FrequencyTop 2200-2300
KankenLevel 3
Composed of
water drops
a few centimeters
Used in vocabulary (49 in total)
register of names; list of names; roll; register; roster
account book; register; ledger
attendance record
secret accounts; unauthorized accounting; under-the-counter accounting
household account book
journalization (accounts); journalisation; bookkeeping
list of passengers; passenger manifest; passenger register
family registry (of the district); original of one's family register; archive of family registers
ledger; original record; register
double-entry bookkeeping
directory; inventory
book value
Imperial cortege (procession)
unaccounted; off the books
directory; name list
employee's attendance record
(student's) record card; school register
report card (book)
(bound) book; notebook
copy of a registration certificate; certified copy of register
to enter in an account book
list of candidates; slate; list of nominees
voter registration list; electoral register
death register; necrology
register of school-age children
single-entry bookkeeping
to enter in an account book
cocoon holders
proportional representation electoral system (in which party votes are cast, and candidates from each party are elected based on an ordered list available to the public)
proportional representation system in which both party and individual votes are cast, seats are distributed amongst parties by proportion of vote obtained, and candidates are elected in descending order of number of votes obtained
proportional representation system in which votes are cast for a publicly available list of party members or for individual members of that list
factory accounting; factory bookkeeping; manufacturer's account
book-value accounting
proof of identity (for nobles, doctors, etc.) (Heian period)
public record; public register; official records
list of names of the dead; Book of Souls (in the Yasukuni Shrine)
death register; necrology
Official Business Skill Test in Bookkeeping (JCCI bookkeeping proficiency test)
Examples (10 in total)
Please add my name to the list.
His name is not on the list.
They entered his name on the list.