store a large amount
FrequencyTop 1800-1900
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
blades of grass
Used in vocabulary (46 in total)
accumulation; accumulate; store
to store; to save up; to accumulate (e.g. knowledge); to build up (e.g. experience); to grow (a beard, moustache, etc.); to wear
stockpile; reserves; storing; stocking up; laying in (supplies)
Examples (13 in total)
He tried to accumulate wealth.
I think that Japanese students are very good at gathering knowledge.
He has accumulated wealth.
He amassed a large fortune before he died.
Farmers store vegetables for the winter.
He conserved his energy for the next game.
Some day you will come to realize the importance of saving.
If you want security in your old age, begin saving now.
Many families had lost their savings during the war and had nothing to fall back on.
We stored the hay in the barn.
The gramophone was born of Edison's brain.
By investing wisely, she accumulated a fortune.
His parents are saving for his college education.