FrequencyTop 100
Kyōiku (1st grade) 
KankenLevel 10
Composed of
divining rod

A pictograph of a magical divining rod hovering above the ground.

Do not confuse it with , which also features a magical levitating divining rod, however that one is crooked, so it's incorrectly hovering right below the ceiling instead of doing it properly above the ground like this one is.

Used in kanji (7 in total)
family relative
mountain pass
Used in vocabulary (1883 in total)
above; up; top; summit; surface; before; previous
not less than; ... and over; beyond (e.g. one's expectations); above; above-mentioned; aforementioned
to raise; to elevate; to do up (one's hair); to fly (a kite, etc.); to launch (fireworks, etc.); to land (a boat); to show someone (into a room)
to rise; to go up; to enter (esp. from outdoors); to come in; to enter (a school); to advance to the next grade; to get out (of water)
any more; any further; any better; any longer
from the standpoint of; as a matter of (e.g. fact); aboard (a ship or vehicle); on top of; first volume (e.g. book); superior quality; best
further; above; anymore
to stand up; to get up; to rise; to recover; to take action; to start; to make the initial charge
to look up at; to raise one's eyes; to look up to; to admire; to respect
above ground; on the ground; earth's surface; this world; this earth
in addition; furthermore; above (which); on top of (which)
to elevate; to raise; to lift up; to flatter; to extol; to praise to the sky
to swell; to rise; to bulge; to rouse; to get excited
to ascend; to go up; to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the Sun); to rise; to go to (the capital); to be promoted; to add up to
skillful; skilled; proficient; flattery
top and bottom; high and low; going up and down; rising and falling; going and coming back; upper and lower classes
to say; to tell; to state; to do
older; senior
to pick up; to adopt (e.g. a proposal); to accept; to take away; to confiscate; to deliver (a baby)
to pull up; to drag up; to increase; to raise (e.g. taxes); to withdraw; to leave; to promote (someone to a higher position)
to raise one's face; to lift one's head; to raise one's eyes
to raise one's voice; to shout; to yell; to speak up (e.g. in protest); to speak one's mind
skillful; skilful; delicious; appetizing; fortunate; splendid
overhead; above one's head; high in the sky
to rise; to erect; to get up
sky; the skies; high-altitude sky; upper air
to scream; to whine; to grumble; to complain
to rise to the surface; to come to the front; to emerge (e.g. from obscurity); to stand out (e.g. against a dark background)
rising; ascending; climbing
(one's) superior; (one's) boss; the higher-ups
superior (in rank); top; higher order (e.g. byte); host computer (of connected device)
coat; tunic; jacket; outer garment
to go smoothly; to turn out well; to do the trick; to have peaceful relations
to raise overhead
to give; to offer; to lift up; to hold up; to raise
upper half of the body; upper body
superior; first-class; excellent; (that's) just fine!; bring it on!
to build up; to complete; to construct; to make up; to fabricate; to invent
to exceed (esp. figures: profits, unemployment rate, etc.); to surpass; to be more than; to be better than
elegant; refined; polished; high-quality goods; first-class article
moreover; in addition
to be completed; to be finished; to be ready (e.g. to serve or eat); to be very drunk
to soar; to fly high; to be whirled up; to make merry; to be ecstatic; to be in high spirits
good humour (humor); good mood
to pile up; to make a heap; to lay (e.g. bricks); to acquire (e.g. experience); to build (a reputation)
to pick up; to pick out
to spring; to jump up; to fly up; to skip
to boil up; to come to the boil; to arise; to break out; to get excited; to be in uproar
to raise one's hand; to surrender; to raise one's hand to someone (as a threat to strike); to become better (at something); to improve; to throw one's hat in the ring
elevation; rise; improvement; advancement; progress
to hold up in one's arms
from the viewpoint of; according to
to finish up; to complete; to finish off; to get through; to polish off
to rise up (e.g. pillar of smoke); to go up
to eat; to drink
to close (at a certain point); to cut short; to round up (number); to revalue (currency)
top; summit; peak
amount sold; sales; proceeds; takings; turnover
to read out; to read aloud; to call out; to finish reading; to read through
to pile up; to heap up; to stir up; to enliven; to bring to a climax
furthermore; besides; moreover; in addition; further; above or beyond this
to boost; to force up; to push up
to start (something); to start up; to boot (a computer); to launch (a business)
on the road; on the street; in the street; on the way
as a matter of fact; actually; effectively; in reality; in effect
father (esp. used in samurai families prior to the Meiji period)
to push up; to force up; to pressure one's superiors; to burst out (of emotions, etc.); to fill one's heart
advanced level; high grade; senior
older brother
to flare up; to burst into flames
to jump up; to spring up; to jump (market, price, etc.); to rise sharply; to act rashly; to jump the gun
to well up (of tears, anger, joy, etc.); to surge up (within oneself); to rise; to feel nauseated; to feel sick
to run up (a hill, stairs etc.); to dash up; to rush up
to raise one's voice; to shout
just above; right overhead
to well up (of tears, anger, joy, etc.); to surge up (within oneself); to rise; to feel nauseated; to feel sick
to raise; to lift; to hang up; to raise prices (artificially, deliberately)
to float; to rise to the surface; to stand out; to be visible; to be alienated
top brass; upper echelon; higher-ups; top management; upper reaches; top of the pile
improvement (e.g. in skill, ability); advance; progress; communication of opinions of the general populace to those of high rank
finish; finishing; finishing touches
surfacing; rising to the surface; emerging; leaping into prominence; rising (of rank)
the most; the best; peerless; the greatest; first-rate
to be lifted; to be raised; to happen suddenly; to occur; to be homeroom teacher for the same class multiple years in a row; to move up with one's class
flushing (of one's cheeks); dizziness; rush of blood to the head
to launch; to shoot up; (of waves) to dash; to wash up (ashore); to finish (e.g. a theater run, sumo tournament); to close
on a stage; on a platform; on an altar
to screw up; to put the screws on (a person); to constrict (someone, something)
landing; going ashore; disembarkation; making landfall (of a typhoon); striking land; hitting land
one's station in life; one's personal history; one's circumstances; one's lot; one's destiny; one's future
top part; surface
on the surface; ostensibly; superficially; apparently
to roll up; to hoist; to take away; to rip off (e.g. money from someone); to blow up (dust)
on the sea; surface of the sea
good performance; good work; great success
to suck up; to pump up; to siphon off (profits, etc.); to exploit; to take up others' opinions, hopes, etc.
first-rate; finest quality; the best
student in a higher grade; upperclassman
tuck (e.g. in a dress); rise (e.g. in price)
to get up (from sitting); to stand up; to (finally) start to do something; to get off one's backside; to take action
going up in flames; destruction by fire (esp. of a large building); stirring up a storm of criticism online (of an article, tweet, statement, etc.); becoming the target of an Internet pitchfork mob
to creep up; to crawl up; to overcome (a bad situation); to rise (after a setback)
calling on; visiting
superior officer
to finish dyeing
to be finished; to be completed; to be done
above; more than
presenting to
upper stream; upper course; upstream; upper classes
to look upward
older sister
climax; uprush; bulge
in history; ever; historical
most of all; extremely; supremely
inattention; absent-mindedness
condescending attitude; arrogant attitude; looking down on
to kick into the air; to kick up; to kick from below
superscription (on a letter, parcel, etc.); address; overwriting (data, file, etc.)
