body; oneself; one's place; one's position; main part; meat (as opposed to bone, skin, etc.)
body; torso; trunk; build; physique; health
whole (body); full-length (e.g. portrait); systemic
contents; interior; substance; content; (sword) blade
body; physical system; (the) person
to learn; to acquire knowledge; to carry; to wear (clothes, etc.); to put on
person's origin (e.g. city, country, parentage, school)
near oneself; close to one; familiar
(social) standing; status; identity; birth; one's circumstances; one's means
height (of body); stature
relatives; one's family; friends; members of the same organization; followers; henchmen
to bend oneself forward (esp. in curiosity or excitement); to hang out (e.g. over a balcony)
upper half of the body; upper body
to put oneself on guard; to stand ready; to square off
to wear; to be dressed in; to be adorned in; to clad oneself with
moving about; stirring about
to defend oneself; to protect oneself
selfish; self-centred; egotistical
bachelorhood; single; unmarried; celibate
to resign; to abandon; to step aside; to back out of; to retire; to get away
dress; attire; clothing; getup; outfit; personal appearance
(one's) identity; background; upbringing; (one's) character
to master (e.g. a skill); to become accustomed to (e.g. a lifestyle); to acquire (e.g. a habit); to retain
metamorphosis; disguise; transformation; shapeshifting; morphing
tall figure; high stature
to learn; to acquire knowledge; to carry; to wear (clothes, etc.); to put on
(using) one's whole body; (putting in) all one's efforts; (exerting) all one's energies
narrow; thin (sized); slender
living flesh; flesh and blood; physical body of Buddha or a bodhisattva
to get up (e.g. from bed); to make one's way in the world; to achieve in life
half the body; half length
other self; alter ego; part of oneself (in someone or something else); incarnations of Buddha
to live under another's roof; to become a dependent on; to flatten oneself (against); to lean in close to
to give oneself to (esp. of a woman to a man); to surrender oneself to
shivering (with cold); trembling (with fear); shuddering
stirring; slight movement
himself; yourself; herself
to twist; to turn; to writhe (e.g. in pain); to twist around; to turn in one's seat
one's station in life; one's personal history; one's circumstances; one's lot; one's destiny; one's future
myself; oneself; (arch.) I; (arch.) me; (arch.) you (referring to one's inferior)
agile; nimble; casual (clothing); light (e.g. luggage); carefree; with limited responsibility
dress; outfit; getup; to dress oneself; to outfit oneself
to wear; to be dressed in; to have on
substitution (for someone else); substitute; stand-in; scapegoat; sacrifice
incarnation; impersonation; personification; avatar
to learn; to acquire knowledge; to carry; to wear (clothes, etc.); to put on
to turn aside adroitly; to dodge
to wear; to be dressed in; to have on
one's personal belongings; one's vicinity; one's daily life; everyday necessities
invulnerability; immortality; insensibility to pain
to yield oneself (to something); to devote oneself (to something); to surrender oneself (to something)
the defensive; passive attitude; passivity; the passive; passive voice; ukemi (the art of falling safely)
body and soul; mind and body
complete devotion; body and soul; one's best
alone; unaided; away from home
to put oneself in (situation, environment, etc.); to surround oneself with
with one's own body; by one's own action; through one's own experience; firsthand
to throw oneself (e.g. off a cliff, etc.)
carriage; poise; bearing; demeanor; movement (of the body)
one's physical safety; personal security
to be worried about; to be concerned for someone's welfare
unable to move; dead in the water; completely helpless
one's person; around one's person
your body; your health; yourself; you
sashimi (raw sliced fish, shellfish or crustaceans)
(personal) appearance; (personal) grooming; essential skill; required knowledge
danger to oneself; (fear of) one's physical safety
to sink deeply into one's mind; to come home to; to go to one's heart; to pierce one's body (e.g. of wind, cold, etc.)
