talk; speech; topic; subject; discussions; negotiation; rumor
to talk; to speak; to tell; to explain; to speak (a language)
to have a talk; to tell a story
story; tale; talk; discussion
telephone call; phone call; telephone (device); phone
to address (someone); to accost a person; to talk (to someone); to begin to talk; to start a conversation
topic; subject; much talked about; topical; in the news
to be much obliged (to someone); to receive favor (favour); to be indebted; to be grateful
story; tale; talk; discussion
to discuss; to talk together
care; looking after; trouble; bother; good offices; recommendation
discussion; talk; tête-à-tête; conference
mobile telephone; cellular telephone
to receive favor (favour); to be much obliged to someone; to be indebted
telephone call; speaking over the telephone; (Internet) voice call; counter for telephone calls of a set duration
to telephone; to make a phone call
to be in the news; to be talked about; to become a popular topic of conversation; to become the talk of the town; to become topical
speaking voice; talking voice
dialogue; discussion; conversation; interaction
that's a different matter; that's a different story
to bring up a subject; to touch on a matter
old tale; folk tale; legend; reminiscence
to hang up; to end a telephone conversation
it's none of your business; it's not your concern
good story; heartwarming story; good prospect (e.g. marriage, business)
counter for stories, episodes of TV series, etc.
way of talking; speaking style
talking while standing; standing around talking
person with whom to speak; someone to talk to; companion; advisor; adviser
not worth considering; out of the question
telephone call; telephone (device)
fairy tale; fairy story; nursery tale
to begin talking; to open up
being settled quickly; reaching a quick conclusion; no need to say any more; no problem
to bother; to meddle; to poke one's nose (into another's business); to be too helpful
conversation (just) between you and me; confidential talk
to be different from what was previously said; to be different from what was promised
to address (someone); to accost a person; to talk (to someone); to begin to talk; to start a conversation
children's story; fairy tale
funny story; funny anecdote
fiction; made-up story; fable; fabrication; myth
to break the ice; to broach a subject; to bring up a topic
being settled quickly; reaching a quick conclusion; no need to say any more; no problem
a long way off; matter for the future; not going to happen anytime soon
matter being discussed (e.g. in a private conversation); it's not your business; it doesn't matter (to you); our side of the story (in contrast to another's version)
telephone receiver; telephone mouthpiece; making a telephone call; receiving a telephone call
to discuss; to talk together
to change the subject (e.g. away from something awkward or inconvenient)
to jump at the chance; to accept an offer; to show interest in; to accept a proposal
public telephone; pay phone
common saying; everyday talk; common parlance
none of your business!; don't bother me!; keep out of it!
boastful speech; bragging
talk; conversation; dialogue
mediator; manager; caretaker
to see eye to eye; to be on the same wavelength; to talk the same language
attendant; person who looks after one's needs; caretaker
to begin talking; to open up
answering machine; answer phone
life story; personal narrative; story of one's life
helpful person; person who likes looking after others; overly helpful person; annoyingly helpful person; manager; go-between
in short; in a nutshell; in a word; to cut a long story short
to interfere; to butt in; to interrupt someone
idle gossip; foolish talk; yarn
matter being discussed (e.g. in a private conversation); our side of the story (in contrast to another's version)
talk about divorce or separation
everyday conversation; day-to-day conversation
good story; heartwarming story; good prospect (e.g. marriage, business)
whispered conversation; whispering
taking a story with a grain of salt; discounting half the story
to not understand what somebody is getting at; to not understand what is being talked about
to change the subject (e.g. away from something awkward or inconvenient)
down to earth; reasonable; able to deal with
to telephone; to make a phone call
telephone book; telephone directory
to speak frankly; to speak unreservedly; to open up to each other; to talk candidly; to speak by laying everything on the table; to talk straight from the gut
to telephone; to call in; to ring in; to contact by phone
to wait on someone hand and foot; to take personal care of someone
to be annoying; to be troublesome
English conversation; school for English conversation
(for a conversation) to wander from the subject; to get off track
down to earth; reasonable; able to deal with
newsworthiness; news hook; topicality; popularity (of a topic, issue, etc.)