the very best; excellent; superb
launching; launch; end (of a theatrical run, etc.); closing party (e.g. a theater show); cast party
(on) land; ground; shore; track-and-field events
diagonally upward; (going in a) completely unexpected direction (of a story, result, etc.)
upper tier; upper section; place of honor; place of honour; dais; raised part of floor
vocal message; speech; statement; prologue at the start of a kabuki performance
horseback; riding
being done for; giving up; being in a hopeless situation; not knowing what to do; being brought to one's knees; (lit.) throwing up (one's) hands
Kōzuke (former province located in present-day Gunma Prefecture)
skill; skillful; dexterity; flattery
to build up; to establish (one's reputation)
to churn up; to strike up; to throw up; to tip up; to flip up
upper limit; supremum
highest grade; superlative degree
rise; increase; income; takings; completion; end; end result (e.g. of crafts)
historic; historical
going into a frenzy; flying into a rage
Kyoto and vicinity (esp. during Edo period); Kyoto-Osaka region; Kansai region
to lose one's cool; to blow one's top; to flip one's lid; to get angry
to go smoothly; to turn out well; to do the trick; to have peaceful relations
to bind up; to tie up
to gather up into one's arms; to lift; to carry
higher rank; better position
to temper thoroughly; to train well
to straighten up; to sit upright
to improve one's skill
to comb upwards; to brush up (a loose strand of hair); to turn up a lamp wick
just out of the bath
start; beginning; build up; how well a pitcher pitches at the start of the game
to tremble violently; to shudder up; to shake
to pull in (fish); to land
upper part; upper stream; upper course of a river; right side of the stage (audience's or camera's POV); stage left (actor's POV); skillful (in comparisons)
to make out to be; to set someone up (as); to prepare (e.g. someone for a role); to make (e.g. "a man out of him"); to frame
give up; relinquish; serve up; let loose
to raise (one's voice)
adding; addition; extra
to gradually rise
proceeding to the capital (Tokyo)
to run (up hill, stairs, etc.)
to polish up; to shine up
to know (a person); to think
to sound shrill (of a voice); to sound high-pitched and excited; to get excited; to become restless; to be thrown too high; to come in high
to get excited; to get hyped up; to become happy; to get in a good mood
to go to the top; to climb to the top; to ascend to the top; to be engrossed in; to be very enthusiastic about; to be infatuated with
to pull up; to haul up
to be blind to one's shortcomings; to play innocent
upper stratum (classes, stories, storeys); upper layer; layer above
aquatic; on the water
sudden rise; steep climb; zoom; trending
to compose; to put together
to give up; to admit defeat; to throw in the towel
track and field club
to raise; to lift; to hang up; to raise prices (artificially, deliberately)
ascent; climbing; up-train; train heading toward the starting point of its route; upbound (esp. toward Tokyo); upstream
highest rank; highest position; high-end; highest-order; most-significant (e.g. bit)
desktop; desk-top; tabletop; after-dinner speech
screening (a movie); showing; to screen a movie
finish; end; completion; result
above the clouds; heaven; the Imperial Court; something unreachable; place of out of reach
(on the) net; (on the) Internet; (on the) Web
chief seat; seat of honor; seat of honour; head of the table
to check through; to thoroughly investigate
intentionally; on purpose; deliberately; taking something into account
to finish writing; to complete; to write down (e.g. a list); to write out
to give one's name; to introduce oneself; to announce one's candidacy
completion; finish; workmanship; result; outcome
to boil up; to come to the boil; to arise; to break out; to get excited; to be in uproar
to fabricate; to invent; to make up (a story); to cobble up; to put together in a hurry
to sound shrill (of a voice); to sound high-pitched and excited; to get excited; to become restless; to be thrown too high; to come in high
on the way; en route; in the process of (development, construction, etc.); in the middle of
hallway slippers; indoor shoes
to carry up; to bring up; to lift up; to elevate (someone) to a high position; to convince someone to accept a post (esp. through flattery)
to run out of breath; to get breathless; to get puffed (out)
to be conceited
upper class; upper echelons of society; the rich and powerful; the elite
raising (the standard)
to raise (to maturity); to bring up; to rear; to train; to educate
to be lifted up; to be hung up; to twitch upwards; to turn upward; to slant upward
to spring; to jump up; to fly up; to skip
to knead well; to polish; to refine
superior; superiors; senior
to wear one's hair up; to arrange one's hair
up and down, left and right; top and bottom, left and right
pecking order; hierarchical relationship; vertical relationship; hyponymy
to point upward; to look upward; to improve
Shanghai (China)
to be no match for (e.g. outclassed in authority, strength or in debt to); to be unable to act on an equal basis with
empirical; from experience
floor above; floor upstairs
to rise (suddenly) in the world (to a higher position)
to enter (house, room, etc.); to step in
on the desk; theoretical; academic; armchair (e.g. plan)
conceit; hubris; vanity; presumption
being good at cooking; good cook
on board a ship; aboard a ship
to scoop up; to dip up
to take a pinch of something (e.g. salt); to pick up in one's fingers
towering; astonishingly high
the Emperor; His Majesty; the government; the authorities; proprietress; hostess
ambition; aspiration; desire to improve oneself
to roll up or pull up (sleeves, skirt, etc.)
advanced student; advanced learner; advanced practitioner; experienced person
performance (of a play, opera, etc.); staging; presentation
upper reaches of a river; upstream
amount sold; sales; proceeds; takings; turnover
to ask (humbly); to request (humbly)
emperor; shogun; honored person (honoured); (another person's) wife
shelving; pigeonholing
upper right
extension of a straight line; (conclusion) following as an extension of (an argument)
pointing up; pointing upward; upturn; uptrend; upward tendency
windward; upwind
(top) half naked; naked above the waist
to be baked (food); to be printed (photos); to be fired (pottery)
for convenience; as a matter of convenience
to stand on tiptoe; to rise in the world; to become arrogant
to set up (in high position); to kick upstairs; to hold sacred; to worship
upper side (go, chess, othello board)
to boil up; to come to the boil; to arise; to break out; to get excited; to be in uproar
coat; tunic; jacket; outer garment
on the board (shogi, go, etc.)