having wounds all over one's body; being wounded all over; receiving a drubbing; being subjected to a barrage of criticism
one's social position; one's place; one's standing
to throw oneself (into an activity)
devoted; self-sacrificing
gesture; gesticulation; motion
alumnus (alumnae); graduate; former member of an organization; former inhabitant (country, region, etc.)
devotion; dedication; self-sacrifice
bachelorhood; spinsterhood; celibacy; living apart from one's family; living alone; person who lives alone
to twist; to turn; to writhe (e.g. in pain); to twist around; to turn in one's seat
(for) self-defense; (for) self-protection
putting one's life on the line; giving everything one has got; acting out of desperation
to settle down; to get a steady job; to marry and raise a family; to attire oneself; to outfit oneself
to sink (into one's seat, etc.); to leap to one's death (by drowning); to be reduced to (esp. working as a prostitute)
to risk one's life (to do); to put one's life on the line; to step forward (to do); to give one's all
freedom; free man; free woman
identification papers; ID
blunt; to the point; direct; outspoken; frank
not knowing one's social position; overweening; overreaching; forgetting who one is
warmly; cordially; with tender care
(carrying) close to one's person; next to the skin
life-size; life-sized; true-to-life; faithful (depiction); realistic
one's best interests; one's own good
naked sword; drawn sword; shellfish removed from the shell
to do one good; to be beneficial; to stand in someone else's shoes; (arch.) to care deeply for someone
the place one comes from; one's birthplace; one's hometown
relation; relative; kind; cordial
important; having a high status; having standing; exalted; of high station
(top) half naked; naked above the waist
myself; oneself; (arch.) I; (arch.) me; (arch.) you (referring to one's inferior)
art of self-defense (defence)
to give one's everything; to make one's best effort; to be enthused; to put your back into it
one's body alone; having nothing except one's body; just oneself (with no belongings)
to sink deeply into one's mind; to come home to; to go to one's heart; to pierce one's body (e.g. of wind, cold, etc.)
life story; personal narrative; story of one's life
antecedents; ancestor; previous position; previous existence; predecessor organization; predecessor organisation
physical examination; medical checkup; frisking; pat-down; search
slave trade; white-slave trade; human trafficking
feeling ashamed; feeling of one's inferiority
to throw oneself; to jump; to leap
unable to move; dead in the water; completely helpless
to master (e.g. a skill); to become accustomed to (e.g. a lifestyle); to acquire (e.g. a habit); to retain
egg white; white-fleshed fish (e.g. tai, hirame, karei); white meat; sapwood
change of attitude (stance, position); lightness of foot; ability to dodge out of the way of an attack
to have sex; to have a physical relationship
cut; slice (meat, fish); fillet
to be undeserved; to be more than one deserves; to be more than one can handle
having no memory of (having done something); having nothing to do with; having no knowledge of; knowing nothing about
one's personal belongings; one's vicinity; one's daily life; everyday necessities
to yield oneself (to something); to devote oneself (to something); to surrender oneself (to something)
to undergo great hardships; to waste away from great effort and worry
to burn (with jealousy, desire, etc.)
all one has; all one's possessions
job transfer away from one's home; taking up a new post leaving one's family behind
the defensive; passive attitude; passivity; the passive; passive voice; ukemi (the art of falling safely)
himself; yourself; herself
with one's own body; by one's own action; through one's own experience; firsthand
stirring; slight movement
to work assiduously; to give one's all; to make the utmost effort; (lit.) to make (grind) one's body into dust
changing (job, career, lifestyle, social position, beliefs, etc.)
