FrequencyTop 1300-1400
Kyōiku (5th grade) 
KankenLevel 6
Composed of
slightly sloped cliff
chair with a splinter sticking out
Used in vocabulary (206 in total)
pulse; vein; chain (of mountains, etc.); hope; thread (of an argument)
to pound (e.g. heart); to pulse (e.g. vein); to pulsate
mountain range; mountain belt
Examples (21 in total)
Your pulse is normal.
Hey, there's no pulse.
The doctor thought the patient's pulse was rather rapid.
My pulse is fast.
My pulse is slow.
What's the name of the mountain range?
Tom's pulse is fast.
Is his pulse regular?
It depends on the context.
That depends on the context.
The meaning of a word is determined by the context where it is used.
His pulse beats slow.
Your pulse is a little fast.
The patient has no pulse.
The doctor took his pulse.
The doctor took my pulse.
This is a view of the Alps.
The Alps are in the center of Europe.
The Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in the Alps.
The meaning of words can change according to their context.
France is separated from Spain by the Pyrenees.