to blow up (i.e. wind); to blow upwards; to spout into the air
to blow up (i.e. wind); to blow upwards; to spout into the air
to compile; to bring together; to weave; to put together; to bring to a conclusion; to wrap up
to stretch; to reach to; to stand on tiptoe
high rice field; very fertile rice field
to be ahead of
upper floor; upstairs; top of the stairs
now that; since; as long as; provided that
one's superior; higher-up; boss; senior
above the knee
life story; personal narrative; story of one's life
to scoop up; to dip up
surface; appearances
to win through (e.g. to finals); to advance
to be lifted up; to be hung up; to twitch upwards; to turn upward; to slant upward
on the sea; on the ocean; offshore
to run up onto (e.g. sidewalk); to run aground; to be stranded
to roll up; to be rolled up
first 10 days of month
buying; purchasing
upper reaches (of a river); upper stream; top; upper part; long ago; beginning; first
to dry up; to parch; to ebb away
above and below
to sob convulsively; to heave with sobs
person of high rank or position
to tuck (e.g. sleeves); to roll up
to step out of the bath
now that it's come to this; since it's come to this
stature; height
to say; to tell; to state; to do
to build up; to complete; to construct; to make up; to fabricate; to invent
pulling up; drawing up; raising; increase; repatriation; evacuation
to tuck (e.g. sleeves); to roll up
to comb upwards; to brush up (a loose strand of hair); to turn up a lamp wick
ascent; uphill; upward slope; (gradual) upturn; increase
price increase; rise in price
proceeding to the capital
holy priest; saint
to squeeze (to the utmost); to wring out; to squeeze (money) out of someone; to wring (money) from; to scold; to criticize severely; to train ruthlessly
in form; ceremonial; for form's sake; pro forma
to freeze (in fear, surprise, etc.); to cower; to flinch; to shrink up; to shrink; to shrivel up
holding a sword above one's head (kendo posture); haughty attitude; overbearing manner
to be turned up; to be lifted up (e.g. by the wind)
to gain fame; to make one's name
first class plus; extra special
to gain on; to put pressure on; to close in on
supreme; greatest; highest; best
cheap; economical
up in a tree; in the trees
above; going steadily upward
superior; boss; them (as opposed to "us"); person above; upstairs neighbour (neighbor)
strongest ever; most powerful in history
to be completed; to be finished; to be ready (e.g. to serve or eat); to be very drunk
to be completed; to be finished; to be ready (e.g. to serve or eat); to be very drunk
to be launched (e.g. rocket); to lift off; to be washed up (on the shore)
legal; from a legal standpoint; legally speaking; de jure
price hike; mark-up
high-quality goods; choice goods
to buy (of a government, public agency, etc. from a private citizen); to purchase; to buy up (all of something)
after a bath; after taking a bath; large towel used after taking a bath; yukata worn after taking a bath
after the rain
armchair theory; impracticable theory
to burn; to roast; to grill; to bake
above-mentioned; above-named; above
to draw (water, etc.); to scoop up; to pump up; to draw on (ideas) (from subordinates, the public, etc.); to take into account; to adopt
to rise; to erect; to get up
outward; superficial; external; apparent
going up and down; ascent and descent; climb and descent
to forfeit; to confiscate; to call out; to summon
starting up (e.g. business, computer)
guest of honor; guest of honour; good customer; important customer
one step higher; one better; cut above; one up
upper part; upper region; region above
greatest ... in history
upstart; parvenu; jumped-up person
higher and higher
to get off one's backside; to bestir oneself
to lift; to turn over; to fold over
at the meeting; on the occasion
most of all; extremely; supremely
downward compatible; backward compatible; compatible with input or components intended for lower tier or older systems, versions, etc.; upward compatible; forward compatible; compatible with input or components intended for higher tier or later systems, versions, etc.
developing (e.g. industry, town, economy)
upper lip; labrum
report to the Emperor
to finish writing; to complete; to write down (e.g. a list); to write out
to gain in skill; to improve; to get better
to finish knitting; to lace from bottom to top; to finish compiling (e.g. a dictionary); to finish editing
to be indicated as the winner of a bout by the raising of the referee's fan; to be declared the winner
including a sum of money in one's calculations; appropriation (a sum of money)
one's background; one's history; one's circumstances; one's merit; asset; strong point
fine jewel; article of excellent quality; beautiful woman; beauty
to comb upwards; to brush up (a loose strand of hair); to turn up a lamp wick
just out of the bath
by mutual agreement; by mutual consent
fabrication; put-up job; trumped-up story; frame-up; hoax
personal (affairs, reasons, etc.)
juniors dominating seniors; inferiors overthrowing their superiors; retainer supplanting his lord
to be set up (completely); to be put together; to be composed (e.g. type)
record high; all-time high
final coat (of paint, plaster, varnish, etc.); finish; glazing; adding more of the same (of something negative, e.g. shame)
to become enthusiastic; to have a crush (on); to lose one's head (to); to become earnest
to rise up (e.g. pillar of smoke); to go up
to sing at the top of one's voice; to belt out a song; to express one's feelings fully in a poem; to praise in poetry
upper jaw; palate
upward glance; upturned eyes
legendary; fabled; fabulous
excellent plan; best policy
quilt; bedspread; cover (for a kotatsu quilt); cloak; smock; second dyeing
ascending air current; updraft; upward trend; rise in popularity, influence, etc.
to creep up; to crawl up; to overcome (a bad situation); to rise (after a setback)
listing (on the stock exchange, etc.); taking a company public; presentation (e.g. of a play, opera); performance
status elevation; upgrading; promotion
being a good listener; good listener
to give; to offer; to lift up; to hold up; to raise
raising and lowering; praising and blaming; modulation
to enter (house, room, etc.); to step in
to count up; to enumerate
to be completely boiled; to be boiled to a turn
to clamber; to climb with hands and feet; to crawl up; to creep up
on the lake
to give; to offer; to lift up; to hold up; to raise
to move up; to advance
upper end; top; tip; top edge
on the line; borderline
in the course of one's duties
clear one's name; redeem oneself; clear (vindicate) one's honor (reputation)
to gradually rise
more than a friend (implies a degree of intimacy)
practical; actual; de facto; in essence; in all but name
to stop raining
upper floor (of a building)
a cut above; one step above
to pull up; to drag up; to increase; to raise (e.g. taxes); to withdraw; to leave; to promote (someone to a higher position)
money paid to the government
Kazusa (former province located in the central part of present-day Chiba Prefecture)
to pick up and rescue
report to a superior
worst-ever; history's worst
upper side; surface
to pick up; to adopt (e.g. a proposal); to accept; to take away; to confiscate; to deliver (a baby)
growing (graph rising to the right); expanding; soaring
tossing (someone) into the air (in celebration)
honeymouthed; glib; fair-spoken; cajoling; talking glibly
juniors dominating seniors; inferiors overthrowing their superiors; retainer supplanting his lord
to kill an enemy soldier before the start of a battle to raise spirits; to kill viciously; to victimize; to torment
god-like existence; person far higher (in hierarchy, etc.) than oneself
waist (the part of the pants located above the crotch); pant rise
to take advantage of someone's kindness or patience; to get carried away; to be elated; to get puffed up (with pride); to push one's luck; to get cocky
to cringe with fear; to cower with fright; to be terribly afraid
after a bath; after taking a bath; large towel used after taking a bath; yukata worn after taking a bath