to wait on someone hand and foot; to take personal care of someone
to detain; to take into custody
freedom of the person; personal freedom; personal liberty
to have the memory of having done something oneself
prostrating oneself; kowtowing; going down on one's knees
(with) only the clothes one happens to wear
to be enthralled by; to be disguised as
personal accessories (ornaments, adornments)
to make a success in life
identification papers; ID; piece of identification; identity document
fish having white flesh (e.g. tai, hirame, karei)
selling oneself (into bondage) (esp. for prostitutes)
shivering (with cold); trembling (with fear); shuddering
one's background; one's history; one's circumstances; one's merit; asset; strong point
to descend; to stoop; to degrade oneself; to be reduced to
(a person or body being) unidentifiable (unidentified)
to sink deeply into one's mind; to come home to; to go to one's heart; to pierce one's body (e.g. of wind, cold, etc.)
difference in social standing; difference in social position
personal (affairs, reasons, etc.)
shoulders; body; honour; honor; prestige
throwing oneself (e.g. into the water to commit suicide)
gesture; gesticulation; motion
to exert oneself; to devote oneself to
to become the focus of (attention, sympathy, hope, etc.)
fat (of meat); fatty meat
the whole body; all one's (strength, anger, spirit, etc.)
personal security; personal protection; provision of a bodyguard
head and body; heads tall (ratio of total height to length of the head); heads long
to defend oneself; to protect oneself
weak constitution; ill health
slim figure; lean figure; weight reduction
paying to get someone (esp. a geisha, prostitute, etc.) out of bondage
one's social position; one's place; one's standing
to expose oneself (e.g. to danger)
making one's best exertions
conduct; behavior; behaviour; being pregnant
blow to a vital point of a person's body; striking techniques (judo)
red flesh (of a fish); red-fleshed fish (e.g. tuna); lean meat; heartwood
piercing (cold); biting (wind)
(personal) background check
to have one's hair stand on end
to become tense; to become serious; to become sober; sobering; bracing
didn't stir an inch; not stirring a muscle
the human body; one's person
to expose oneself (e.g. to danger)
substitution (for someone else); substitute; stand-in; scapegoat; sacrifice
unmarried person; bachelor; spinster
undeserved honor (honour); too great an honour
accident resulting in personal injury or death (esp. traffic, rail, etc.)
unable to stay healthy; ruining one's health; exceeding the limits of one's body; unable to maintain one's fortune
to sympathize deeply with; to strike a chord of sympathy
to take to defending oneself above all; to save one's skin
to feel keenly; to strike to the core; to touch to the quick; to pierce deep inside (e.g. cold)
(one's) identity; background; upbringing; (one's) character
paying for one's mistakes; getting one's just deserts; suffering the consequences (of one's own actions); reaping what you sow
snake in one's bosom; treacherous friend
life imprisonment; life sentence
identification; background check; identity confirmation
dressing oneself; personal grooming
the body is honest; your body reveals what you really think (or want)
heartrending; desperate; hopeless; full of grief
naked sword; drawn sword; shellfish removed from the shell
one's carriage; one's demeanor; agility; body movements
guarantor; surety; person responsible for another's behavior
unable to stay healthy; ruining one's health; exceeding the limits of one's body; unable to maintain one's fortune
average height; average body height
to risk one's life (to do); to put one's life on the line; to step forward (to do); to give one's all
being doxxed; being doxed; having one's personal information revealed online (against one's will)
(personal) appearance; (personal) grooming; essential skill; required knowledge
sashimi (raw sliced fish, shellfish or crustaceans)
stance with legs in an L-shape, with one leg bent in front and other extended behind (martial arts, traditional theater)
establishing oneself in life; success in life
dress; attire; clothing; getup; outfit; personal appearance
fortune; property; life circumstances; finances; one's worth; one's merit
dressing oneself; personal grooming
putting one's affairs in order; ordering one's affairs; tidying up
bodyguard (of a noble or high-ranking official); guard; attendant; aide; statues of guards that flank the gate of a shrine
blunt; to the point; direct; outspoken; frank
morals; ethics; moral training
dress; outfit; getup; to dress oneself; to outfit oneself
beyond one's means or position; inappropriate to one's lot in life
general anesthesia; general anaesthesia
self-immolation; burning oneself to death; suicide by fire
to risk one's life (to do); to put one's life on the line; to step forward (to do); to give one's all
hair-raising; bloodcurdling; horrible; shocking; gruesome
putting one's life on the line; giving everything one has got; acting out of desperation
suicide by throwing oneself to one's death; leaping to one's death
bachelor's life; life of a bachelor
to master something (through personal experience)
hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body)
having the memory of having done something oneself; familiar (to one); guilty (look, expression, etc.)
