; monarch; ruler; champion
royal family
crown; diadem; bottle cap
the Four Heavenly Kings (Dhrtarastra, Virudhaka, Virupaksa, and Vaisravana); the big four (i.e. four leaders in a given field)
sovereign; emperor; monarch
Her Majesty the Queen
Dragon King; promoted rook
right of succession; right to the throne
royalty and titled nobility
supreme ruler; autocrat; dynast; high king
royal prince; crown prince's younger brother
the late king; the preceding king; good ancient kings
royal authority; regal power; authority of the king
king who is a father
Pope; Buddha
monarchy; imperial rule
to raise oneself up to one's full height; to strike a daunting pose
heavenly king; Gozu Tenno (deity said to be the Indian god Gavagriva)
Hachiōji (city)
prince of royal blood; Imperial prince
two Deva kings; guardian gods of Buddhism who stand at the entrance of a Buddhist temple
knight on a white horse; Prince Charming
former king; late king
Hades (Greek god); Pluto (Roman god)
emperor; king; prince
education for governing as a monarch; kingcraft
Dragon King; promoted rook
lion (king of beasts)
party game in which a randomly selected king issues orders to other players
king and princes; noble rank
loyalty to the emperor
Acala (Wisdom King); Acalanatha; Fudō Myōō (Myō-ō); fierce Buddhist deity
various kings; unproclaimed son of the imperial family
Pluto (dwarf planet)
god king; god-king; guardian deity
king (of the senior player)
Wisdom King; Vidyaraja
monarchical system
Caesarean section (Cesarean); C-section
Yama; judge of the afterlife
strategic point; crucial time; watershed; crunch
oil magnate; oil baron
king of beasts (i.e. lion)
to check (in chess); to threaten (somebody's position, etc.); to close in (on somebody)
person of high standing facing no opposition and with a warped view of reality; (lit.) naked emperor
sceptre; scepter
restoration of imperial rule; (in English history) the Restoration
reverence for the emperor; advocate of imperial rule
prince consort
revere the Emperor; expel the western barbarians (19th century slogan)
Dynastic period (the Nara period and esp. the Heian period, characterized by the rule of the emperor as opposed to shogunate)
queendom; country ruled by a queen
imperial princess; royal princess
royalists; royalist faction
imperial influence; assimilation of new territory
ten rulers of the afterlife (who judge the dead and determine their placement in their next life)
master inventor; king of inventors (e.g. Edison)
Arthurian legend; legend of King Arthur
Deva gate; temple gate guarded by fierce Deva Kings; temple gate of the Nio
royalists; monarchists
usurper king
tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)
deceased grandmother
winner of triple crown
royal grandson
to check (in chess); to threaten (somebody's position, etc.); to close in (on somebody)
forking the rook while checking the king
Gozu Tenno (deity said to be the Indian god Gavagriva)
native state (of pre-independence India); princely state
loyalist to the emperor; imperial loyalist
Arcadia, presided over by a virtuous king
two Deva kings; guardian gods of Buddhism who stand at the entrance of a Buddhist temple
Mahamayuri (deity usu. depicted riding a peacock)
royal line; royal descendants
maharaja; maharajah; nawab
Yamaraja (king of the world of the dead, who judges the dead)
Ragaraja (esoteric school deity of love)
to enthrone a king
emperor's teacher; imperial army
Queen Mother of the West (an ancient Chinese goddess)
emperor; king; prince
top prize-money earner
king and princes; noble rank
royal or imperial domain
king; royalty
imperial cause; royal cause
Bourbon Dynasty (France, Spain, etc.)