to improve one's skill (esp. at calligraphy or drinking larger amounts of alcohol)
retired emperor; ex-emperor; former emperor; emperor emeritus
to sniffle; to snuffle; to sob
beyond oneself; beyond one's ability; exceeding one's power
working one's way up; self-made person; veteran
according to (one's) calculations; for the purpose of calculation
end; conclusion; rounding up; revaluation
to give one's first cry (of a newborn baby); to be born; to come into being; to be formed
telling; stating
Japan Ground Self-Defense Force; JGSDF
private first-class (army); airman first class (air force); lance corporal (US Marines; Commonwealth military); seaman (navy)
a disgrace (to a whole group of people)
superficial; shallow; frivolous; careless; sliding along the surface of something; being slippery
to compile; to bring together; to weave; to put together; to bring to a conclusion; to wrap up
to cringe with fear; to cower with fright; to be terribly afraid
to serve out one's apprenticeship; to serve out one's time
desire for improvement (in social standing, etc.); ambition to rise in the world
to be beside oneself; to lose one's head; to go mad with something
the older child
diplomatic; diplomatically
to be turned up; to be lifted up (e.g. by the wind)
(built) on sand
to throw up (in the air)
to become bald from the forehead; to recede (of one's hairline)
to be pulled in (fish); to be landed
to run aground; to strike a rock; to be stranded on a reef; to reach a deadlock; to come to a standstill; to run into difficulties
to reap completely; to trim up (the hair); to dress up
to screw up; to put the screws on (a person); to constrict (someone, something)
seniority; precedence; upper seat
to go to the top; to climb to the top; to ascend to the top; to be engrossed in; to be very enthusiastic about; to be infatuated with
amount sold; sales; proceeds; takings; turnover
(gymnastics) pulling oneself upward with a forward, circling movement; back hip circle
to hang up; to hoist; to denounce; to subject someone to a kangaroo court
piling shame on top of shame
Japan Coast Guard (formerly Maritime Safety Agency)
aboard a vehicle; in a car; on a train
good at business; having a good head for business; good businessman; shrewd salesman
introductory remarks
to spring up; to leap to one's feet; to jump up and down
to splash; to raise (e.g. prices)
member of the upper house; senator
to move up (e.g. date, rank, order); to be advanced; to be carried (of a number in addition)
a thorn in one's side; a pain in the butt (often someone higher in rank, ability, etc.); a person standing in one's way; a superior who obstructs one's freedom of action
hallway slippers; indoor shoes; overshoes; rubbers; galoshes
(on the) bridge
clear layer of fluid (at the top of a mixture); supernatant liquid; supernate
the whole world; throughout heaven and earth
will or decree (esp. of shogun); emperor's wishes
to splash; to raise (e.g. prices)
on top of a saddle
on the roof; court nobles
to float; to rise to the surface; to stand out; to be visible; to be alienated
to take a pinch of something (e.g. salt); to pick up in one's fingers
order's up; one order ready; coming up; problem solved; one down; all done
health (concerns, reasons, etc.)
above the clouds; the heavens
excuse; evasion; dodge; subterfuge; evasive answer
payment to the government
ground wave; terrestrial broadcast signal (i.e. not satellite); terrestrial; over-the-air
surface; appearances; exterior
on a floor; above floor level
to draw (water, etc.); to scoop up; to pump up; to draw on (ideas) (from subordinates, the public, etc.); to take into account; to adopt
daimyo's main Tokyo mansion
first volume (in set); volume one; book one
to hang up; to hoist; to denounce; to subject someone to a kangaroo court
rate of increase (e.g. prices); rate of climb (e.g. aircraft)
Maritime Self Defense Forces (Defence)
confused; chaotic; jumbled; upside-down
one's superior; senior; elder
to well up (of tears, anger, joy, etc.); to surge up (within oneself); to rise; to fill one's heart; to overcome one
overall finish; mop-up
merry drinker; one who laughs easily
buying up plots of land by force to resell at a large profit; land sharking; raising the ground level (with fill)
water and sewer services
Buddhism's highest paradise
on the chopping board
to stand up; to get up; to rise; to recover; to take action; to start; to make the initial charge
house built on sand; house of cards
to hang up; to hoist; to denounce; to subject someone to a kangaroo court
by force of circumstance; in the circumstances; given the circumstances
on paper; in the newspapers; in a letter
report to the throne
on one's face; one's face; (arch.) meeting face-to-face; (arch.) seeing in person
high laced shoes or boots
aboard a warship
to make a bold speech; to make a bold statement
vertical motion (in earthquakes)
doomed (business, trade, etc.); in a bad state; poor
tuft of hair under temple; sideburns; sidelocks
starting point for an ascent (mountain, stairs, etc.); base (of mountain, etc.)
upward adjustment; upward revision
being good at conversation; conversationalist; good talker
top (side); surface
to weave up into fabric
to bear fruit; to take effect
to boil up; to come to the boil; to arise; to break out; to get excited; to be in uproar
to squeeze (to the utmost); to wring out; to squeeze (money) out of someone; to wring (money) from; to scold; to criticize severely; to train ruthlessly
to twist hard (e.g. arm, screw)
aboard an aeroplane (airplane)
to hold a sword above one's head; to be haughty; to be arrogant
job-related; in the course of one's work
to take advantage of someone's kindness or patience; to get carried away; to be elated; to get puffed up (with pride); to push one's luck; to get cocky
being good at being spoiled; being good at using puppy-dog eyes; person who is good at getting others to spoil them
fortune; property; life circumstances; finances; one's worth; one's merit
to jump up; to spring up; to jump (market, price, etc.); to rise sharply; to act rashly; to jump the gun
to hire; to lease; to requisition; to charter
above-mentioned; above-stated; aforementioned; aforesaid
reading aloud; recitation
to exceed (esp. figures: profits, unemployment rate, etc.); to surpass; to be more than; to be better than
both (railway) tracks; (both) up and down tracks (lines)
great success; happy result; good result
listed company (on a stock exchange)
operational; strategic
lacking potential for advancement; no-hoper
(heavy) drinker; tippler; ... drinker (e.g. merry drinker, maudlin drinker); ... drunk; liker of; fan
countryside people (in town); visitor from the country; out-of-towner; country bumpkin (visiting the big city); yokel
deck cargo; upper layer of goods; extra; to pile on top of
to swell; to rise; to bulge; to rouse; to get excited
to finish sewing
working one's way up; self-made person; veteran
to slide up; to drag up
Shangdi (creator deity in Chinese folk religion); God
running time (e.g. of movie)
celestial world; heaven
to rise in esteem; to become popular; to rise in value (stocks)
going up and down; rising and falling
maudlin drinker; person who is prone to crying when drunk
to sniffle; to snuffle; to sob
to pick up; to adopt (e.g. a proposal); to accept; to take away; to confiscate; to deliver (a baby)
explosive increase; rising dramatically; shooting up
to march on the capital
military; strategic
high-ranking retainer of a daimyo (Edo Period)
being battlewise; being skilled in battle; experienced warrior
sales; amount sold; proceeds
parking on the streets; on-street parking
courtier; court official
bursting through the surface; suddenly surfacing; sudden increase (e.g. in public interest); fast rise (e.g. in rank)
earthly paradise; heaven on earth
upward move; advance
ascending staircase
being good at thoughtfulness for others; thoughtful and considerate person
exploding in flames; erupting in flames
to be cooked; to have finished cooking
performing music in the street; busking
my condolences; my deepest sympathy
final appeal to the highest court
same as above; ditto; ibid.