one's old school or university; alma mater; the school or university one attended
what happens to one today may happen to another tomorrow; misfortunes can happen to anyone
to feel keenly; to strike to the core; to touch to the quick; to pierce deep inside (e.g. cold)
guardhouse (Edo-period city)
person of high rank or income
being interested in somebody (only) for sex
identity or background check (often to see if someone is a burakumin)
to use one's own money; to pay for from one's own pocket
blow to a vital point of a person's body; striking techniques (judo)
all one has; all one's possessions
shellfish removed from the shell; shucked shellfish
unmarried person living affluently
surimi; minced fish (or meat) mashed into a paste
health is wealth; health is your most valuable asset
full-length portrait or statue
dressing oneself (e.g. to go out); outfitting oneself
to be undeserved; to be more than one deserves; to be more than one can handle
half body bathing; hip bath
one's best interests; one's own good
successor (e.g. organization); new existence after rebirth
dress; outfit; getup; to dress oneself; to outfit oneself
unmarried person; single person; bachelor; spinster
favoritism (towards relatives); favouritism; nepotism
near oneself; close to one; familiar
appropriate to one's lot in life; within one's means; fitting to one's position; suitable to one's social status
favoritism (towards relatives); favouritism; nepotism
living apart from one's family; living alone; person who lives alone
(personal) guarantor; (personal) surety; person providing a character reference
to be enthralled by; to be disguised as
not knowing what to do with oneself (out of embarrassment, etc.); not knowing where to put oneself; feeling out of place; feeling that one doesn't belong
one's personal belongings; one's vicinity; one's daily life; everyday necessities
monks who practise austerity to the point of death and mummification
relatives; one's family; friends; members of the same organization; followers; henchmen
blunt; to the point; direct; outspoken; frank
what action to take; what to do with oneself
throwing oneself to one's death; precipitating oneself to one's death; leaping to one's death
conduct; behavior; behaviour; being pregnant
obsession with changing one's appearance; desire to change
beautiful well-proportioned woman (body 8 times longer than head)
voluntary singlehood (as a principle or creed); singlehood by choice
lifetime employment; permanent employment
to throw oneself; to jump; to leap
to give one's everything; to do one's best
shellfish removed from the shell; shucked shellfish
friend; ally; supporter; taking sides with; supporting; standing by
cut; slice (meat, fish); fillet
agile; nimble; casual (clothing); light (e.g. luggage); carefree; with limited responsibility
(one's) identity; background; upbringing; (one's) character
(physically) disabled person; person with a physical disability
real sword (as opposed to a wooden practice sword)
feeling out of place; feeling that one doesn't belong; not knowing what to do with oneself
false personation; misrepresentation of one's social position
body of a garment; bodice
front (of a piece of traditional Japanese clothing)
vanishing from sight (usu. via magic, camouflage. etc.); disappearing; hiding
strutting; sticking out the chest
to establish one's innocence; to prove oneself right; to prove one's identity
examine (investigate into) a person's history
devoting one's body and soul to Buddhist teachings; unsparing devotion to Buddhism
shellfish removed from the shell; shucked shellfish
to expose oneself (e.g. to danger)
super hero belt; transformation belt
tattoo (esp. a traditional Japanese one); tattooing
bending backward; strutting
substitution (for someone else); substitute; stand-in; scapegoat; sacrifice
trikaya (three bodies of the Buddha)
physical restraint (e.g. by police); (taking into) custody; detention
to err; to take the wrong path; to go astray
slim figure; lean figure; weight reduction
paying to get someone (esp. a geisha, prostitute, etc.) out of bondage
undeserved honor (honour); too great an honour
nirmanakaya (response body, form taken by a buddha according to the capabilities of those who are to be saved)
having no memory of (having done something); having nothing to do with; having no knowledge of; knowing nothing about