to be troublesome; to require the aid and labour of others
obliging person; person who likes looking after others
too-good-to-be-true offers (e.g. scams and frauds); too-good-to-be-true stories
telephone booth; telephone box
fairy tale; fairy story; nursery tale
Now let's return to the main subject; To return from the digression,.. (in a conversation, speech, or story-telling)
(talk of a) moneymaking scheme; moneymaking idea; get-rich-quick proposal
person with whom to speak; someone to talk to; companion; advisor; adviser
to engage in lively conversation
down to earth; reasonable
folk tale; folktale; folk story; folklore
during a telephone call; busy line
speaking voice; talking voice
secret story; unknown episode
long telephone conversation; being on the phone for a long time
whispered conversation; whispering
to bring up a subject; to touch on a matter
inside story; the real story (behind something); story not generally known
landline telephone; fixed-line telephone
to negotiate; to settle a matter; to arrange
down to earth; reasonable
to discuss; to talk together
it's none of your business; it's not your concern
episode; side story; story within a story; aside; anecdote
boastful talk about one's love life; speaking fondly about one's sweetheart; going on about one's love affairs
good at storytelling; good at telling (funny) stories; having the gift of gab
boastful talk about one's love life; speaking fondly about one's sweetheart; going on about one's love affairs
sponsor; manager; go-between; mediator; agent; caretaker
anecdote; brief (comic) story
speaker; one who is skilled at speaking
mouthpiece of a telephone
talking about one's love interests; girls' talk; gossiping
too-good-to-be-true offers (e.g. scams and frauds); too-good-to-be-true stories
video telephone; video call; video chat; skyping
being good at conversation; conversationalist; good talker
to make a phone call; to answer the phone
reception (telephone); listening (to a telephone)
to attract public attention; to create a stir; to arouse interest
silent phone call (form of harassment)
fairy tale; fairy story; nursery tale
discussion; talk; tête-à-tête; conference
phone duty; being on call
telephone bill; telephone rate
quiet conversation; gossiping; idle talk
spoken language; colloquial expression
telephone made from two cans and a piece of string
tall story; tall tale; cock-and-bull story
black rotary-dial telephone
boastful talk about one's love life; speaking fondly about one's sweetheart; going on about one's love affairs
thanks for taking care of me; thanks for taking care of my loved one
care for patients with bedpans, urinary bottles, etc.
good at storytelling; good at telling (funny) stories; having the gift of gab
to break the ice; to broach a subject; to bring up a topic
telephone threat (e.g. of a bomb)
telecommunications company; telco
to be annoying; to be troublesome; to be a burden
story; tale; talk; discussion
talk about various topics
night chat; tale told at night; evening tea party (starting around 6pm); book of informal essays
speaker; narrator; speaker (of a language)
simple (e.g. matter); problem free; hopeless; the end (i.e. leaving one at a loss of words); dumbfounding
trip story; vacation story
talking while standing; standing around talking
much-discussed work (book, film, etc.)
being much talked about; creating a stir; being the talk of town
whispered conversation; whispering
tall story; tall tale; cock-and-bull story
to reminisce; to engage in a lively conversation; to discuss mutual interests
curiously enough; oddly enough; strange to tell
idle gossip; foolish talk; yarn
revealing talk; insider talk; inside story
(talk of a) moneymaking scheme; moneymaking idea; get-rich-quick proposal
too-good-to-be-true offers (e.g. scams and frauds); too-good-to-be-true stories
to be troublesome; to require the aid and labour of others
telephone table; telephone stand
busy (phone); in talks; discussion underway
thanks for taking care of me; thanks for taking care of my loved one
Roman mythology; Roman myths
talking about one's misfortunes; tales of one's misfortunes
lovers talk; sweet nothings
changing the subject; on a different note; by the way
busy (phone); in talks; discussion underway
tall story; tall tale; cock-and-bull story
cordless telephone; wireless telephone
to be much obliged (to someone); to receive favor (favour); to be indebted; to be grateful
story; tale; talk; discussion
tidbit; titbit; digression; sidebar; snippet
talk about various topics
whispered conversation; whispering
mobile phone operator; mobile network carrier; cellular company
face-to-face talk; direct communication; direct dialogue; direct talk
(telephone) transmitter; mouthpiece
charge for a telephone call
being good at conversation; conversationalist; good talker
writer of children's stories
too-good-to-be-true offers (e.g. scams and frauds); too-good-to-be-true stories
to hang up; to end a telephone conversation
confession; confidential talk; frank talk
confidential talk; whispering
if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is; there's a flip side to every coin
quiet conversation; gossiping; idle talk
public telephone (orig. red); payphone
much-talked-about; recently popular; in vogue
real talk; serious conversation
being much talked about; creating a stir; being the talk of town
direct (telephone) line; direct dialing
safety myth; myth that something is completely safe (e.g. nuclear plant); safety dogma
telephone fee; telephone service charge
one's own account (of something); account one got (heard) from somebody at first hand
sewamono (Edo-period drama about contemporary life)
long-distance call; trunk call
it's none of your business; it's not your concern
story about human nature or emotions (esp. rakugo); emotional rakugo story lacking a punch line
meanwhile; in the meantime; on the other hand
similar story; variant tale
anecdote; tidbit; gossip; little-known story
phone conference; conference call
satellite-based mobile phone
landline telephone; fixed-line telephone
(the art of) storytelling
collection of stories (esp. myths, legends, etc.)