rising rapidly (e.g. prices, popularity); soaring; skyrocketing; going through the roof
to creep up; to ride up
trap door; removable floor boards
artificial island city; floating city
upper house; upper legislative chamber; senate
His Majesty the Emperor; the present emperor; the reigning emperor
to give oneself airs; to be prudish
going upstream; swimming upstream
to become the subject of rumours or conversations
1st quarter of moon; crescent moon
to climb; to clamber (over, up); to scramble (up); to scale; to claw one's way up
exterior; surface; outside; outward appearance; looks
adoption; acceptance; confiscation; midwifery; midwife
to put up one's hair
ancient times
having worldly wisdom; worldly person; cosmopolitan
(one's) wife; (someone's) wife; landlady
to soar; to fly high; to be whirled up; to make merry; to be ecstatic; to be in high spirits
morally; from the moral point of view
giving; presenting
suction; sucking
to be turned up; to be lifted up (e.g. by the wind)
land shark; land speculator
upper jaw; palate
good at storytelling; good at telling (funny) stories; having the gift of gab
developing country
to be crazy about; to be infatuated with; to be obsessively devoted to
rise; improvement; uptrend
ancient times (e.g. Heian and Nara periods in Japan); remote ages; early history; (nominal) retail price
piece of wood at front edge of entranceway floor; agarikamachi
the press; (in the) newspapers
to carry or bring (up)
the court; palace circles; palace floor
to rise to the surface; to come to the front; to emerge (e.g. from obscurity); to stand out (e.g. against a dark background)
finishing early (e.g. work, a game); entering elementary school a year earlier than others
area on Japan Sea side of Japan, including Niigata
water supply; tap water
to raise; to record; to bring up (a matter); to serve (food); to send some on out
to speak energetically; to talk big; to argue heatedly
to turn upwards; to leave a clean aftertaste
first half of the year; first half of the fiscal year
my sincere congratulations; please accept my congratulations
memorial to the throne
wood-block printing; publication
part of the fabric that is wrapped farthest from the skin when wearing a garment that is wrapped in front of one (such as a kimono); percentage; commission
fine weather; splendid weather
higher position
to go up on the roof
to eat; to drink
on top of a tall building; balcony; upper floor
missus; missis
in a magazine
one step higher; one better; cut above; one up
to pull up; to haul up
Ninja clan master; highest-ranking ninja
first and second volume (e.g. of a book); volume one and volume two; book one and book two
to be lifted; to be raised; to happen suddenly; to occur; to be homeroom teacher for the same class multiple years in a row; to move up with one's class
good customer; prime customer; valued clientele
surname; family name; last name
above-ground floor; ground floor
raising and lowering; loading and unloading
to run up (a hill, stairs etc.); to dash up; to rush up
room with a raised floor
death during sexual intercourse
the Emperor; His Majesty; the government; the authorities; proprietress; hostess
to finish washing; to wash well; to investigate thoroughly
to stand up; to get up; to rise; to recover; to take action; to start; to make the initial charge
to raise; to record; to bring up (a matter); to serve (food); to send someone out
to be off the press
the Emperor; His Majesty the Emperor
imperial inspection
to be promoted to a higher rank
to offer incense (for a departed person); to light an incense stick
stiff formality; set terms
homeless people (living on the street)
a disgrace (to a whole group of people)
finish; finishing; finishing touches
to elevate; to raise; to lift up; to flatter; to extol; to praise to the sky
being good in bed; sexual performer
to feel dizzy; to have blood rush to one's head; to lose one's cool; to be obsessed; to be infatuated; to become conceited
increase in digit (e.g. if we add 2 to the number 9)
mechanism used to lift an actor onto the stage (in kabuki)
honeymouthed; glib; fair-spoken
shogun's envoy; emissary
security-related; from the stand-point of safety
unconditional command; must-obey order
the very best; excellent; superb
to be gossiped about
going to Tokyo; going east
(on the) bank of a large river
to rise; to erect; to get up
to work one's way up
to stand up; to leave
piling up; making a heap; laying bricks
excellent-good-poor; first-second-third (class); (in) three volumes (a literary work)
differences in skill
court lady; noblewoman
false bottom; fake bottom; raised bottom; exaggeration; overstatement
rising intonation; upward inflection; rising tendency; upward trend; feet-first somersault hanging from the horizontal bar
rising tide; incoming tide; flood tide; surge (in popularity, power, etc.); upswing
hung up; hoist; denounced; severely criticised; kangaroo court
to push up; to force up; to pressure one's superiors; to burst out (of emotions, etc.); to fill one's heart
geoglyph (drawing on the ground)
nominal; in name only; titular
high-quality plain-woven hemp cloth
to knead thoroughly; to work up; to concoct; to make up
up line; in-bound line
to carry up; to bring up; to lift up; to elevate (someone) to a high position; to convince someone to accept a post (esp. through flattery)
being good at giving compliments; person who is good at giving compliments; charmer
one's elders or superiors
to raise the standard
after checking; after verification
living on the street; life on the streets; homelessness
what one likes, one will do well; you become good at what you like doing
humerus (upper bone in arm)
greatness is comparative; there is always someone better than you
sea level rise; rise in sea level
first part of a poem or verse
gifts given to or received by a shogun or daimyo (Edo period)
hung up; hoist; denounced; severely criticised; kangaroo court
to be completely boiled; to be boiled to a turn
outer layer (e.g. of skin); cuticle; epidermis; epithelium
upper; upward; outer; surface; top
to lift; to turn over; to fold over
to take a commission; to take a cut; to take a piece of the action; to take a kickback
to emboss; to carve in relief; to finish carving of engraving
upward tendency; rising trend
conjugation (inflection, declension) of ichidan verbs ending in "iru"
senior executive staff; upper management
unprecedented in history; unheard-of; epoch-making
increase; raising (e.g. embankment, levee); padding or inflation (e.g. of a bill)
upper bound; upper value
hung up; hoist; denounced; severely criticised; kangaroo court
jumping; jump (e.g. in prices); rashness; rash person
riser (in a building); rise
to cook (esp. grains such as rice, by boiling); to finish cooking
to jump up; to spring up; to jump (market, price, etc.); to rise sharply; to act rashly; to jump the gun
on a map; on a chart
completion; finish; workmanship; result; outcome
Edo-period business taxes
going on the market; placing on the market
my sincere congratulations; please accept my congratulations
furthermore; besides; moreover; in addition; further; above or beyond this
marine traffic; sea traffic
appeal (in court)
to kick up (a ball, dust, etc.); to kick upwards (at)
embarking (a ship); embarkation; boarding