traveling alone and with little luggage (travelling)
dharmakaya (dharma body, Buddhism's highest form of existence)
mutual assistance; mutual sympathy
art of disappearing (esp. ninja)
half-length statue or portrait; bust
wretched life; life of misery
heartrending; desperate; hopeless; full of grief
money needed to buy a geisha or prostitute out of bondage
attainment of Buddhahood during life
person with a humble salary; person of a low condition
John Doe; Jane Doe; person unknown
at the risk of one's life; dead body
body set on fire from head to foot (like a daruma doll being ritually incinerated)
person always at one's side
paying to get someone (esp. a geisha, prostitute, etc.) out of bondage
burning oneself (to death); self-immolation
(physically) disabled person; person with a physical disability
treacherous friend; snake in one's bosom; treacherous insider
living body; flesh and blood; fresh fish
dressing oneself (e.g. to go out); outfitting oneself
not knowing what to do with oneself (out of embarrassment, etc.); not knowing where to put oneself; feeling out of place; feeling that one doesn't belong
renouncing the flesh or the world; becoming a priest; risking one's life for others
physical; bodily; corporeal
dressing oneself (e.g. to go out); outfitting oneself
not knowing what to do with oneself (out of embarrassment, etc.); not knowing where to put oneself; feeling out of place; feeling that one doesn't belong
plate of assorted sashimi; selection of sashimi
fish having red flesh (e.g. maguro, katsuo, saba, iwashi)
chicken tender; chicken tenderloin
one's living; one's livelihood
substitution (for someone else); substitute; stand-in; scapegoat; sacrifice
to be absorbed in; to devote oneself (to); to give oneself over (to)
status consciousness; perception of one's social status
easy come, easy go; lightly comes, lightly goes; soon gotten soon spent
wretched life; life of misery
full-length photograph; whole body picture
art of self-defense; art of self-defence
nothing ventured, nothing gained
old bones; aged body; advanced age
sambhogakaya (reward body, form taken by a buddha after completing its role as a bodhisattva)
rupakaya (the physical body, esp. of a buddha)
action, speech and thought
to be stripped of all one has
hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body)
personal attack; ad hominem attack
employee posted away from their family
buddhakaya (the body of Buddha)
pushing an opponent out with one's body
entire human body; every inch of one's body
general anesthetic; general anaesthetic
heartrending; desperate; hopeless; full of grief
thin slice of meat or fish; (arch.) briefly salt-pickled fish slice
women's volunteer corps; groups of young female workers organized on Japanese territory during WWII
not knowing what to do with oneself (out of embarrassment, etc.); not knowing where to put oneself; feeling out of place; feeling that one doesn't belong
to lose weight; to become thin
turning a suspect over to the public prosecutor's office; committing a suspect to trial
(arch.) the real person; (arch.) said person; real thing; genuine article
(Japanese) system of lifetime employment
to have one's hair stand on end
to establish one's innocence; to prove oneself right; to prove one's identity
you are what you eat; slogan encouraging consumption of local seasonal foods for one's health; (lit.) indivisibility of the body and the land (because the body is made from food and food is made from the land)
self-conceit; neglecting one's health
personal information form; dossier on an individual
to squander one's fortunes
systemic disease; systemic disorder
var. of fresh Japanese sweet made of white bean paste, egg yolk, sugar and rice granules
(with) only the clothes one happens to wear
wretched life; life of misery
carriage; poise; bearing; demeanor; movement (of the body)
aureole (of a Buddhist statue; surrounding the body but not the head); aureola
physical disability certificate
one's living; one's livelihood
full-body bath; full-body bathing
one's living; one's livelihood
piercing (cold); biting (wind)
(arch.) the real person; (arch.) said person; real thing; genuine article
to do an act of benevolence at the sacrifice of oneself
sword used for self-defense
(dharma-body of) Vairocana