teaching king
queen cell (of a beehive); royal cell
championship-deciding contest; final match; the finals
King of England
druglord; drug baron
royal decree
Her Majesty the Queen
Slave Dynasty (of India, 1206-1290 CE); Mamluk Dynasty
five great wisdom kings (Acala, Kundali, Trilokavijaya, Vajrayaksa, Yamantaka)
deity enshrined at Hie Shrine (in Shiga and Tokyo)
the theory of the divine right of kings
the king of fruits (ref. to durian)
Yama, judge of the afterlife
imperial prince's family; family of a prince of royal blood
amaou; strawberry cultivar
prince consort
Golden Light Sutra (as translated into Chinese by the monk I Ching)
Caesarean section (Cesarean); C-section
person who has not won any major awards or titles despite being the best in a particular field; uncrowned king; person who wields power without holding an official rank or title; journalist (esp. newspaper journalist)
Yamantaka Vidya-raja; conqueror of Death
loyalty to the emperor and expulsion of the foreigners
Trailokyavijaya Vidya-raja; conqueror of the three worlds
Sannō Festival (Hie Shrine in Tokyo; June 15); Sannō Festival (Hie Shrine in Shiga; April 14)
Wisdom King; Vidyaraja
opponent's king
to occupy the throne; to sit on the royal throne; to be at the top; to hold the premier position; to win a championship
home run king; home run leader
Deva gate; temple gate guarded by fierce Deva Kings; temple gate of the Nio
giant squid (Architeuthis martensi)
Kingdom of Thailand
there are no shortcuts in learning
person of high standing facing no opposition and with a warped view of reality; (lit.) naked emperor
heaven of the Four Great Kings; one of the six heavens of the desire realm
Chakravartin; ideal universal ruler (in Indian religions)
to checkmate the king
Brahma (Hindu creator god)
Imperial princess
Yama (king of the world of the dead, who judges the dead); Emma; Yan; Yomna
batting champion
Red Queen hypothesis (of evolutionary biology)
Chakravartin; ideal universal ruler (in Indian religions)
reverence for the emperor and the overthrow of the shogunate
administration of the Ryukyu Kingdom
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; KSA
royal palm (esp. Cuban royal palm, Roystonea regia)
Tudor dynasty (of England; 1485-1603)
Bhaisajyaraja (bodhisattva)
Kings I (book of the Bible)
deceased grandfather
kanji "jewel" radical at left (looks like "king") (radical 96)
king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus)
Herculean strength
(season's) record holder in (for) the most strike-outs
Kingdom of Lesotho
king (of the senior player)
reverence for the emperor; advocate of imperial rule
person of high standing facing no opposition and with a warped view of reality; (lit.) naked emperor
Ragaraja (esoteric school deity of love)
Dragon King Kulika; manifestation of Acala in the form of a flame-wreathed dragon wrapped around and swallowing the tip of an upright sword
Dragon King Kulika; manifestation of Acala in the form of a flame-wreathed dragon wrapped around and swallowing the tip of an upright sword
king of Yamato
Citipati (skeletal Buddhist demi-gods)
theory of the divine right of kings
constitutional monarchy
Tyrannosaurus rex
eight great wisdom kings (Acala, Kundali, Mezu, Munosho, Trilokavijaya, Ucchusma, Vajrayaksa, Yamantaka)
Kings II (book of the Bible)
Sannou Ichijitsu Shinto (alt. name for Hie Shinto: a form of Shinto heavily influenced by Tendai)
royal government (esp. Ryukyu Kingdom)
Delhi Dynasties; the Mamluk, Khilji, Tughlaq, Sayyid, and Lodi dynasties of India
Sanno Shinto (branch of Shinto formed in the Tendai school of Buddhism)
gold wheel-turning sage king
antiking; would-be king
millenarianism; millennialism; chiliasm
King of Na gold seal (National Treasure of Japan)
Hadean; Hadean eon
staunchly conservative area; (lit.) kingdom of conservatism
trans-Neptunian object; transneptunian object; TNO
Crown dependency (of the UK: Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man)
virtuous ruler; worthy monarch
Kingdom of the Netherlands
longleaf pine (Pinus palustris)
Examples (168 in total)
The king is coming.
The prince was changed into a tree by magic.
I wish I were a prince.