increase in interest rates
first half; upper half
to spring up; to leap to one's feet; to jump up and down
to float; to rise to the surface; to stand out; to be visible; to be alienated
to rise (suddenly) in the world (to a higher position)
to go down in history; to remain in history
on the road; side of the road; roadside
close-cropped hair; harvesting
sky; the heavens; God; the Lord; ascension (into heaven)
bonfire often in temple grounds, usu. of charms, talismans, New Year decorations, etc.; ritual burning of money, cedar sticks, or other objects as an offering
administrative; managerial; operational
conveying the will of the governing to the governed; top-down (system)
just above; right overhead
raised tatami-floored seating area (usu. in a Japanese restaurant); small separate dining room
wage increase; pay rise
upper level; upper layer
overalls; wrapper; duster; smock
audacity; forwardness; effrontery; impertinence
to well up (of tears, anger, joy, etc.); to surge up (within oneself); to rise; to fill one's heart; to overcome one
to pick up; to adopt (e.g. a proposal); to accept; to take away; to confiscate; to deliver (a baby)
logically; from a logical point of view
just as one thought; as usual; sure enough
Doll's Festival (March 3); Girls' Festival; Peach Festival
to launch; to shoot up; (of waves) to dash; to wash up (ashore); to finish (e.g. a theater run, sumo tournament); to close
the most; the best; peerless; the greatest; first-rate
taking a hem up; hemming up
to roll up; to hoist; to take away; to rip off (e.g. money from someone); to blow up (dust)
location for closing party
being good at conversation; conversationalist; good talker
up-train; train heading toward the starting point of its route
pulling up; drawing up; raising; increase; repatriation; evacuation
rise and fall; fluctuation
overhand throw; a throw using the outside of the arm
marine transport; carriage by sea
party to celebrate the successful completion of a project (job, concert, play, etc.); celebration party
to close (at a certain point); to cut short; to round up (number); to revalue (currency)
to rise to the surface; to come to the front; to emerge (e.g. from obscurity); to stand out (e.g. against a dark background)
shed; shelter; terminal (e.g. cargo, airport, etc.); temporary covering of a building being built
to stand on tiptoe; to rise in the world; to become arrogant
vehicle burglary; theft from a vehicle; stealing valuables from an unattended car; person who steals from a vehicle
flip-up; fold-up; tip-up; top-hinged (e.g. window)
wood-free paper; woodfree paper; fine paper; free sheet paper
under the influence of alcohol
to cost little; to come cheap
good family; better-class home
building of a Shinto shrine complex built upon the highest ground
His Majesty the Emperor; the present emperor; the reigning emperor
introducing (a bill); presentation; departure on a journey
to knead thoroughly; to work up; to concoct; to make up
from now on; in the future; further
hydroplane; seaplane
examine (investigate into) a person's history
temperature increase; rise in temperature
being good at shopping sensibly; sensible shopper; shrewd buyer; smart shopper
taking care of everything; no need to do anything
upper world; heaven; superkingdom; upper bound
top view (esp. diagrams)
asshole boss; arsehole boss
recovery from an illness
after the rain
to shave off
to work one's way up
to signal the winner of a match (by the referee raising his fan towards the winner); to declare someone the winner (of a competition)
to lend (e.g. money)
jousting match; joust; tournament (medieval)
rising diagonally up and to the right; growing; expanding; soaring
saving changes (e.g. to a file)
to express one's deepest sympathies
losing the means of livelihood; (arch.) a samurai's annual rice stipend being suspended; (in fishing) the fish swimming upward after biting the fishhook
leaving on time (e.g. as opposed to paid or unpaid overtime)
towering; astonishingly high
a thorn in one's side; a pain in the butt (often someone higher in rank, ability, etc.); nuisance; something in the way
headwaters; source
court lady; noblewoman
to be lifted; to be raised; to happen suddenly; to occur; to be homeroom teacher for the same class multiple years in a row; to move up with one's class
upheaval; upthrust; uplift
to be finished; to be completed; to be done
tuft of hair under temple; sideburns; sidelocks
professional negligence resulting in death
tumbler; self-righting doll
what one likes, one will do well; you become good at what you like doing
to rise to the surface; to come to the front; to emerge (e.g. from obscurity); to stand out (e.g. against a dark background)
memorial to the emperor
landing in the face of the enemy; opposed landing
upper classes; high society
to take a commission; to take a cut; to take a piece of the action; to take a kickback
to boil something until it is done (e.g. vegetables)
good idea; wise policy
perseverance prevails; (lit.) three years on a (cold) stone (will make the stone warm)
to become bald from the forehead; to recede (of one's hairline)
to forfeit; to confiscate; to call out; to summon
the first in history; only once in history
uphill road; ascending road
losing the means of livelihood
tuck at the waist
to die a natural death; to die in one's own bed
hallway slippers; indoor shoes
to straighten up; to sit upright
to rise; to go up; to enter (esp. from outdoors); to come in; to enter (a school); to advance to the next grade; to get out (of water)
to eat; to drink
to boost; to force up; to push up
to pull up; to haul up
to roll up; to hoist; to take away; to rip off (e.g. money from someone); to blow up (dust)
female dominance; female supremacy
to tuck (e.g. sleeves); to roll up
being resourceful (esp. with household finances); being good at managing things
no hope of getting ahead
to use all one's strength (ability)
trap door; removable floor boards
personal water craft; PWC; water scooter
most of all; extremely; supremely
to pull up; to drag up; to increase; to raise (e.g. taxes); to withdraw; to leave; to promote (someone to a higher position)
inundation above floor level
entry permission (to a country); landing permission; shore leave
price increase; prise rise
upper eyelid
high knee (exercise drill where one brings one's knees up high while walking or running)
upper limbs; arms
an imperial hearing
to pile up; to make a heap; to lay (e.g. bricks); to acquire (e.g. experience); to build (a reputation)
to board an airplane; to get on an airplane
eyes slanted upward; rising tendency
to become bald from the forehead; to recede (of one's hairline)
the very best; excellent; superb
to make an example of; to make a victim of; to hold up somebody (something) to ridicule; to pierce with a spear
even more; all the more
upstart; parvenu; jumped-up person
to help up; to pick up; to bring safely to land
art for art's sake; l'art pour l'art; ars gratia artis
to rise (suddenly) in the world (to a higher position)
Edo-period business taxes
preceptor or high priest (in Tendai or Kegon Buddhism); preceptor or high priest (in Shingon, Hosso, Ritsu or Shin Buddhism); second highest priestly rank in Buddhism; monk (esp. the head monk of a temple); master (of one's art, trade, etc.)