freedom of the person; personal freedom; personal liberty
success in life; advancement in life; rising in the world
corporal punishment; physical punishment
one's living; one's livelihood
sutemi-waza (judo sacrifice throw)
shivering (with cold); trembling (with fear); shuddering
chaste woman; virtuous woman
meat of a fish (e.g. tuna) that is dark red with blood, usu. coming from the parts close to the spine
skirt steak; meat cut from the diaphragm; belly meat (e.g. salmon); peritoneal meat (e.g. chicken)
easy come, easy go; lightly comes, lightly goes; soon gotten soon spent
(Japanese) system of lifetime employment
sashimi garnish; something of no significance; something that can easily be done without
misconduct; profligacy; licentiousness
(being in) reduced circumstances; (having) fallen into poverty
sashimi garnish; something of no significance; something that can easily be done without
those who wish to rule the land must first cultivate their own characters, then manage their families, then govern their states; only then can they bring peace to the land
body and mind as one; mind-body unity
personal reference letter; personal reference guarantee
surimi; minced fish (or meat) mashed into a paste
person with a physical or mental disability; disabled person
money needed to buy a geisha or prostitute out of bondage
to take good care of oneself
body and mind as one; mind-body unity
disabled child; physically handicapped child
story featuring metamorphosis
feeling out of place; feeling that one doesn't belong; not knowing what to do with oneself
systemic lupus erythematosus; SLE
it's hard to notice one's own faults; (lit.) one does not notice one's own body odour
bodily injury; personal injury; actual bodily harm; mayhem
striking techniques (judo)
creating patterns in human flesh through scarification
sashimi garnish; something of no significance; something that can easily be done without
to do an act of benevolence at the sacrifice of oneself
wisdom and self-protection; wise and skilled in the art of self-protection
rich person; wealthy person; housekeeping
to have the memory of having done something oneself
body without organs (philosophical concept); BwO
people don't know themselves as well as they know others; even if you know what will happen to others, you don't know what will happen to yourself; (lit.) a fortune teller can't tell their own future
sutemi-waza (judo sacrifice throw)
matters for identification; documentation
(Japanese) Protection of Personal Liberty Law (1948)
a sound mind is in a sound body; mens sana in corpore sano
tulku; reincarnate Tibetan lama
people don't know themselves as well as they know others; even if you know what will happen to others, you don't know what will happen to yourself; (lit.) a fortune teller can't tell their own future
passive voice; passive form
feeling refreshed in mind and body
big heads have little wit
standing highest in one's master's favor; monopolizing the affection (favor) of the lord; being the lord's favorite lady
official holding a lifetime appointment
purlin (structural beam in a roof); purline; main building (of a manor); central room (in traditional palatial-style architecture)
hair-raising; bloodcurdling; horrible; shocking; gruesome
general constitutional illness
inseparability of body/mind and geographical circumstances
mental or physical disorder; mental or physical disability
to be absorbed in; to devote oneself (to); to give oneself over (to)
assistance dog; helper dog
rich person; wealthy person; housekeeping
(physically) disabled person; person with a physical disability
myself; oneself; (arch.) I; (arch.) me; (arch.) you (referring to one's inferior)
gesture; gesticulation; motion
(with) only the clothes one happens to wear
blow to a vital point of a person's body; striking techniques (judo)
fat (of meat); fatty meat
making one's best exertions
to become tense; to become serious; to become sober; sobering; bracing
chicken tender; chicken tenderloin
shellfish removed from the shell; shucked shellfish
shellfish removed from the shell; shucked shellfish
one's carriage; one's demeanor; agility; body movements
being doxxed; being doxed; having one's personal information revealed online (against one's will)
thin slice of meat or fish; (arch.) briefly salt-pickled fish slice