colloquium; symposium; gathering for discussion
(telephonic) transmission
to come to an agreement; to come to a mutual understanding; to come to terms with each other; to reach an arrangement
conversational ability; speaking ability
no-charge call (e.g. via Skype, etc.); toll-free call
helpful person; person who likes looking after others; overly helpful person; annoyingly helpful person; manager; go-between
emergency telephone; emergency call
gathering for friendly discussion
urgent phone call; emergency phone call
having a bad connection (phone call); unable to hear (the other person's voice); having a faint voice
serious topic (of conversation)
attendant; person who looks after one's needs; caretaker
telephone switching station; telephone exchange; central office
confession; confidential talk; frank talk
English conversation school
confabulation; fabrication
idle gossip; foolish talk; yarn
spoken language; colloquial expression
conversing from the heart; love story
phone interview; telephone interview
tedious complaints; continual moaning
telephone number at which person without a phone can be reached
confession; confidential talk; frank talk
tidbit; titbit; digression; sidebar; snippet
sign-language interpreting; sign-language interpreter
voice over IP (VoIP); Internet protocol telephony; IP telephony; Internet telephony
small talk; gossip; spoken language; colloquial expression
indirect speech; indirect narration
talk; speech; topic; subject; discussions; negotiation; rumor
ghost story; spooky story
Standard Chinese; Modern Standard Mandarin; Putonghua
extension phone (and its main line)
good story; beautiful story; heartwarming story
much-talked-about; recently popular; in vogue
nuisance phone call; spam phone call
retelling (of a tale, legend, etc.)
thanks for taking care of me; thanks for taking care of my loved one
matter being discussed (e.g. in a private conversation); our side of the story (in contrast to another's version)
telephone call; telephone (device)
classified telephone directory
if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is; there's a flip side to every coin
policy of using dialogue instead of confrontation
none of your business!; don't bother me!; keep out of it!
inside story; confidential talk
to be able to speak; to be able to talk; to be understanding; to be sensible
to be annoying; to be troublesome; to be a burden
flooding a company, organization etc. with phone complaints (usu. loosely organized on anonymous online message boards)
thanks for taking care of me; thanks for taking care of my loved one
(a) short story; short-story writer
simple (e.g. matter); problem free; hopeless; the end (i.e. leaving one at a loss of words); dumbfounding
novel written in colloquial Chinese
chat without food or drink; rakugo performed without musical accompaniment
Internet telephony; Internet telephone
subscribed telephone; subscription telephone
telephony; telephone communication
(telephone) speech quality; sound quality; call quality
telephone number at which person without a phone can be reached
to come to an agreement; to come to a mutual understanding; to come to terms with each other; to reach an arrangement
mobile phone; wireless phone
party line (telephone line shared by multiple subscribers)
that's none of your business
speech impediment; lalopathy
legendary literature; narrative literature
American Sign Language; ASL
spoken language; colloquial expression
ghost story; spooky story
personal handyphone system; PHS
to have a heart to heart talk; to speak frankly
telephone number at which person without a phone can be reached
good talkers make good listeners
free phone consultation; free phone consultation service
tedious complaints; continual moaning
intra-city telephone call; local call
phone in request (e.g. calling a radio station to request a song)
inside story; the real story (behind something); story not generally known
call-waiting (phone option)
if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is; there's a flip side to every coin
boastful story; story about tengu
lip reading (esp. in context of deaf people); lipreading; speech reading; speechreading
(telephone) call forwarding; call diversion
intercom; intercommunication system
good talkers make good listeners
telephone counselling service
drama about domestic life
to pick up the thread of a story; to resume a conversation
(for a conversation) to wander from the subject; to get off track
trip story; vacation story
if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is; there's a flip side to every coin
ghost story; spooky story
coming to talk; conversation one came (to a place) to have
that's none of your business
that's none of your business
to pick up the thread of a story; to resume a conversation
to speak slowly and quietly
Qing Mandarin (standard variety of Chinese spoken by official classes during the Qing dynasty); Mandarin (branch of Chinese spoken in northern and southwestern China)
finger language; signing; sign language
person who looks after others
round table meeting or talks
talking to oneself; conducting a monologue
blue telephone; (blue) public telephone
discourse representation structure theory; DRS
person-to-person call; personal call
intra-city telephone rate; local-call rate
next-generation mobile phone
long-distance telephone company
conversation on worldly affairs; chat about everyday life (business)
dialogue corpus (dialog); dialogue corpora
telephone subscriber; telephone customer
conference call (phone option); conference calling
thank you for all your hard work
cellular phone; mobile phone
conversational processing
conversational mode; interactive mode
private branch exchange; PBX
conversational mode; interactive mode
regional Bell operating company; RBOC
long distance telephone company
station-to-station (comms)
silent time; silence period
international telephone number
mind your own business!; keep out of it!
mind your own business!; keep out of it!
mind your own business!; keep out of it!
mind your own business!; keep out of it!
Japanese Sign Language; JSL
public telephone; payphone; pay phone
demythologization; demythicization
care telephone (e.g. for the aged, disabled, etc.)
self-contained (of a story)
fools act without thinking
discourse representation theory; DRT
Act for Identification, etc. by Mobile Voice Communications Carriers of Their Subscribers, etc. and for Prevention of Improper Use of Mobile Voice Communications Services; Mobile Phone Improper Use Prevention Act
heartbreaking story; tragic tale
intercom; intercommunication system
phonetic alphabet (e.g. A for alpha, B for bravo, etc.); phonetic code
train telephone; railway radiotelephone
Beijing dialect of Standard Chinese (as spoken during the Qing dynasty)
vernacularism; colloquialism
International Sign (pidgin sign language); IS