uphill grade; upgrade
wearing one's hair up; coming-of-age ceremony where 12 to 13-year-old girls get their long hair tied up; wearing one's hair up with a hairpin (type of hairstyle used by court ladies)
World Championships in Athletics
buying; purchasing; procurement
supreme wisdom
first-class article
piece of wood at front edge of entranceway floor; agarikamachi
to twist hard (e.g. arm, screw)
for appearances' sake; for appearance sake
to spring; to jump up; to fly up; to skip
publication; wood-block printing; canopy (trees)
upper lobe (of lung); superior lobe
high-class sake
report to the throne
first third of a two-hour period
emergency ascent (submarine); emergency surfacing
ridgepole-raising; setting up of the framework of a house
total sales; total proceeds
giving; gifting; presenting
indoor sandals; slippers
to gradually rise
excellent horse
upturn (e.g. economic); upward swing; jump (e.g. inflation)
completion; finish; workmanship; result; outcome
more than a friend (implies a degree of intimacy)
snowcat (vehicle); snowmobile
in addition; furthermore; above (which); on top of (which)
movable floor boards; trap door
to put away one's bedding; to recover from an illness (and put away one's sickbed)
condescending attitude; arrogant attitude; looking down on
this will just be a short note; I'm writing to tell you
to swell; to rise; to bulge; to rouse; to get excited
waist (the part of the pants located above the crotch); pant rise
finish; end; completion; result
buying; purchasing
end; conclusion; rounding up; revaluation
by force of circumstance; in the circumstances; given the circumstances
start; beginning; build up; how well a pitcher pitches at the start of the game
to squeeze (to the utmost); to wring out; to squeeze (money) out of someone; to wring (money) from; to scold; to criticize severely; to train ruthlessly
flippant; frivolous; shallow
to praise to the skies; to extol
all over; given in; given up hope; bring to knees
a thorn in one's side; a pain in the butt (often someone higher in rank, ability, etc.); a person standing in one's way; a superior who obstructs one's freedom of action
to boil up; to be thoroughly cooked
in the town; in the street
cheap; economical
Ryukyuan mission to Edo
retired emperor; ex-emperor; former emperor; emperor emeritus
to soar; to fly high; to be whirled up; to make merry; to be ecstatic; to be in high spirits
to rise; to erect; to get up
to read out; to read aloud; to call out; to finish reading; to read through
piece of wood at front edge of entranceway floor; agarikamachi
high-grade Japanese fresh confections (usu. colorful sculpted mochi in seasonal designs around bean paste)
15th day of the 1st lunar month
His Majesty the Emperor; the present emperor; the reigning emperor
high-quality meat
increase; raising (e.g. embankment, levee); padding or inflation (e.g. of a bill)
rescreening (of a movie); reshowing; rerun; repeat
tuck at the shoulder (of a child's clothes); shoulder tuck
to soar; to fly high; to be whirled up; to make merry; to be ecstatic; to be in high spirits
upper teeth
high laced shoes or boots
to spring up; to leap to one's feet; to jump up and down
person who is a cut above the rest
final coat (of paint, plaster, varnish, etc.); finish; glazing; adding more of the same (of something negative, e.g. shame)
physical; bodily; corporeal
being good at conversation; conversationalist; good talker; smooth-talker
to buy (of a government, public agency, etc. from a private citizen); to purchase; to buy up (all of something)
to talk about (something)
superficial; shallow; frivolous; careless; sliding along the surface of something; being slippery
the above figure (chart, diagram, illustration, etc.)
a thorn in one's side; a pain in the butt (often someone higher in rank, ability, etc.); nuisance; something in the way
male dominance; male supremacy
exterior; surface; outside; outward appearance; looks
to make it less expensive
rising rapidly (e.g. prices, popularity); soaring; skyrocketing; going through the roof
to be blind to one's shortcomings; to play innocent
to haul up; to pull up (with both hands); to reel in
good crop; masterpiece
to finish printing; to print off
losing the means of livelihood
place exposed to winds which blow up from below (usu. a beach); beach exposed to sea winds; fountain
total sales; total proceeds
winning hand formed by drawing a replacement tile after declaring a kong
superstructure; upper stories
first-class rice
land-based (missiles, etc.)
entrance (i.e. of a Japanese house); start of a rise (e.g. in prices)
price escalation rate; price increase rate; inflation
carrier-based aircraft
verbal note (notes verbale); written statement
picking up bones and bone fragments from (a person's) cremated remains with chopsticks and putting them in a funerary urn
water carriage; water transportation
white supremacy; white supremacism
to exceed (esp. figures: profits, unemployment rate, etc.); to surpass; to be more than; to be better than
high and low; (people of) all ranks and classes
Battle of Ueno (battle of the Boshin war; 1868)
going up and down; ascent and descent; climb and descent
unlisted (company, stock)
carrying a portable shrine with arms stretched out (i.e. without shouldering it)
to tuck (e.g. sleeves); to roll up
samurai costume; old ceremonial costume; top and bottom; up and down; high and low
glaze; overglaze; enamel
Shanghai Incident (1932); January 28 Incident; Battle of Shanghai (1937)
listed company (on a stock exchange)
start; beginning; build up; how well a pitcher pitches at the start of the game
rising intonation; upward inflection; rising tendency; upward trend; feet-first somersault hanging from the horizontal bar
high level concept; superordinate concept; broader term
antiquity; ancient times
tumbler; self-righting doll
province of the second highest rank (ritsuryo system); provinces close to the capital
movable floor boards; trap door
price increase; rise in price
now that it's come to this; since it's come to this
high pitch; higher tone
loyal customer; important customer
Shanghainese; Shanghai dialect (of Wu Chinese)
nobles; the upper class
(in Japan) 12th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. C sharp)
professional negligence resulting in injury or death
upper respiratory tract; upper airway
hallway slippers; indoor shoes
I am writing to you; I am (taking the liberty of) getting in touch with you
to boil up; to come to the boil; to arise; to break out; to get excited; to be in uproar
raised leg; lifting a leg; upturn (in the market); (arch.) sitting cross-legged
social ease (facility, skills); being a good mixer
quality goods; choice goods
first part of a poem; first part of a verse
conveying the views of the subordinates to the rulers
speaking respectfully
adding a crowning touch of beauty (to); giving added luster (to); crowning beauty (honor, grace) with even greater glory
upward move; advance
retired empress; ex-empress; former empress; empress emerita
Sthaviravada (early Buddhist movement)
carrier-borne attack aircraft
to swell; to rise; to bulge; to rouse; to get excited
piece of wood at front edge of entranceway floor; agarikamachi
uphill path; path or slope that becomes slowly steeper
bordered matting; rug; carpet; (arch.) saddlecloth; (arch.) harness
to be lifted; to be raised; to happen suddenly; to occur; to be homeroom teacher for the same class multiple years in a row; to move up with one's class
to run up (a hill, stairs etc.); to dash up; to rush up
to push up; to force up; to pressure one's superiors; to burst out (of emotions, etc.); to fill one's heart
to climb; to clamber (over, up); to scramble (up); to scale; to claw one's way up
good at socializing; sociability; being a good mixer
first half of the (fiscal) year
top-grade rice flour made from non-glutinous rice
moreover; in addition
to make a good choice
shed; shelter; terminal (e.g. cargo, airport, etc.); temporary covering of a building being built
to be made an example of; to be made a victim of; to be exposed to ridicule
Invasion of Normandy (June-July 1944); Normandy Invasion
to be fickle; to be frivolous; to be flippant; to be flighty; to be giddy; to be restless
pulling overarm throw
days on which Ten'ichijin is in heaven (the 30th to the 45th days of the sexagenary cycle)
supremacy; sovereignty
extortion; shakedown
upper right (corner)
half watch ashore; port and starboard liberty; shore leave for half of a ship's crew at once
short squeeze; loss-cutting of short positions
upward move; advance
from (since) ancient times; from time immemorial
to make an example of; to make a victim of; to hold up somebody (something) to ridicule; to pierce with a spear
to get completely chilled
developing country; emerging nation
on the shelf
I wish to state respectfully that...