thin slice of meat or fish; (arch.) briefly salt-pickled fish slice
thin slice of meat or fish; (arch.) briefly salt-pickled fish slice
thin slice of meat or fish; (arch.) briefly salt-pickled fish slice
toddler clothes (by children after age 3, before age 5); baby clothes
money needed to buy a geisha or prostitute out of bondage
heartrending; desperate; hopeless; full of grief
nothing ventured, nothing gained
cross-grips (situation in which each rikishi has an underarm grip on the other); kimono made for young children
small opening in the side of some traditional Japanese clothing (located where the sleeve meets the bodice, below the armpit)
to be stripped of all one has
sashimi garnish; something of no significance; something that can easily be done without
it's hard to notice one's own faults; (lit.) one does not notice one's own body odour
person with a physical or mental disability; disabled person
big heads have little wit
purlin (structural beam in a roof); purline; main building (of a manor); central room (in traditional palatial-style architecture)
buddha-body within a practitioner (esoteric Buddhism); altruistic manifested form of Mahavairocana (New Shingon)
taking a day off by paying one's own fee to one's master (of a prostitute; often in order to see her lover)
taking a day off by paying one's own fee to one's master (of a prostitute; often in order to see her lover)
taking a day off by paying one's own fee to one's master (of a prostitute; often in order to see her lover)
taking a day off by paying one's own fee to one's master (of a prostitute; often in order to see her lover)
a quick thrust of the hand
valuing one's body and life; holding one's life dear
(in) a humble position with a small stipend
disabled child; physically handicapped child
special class for handicapped children
small opening in the side of some traditional Japanese clothing for women and children (e.g. kimono, yukata) (located where the sleeve meets the bodice, below the armpit)
small opening in the side of some traditional Japanese clothing for women and children (e.g. kimono, yukata) (located where the sleeve meets the bodice, below the armpit)
being wounded in mind and body
reference (e.g. on CV, resume)
kanji "body" radical at left
personal reasons; personal matters; personal affairs
civil status; status (of a person) under the Civil Code
walk a mile in other's shoes to understand their suffering; you can't appreciate others' suffering until you've gone through it yourself; (lit.) pinch yourself and know others' pain
walk a mile in other's shoes to understand their suffering; you can't appreciate others' suffering until you've gone through it yourself; (lit.) pinch yourself and know others' pain
what chances to one man may happen to all; what happens to one today may happen to another tomorrow; misfortunes can happen to anyone
it is easier to blame than do better; (lit.) instead of resenting others, resent yourself
too much pleasure ruins a man (esp. in reference to spending too much time with geisha and prostitutes); playing the dandy ruins a man
a watched pot never boils
moderation is its own medicine; take care of your stomach; don't overeat
body ornamentation (adornment, tattoos, etc.)
type of detector used at airports
all that lives must eventually die
all that lives must eventually die
mind-made body; body as born out of a certain kind of intent or mindfulness
systemic disease; systemic disorder
breast meat (poultry, esp. duck)
breast meat (poultry, esp. duck)
rank and social status (e.g. in the imperial family)
debt bondage (ritsuryo system); forced labor on failure to pay a debt
filial piety begins with not harming one's own body (as one's entire body was given by one's parents)
filial piety begins with not harming one's own body (as one's entire body was given by one's parents)
words betray one's character
empty vessels make the most noise; (lit.) the silent firefly burns with more passion than the crying cicada
empty vessels make the most noise; (lit.) the silent firefly burns with more passion than the crying cicada
kimizushi; sushi with egg yolk instead of rice
kimizushi; sushi with egg yolk instead of rice
being able to live as an artist is no blessing
being able to live as an artist is no blessing
bad deeds punish themselves; you reap what you sow