FrequencyTop 2400-2500
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel Pre-2
Old form
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (48 in total)
dhyana (profound meditation); Zen (Buddhism)
zazen (seated Zen meditation, usu. in a cross-legged position)
monk; priest, particularly a high-ranking Zen monk honored by the imperial court
Zen dialogue; Zen questions and answers
Zen (Buddhism)
type of dyeing method or pattern; silk printed by the Yuzen process
zazen (seated Zen meditation, usu. in a cross-legged position)
Zen; Zen temple; Zen priest
dhyana-samadhi (meditative concentration); ascetic practice atop a sacred mountain (in Shugendō); mountain top
abdication (of a Chinese emperor) in favor of a virtuous successor (as opposed to an heir); smooth transference of power (responsibility, etc.)
Zen meditation; meditative consultation with the head abbot
Zen; entering the path of Zen
Zen studies; Zen practice
Zen terminology; Zen words
room for zazen meditation; room for Buddhist practices; Zen monk's quarters; head priest (of a Zen temple)
zendo (Zen meditation hall)
type of dyeing method or pattern; silk printed by the Yuzen process
the flavor of Zen; the flavour of Zen; air or style of disinterestedness
self-styled Zen philosophy; sciolism; dabbling in Zen
ancient Chinese sacrificial ritual
Zen painting
method of Buddhist study and practice that is based in meditative concentration; meditative methods used in Zen Buddhism
Kyoyuzen dyeing; Kyoto printed silk
Zen Buddhism and Pure Land Buddhism
Zen ascetic practices; Zen meditation; Zen teachings; Zen
type of dyeing method or pattern; silk printed by the Yuzen process
self-styled Zen philosophy; sciolism; dabbling in Zen
traditional Zen-style architecture
wisdom obtained from meditation; wisdom and meditation
Zen blowing meditation (performed with shakuhachi)
eastern skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus)
wisdom obtained from meditation; wisdom and meditation
Tartarian aster (Aster Novi-Belgii)
dhyana (profound meditation)
Zen Buddhism based on the teachings of Bodhidharma
Zen Buddhism based on the original teachings of Buddha
Art of the Brush (esp. school of Japanese Zen calligraphy)
five approaches to meditation; five objects of meditation
day lily (Hemerocallis dumortieri); orange-yellow day lily; Nikko day lily
Examples (2 in total)
They say that Zen strengthens our mind.
He sat in Zen meditation.