to boil something until it is done (e.g. vegetables)
ex-geisha; former geisha
first-class rice
suction; sucking
to pick up (with chopsticks); to take
supreme wisdom
hardcover book; hardback book
too many cooks spoil the broth; (lit.) too many captains will steer the ship up a mountain
rising tone (in Chinese); (of a Japanese accent) having a high, flat tone
at very frequent intervals; almost every other day; constantly
trapdoor; trap door; flap door
to give (a guest) the seat of honor (honour)
terrestrial digital broadcasting
coplanar; in the same plane; flush; even (with)
raised seedbed
to be beside oneself; to lose one's head; to go mad with something
quarrelsome drinker
win an election due to another's death or disqualification
to shrivel up in fear; to tremble in fear; (lit.) one's testicles shrivel up
hung up; hoist; denounced; severely criticised; kangaroo court
entrance (i.e. of a Japanese house); start of a rise (e.g. in prices)
to be balding in the front; to have a receding hairline
upper millstone
buying; purchasing; procurement
to kill an enemy soldier before the start of a battle to raise spirits; to kill viciously; to victimize; to torment
midsummer greetings; to inquiry after someone's health in the hot season
to be launched (e.g. rocket); to lift off; to be washed up (on the shore)
useless book learning; knowing the theory but being unable to put it into practice; (lit.) practising swimming on a tatami mat
landing; landing place
finishing coat of paper
upturn; increment phase; rise period
(of a woman) slender and smartly shaped
high knee (exercise drill where one brings one's knees up high while walking or running)
to do something useless; to gild the lily; to gild refined gold; (lit.) to build a roof atop the roof
false bottom; fake bottom; raised bottom; exaggeration; overstatement
after-dinner speech; speech made at a dinner (luncheon)
reporting to the emperor
marine transportation routes
most significant bit; MSB
holy men who abstain from meat and cooked food
going up and down; ascent and descent
printed figures (on cloth or pottery)
ridgepole-raising ceremony
superior make; luxury binding
to dry up; to parch; to ebb away
being in a helpless situation; (lit.) (like a) fish on a chopping board
as a matter of social courtesy
to get a raise in salary
advance(d) screening (of a movie)
squamous cell carcinoma; SCC
to well up (of tears, anger, joy, etc.); to surge up (within oneself); to rise; to feel nauseated; to feel sick
maxilla; upper jawbone
improvement in efficiency
overline; overscore; overbar
personal information form; dossier on an individual
high quality hemp cloth from Miyakojima (Okinawa prefecture)
vehicle burglary; theft from a vehicle; stealing valuables from an unattended car
kite flying
from the chemical point of view
launching site (esp. rockets, etc.); launch site
trifling (fight); (a conflict) between small countries
to go upstream; to go back (in time, to origin); to date back to; to trace back to
introducing (a bill); presentation; departure on a journey
to suck up; to pump up; to siphon off (profits, etc.); to exploit; to take up others' opinions, hopes, etc.
placing a meal in front of one
most of all; extremely; supremely
to knead well; to polish; to refine
top or preceding horizontal column
a kick; mounting a bar with a kick
film screening where the audience is encouraged to participate through cheering; cheer screening
rise in market prices
upper left (corner)
outer box; outer casing
a fish out of water; (lit.) a kappa up on land
terrestrial digital television broadcasting
to turn upwards; to leave a clean aftertaste
to be upside-down
higher price; price rise
consolidated sales; consolidated net sales
upper branches of a tree
being good at hosting; good host; person who knows how to entertain guests
to fabricate; to invent; to make up (a story); to cobble up; to put together in a hurry
to float; to rise to the surface; to stand out; to be visible; to be alienated
to run up onto (e.g. sidewalk); to run aground; to be stranded
rising tide; incoming tide; flood tide; surge (in popularity, power, etc.); upswing
above example
to haul up; to pull up (with both hands); to reel in
to rise (e.g. sun, moon)
price hike; mark-up
being good at selling; shrewd salesman
replacement tile drawn after declaring a kong
to start on a journey; to go on a military expedition
to creep up; to crawl up; to overcome (a bad situation); to rise (after a setback)
upper wing of a plane
to move up; to advance
something pulled upwards; turning up a lamp wick
kite flying
face; coat; veneer
now that it is as such; since it is as such
to well up (tears, feelings, etc.)
double-hung window; sash window
to become bald from the forehead; to recede (of one's hairline)
sales slip; sales receipt
Fukiage Station (Saitama)
burial mound with square flat base and round top
to hire; to lease; to requisition; to charter
to gradually rise
stage fright; social anxiety disorder; social phobia
top cargo; top of the load
excuse; evasion; dodge; subterfuge; evasive answer
mechanism used to lift an actor onto the stage (in kabuki)
Samuel I (book of the Bible)
cover; front cover; wrapper; jacket
on the desk; theoretical; academic; armchair (e.g. plan)
to know (a person); to think
to pull in (fish); to land
last five matches of makushita division wrestlers
staircase; doorsteps
to finish knitting; to lace from bottom to top; to finish compiling (e.g. a dictionary); to finish editing
to be made an example of; to be made a victim of; to be exposed to ridicule
paper cover; wrapper; wrapping paper
progress; advance
fighting over nothing; making a mountain out of a molehill
to praise to the skies; to extol
to bid up the price of
the above-mentioned
extortion; shakedown
closing party (e.g. a theater show); cast party; party to celebrate successful completion of a project
to give oneself airs; to be prudish
Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis)
to promote; to make richer
to feel dizzy; to have blood rush to one's head; to lose one's cool; to be obsessed; to be infatuated; to become conceited
bullish market; bull market
going up and down; ascent and descent
raised leg; lifting a leg; upturn (in the market); (arch.) sitting cross-legged
quilt; bedspread; cover (for a kotatsu quilt); cloak; smock; second dyeing
of poor appearance; unimpressive-looking; undistinguished-looking; unattractive
being good at giving compliments; person who is good at giving compliments; charmer
missus; missis
top and bottom; up and down; high and low; upside-down
advance(d) screening (of a movie)
being on duty
brachial artery; arteria brachialis
to rise to the surface; to come to the front; to emerge (e.g. from obscurity); to stand out (e.g. against a dark background)
to draw (water, etc.); to scoop up; to pump up; to draw on (ideas) (from subordinates, the public, etc.); to take into account; to adopt
crowning beauty with even greater glory
chief; leader; guide
system initialization; system start up
revenue; income; receipts; yield
ancient history
a long time ago; in those days; once upon a time
maglev; magnetic levitation
conjugation (inflection, declension) of ichidan verbs ending in "iru"
retired empress; ex-empress; former empress; empress emerita
amount sold; sales; proceeds; takings; turnover
being done for; giving up; being in a hopeless situation; not knowing what to do; being brought to one's knees; (lit.) throwing up (one's) hands
unlisted company (on a stock exchange)
advance; rise; jump
the foregoing; the forgoing
surface rights (i.e. the right to build a house, etc. on land owned by another); superficies
glaze; overglaze; enamel
something pulled upwards; turning up a lamp wick
price ceiling; maximum price
being resourceful (esp. with household finances); being good at managing things
Edo-period Kansai dialect
nut (on the head of a shamisen, supporting the second and third strings)
left-handed outside grip (on one's opponent's belt)
upper jiao (in traditional Chinese medicine); upper burner
land plant; terrestrial plant; embryophyte
to gradually rise
income from a shop
rash person; tomboy
extremely heavy drinker; insatiable drinker
direct appeal to the throne by the military
hot flash; rush of blood to the head
to wear one's hair up; to arrange one's hair
asshole boss; arsehole boss
ex-geisha; former geisha
starting up (e.g. business, computer)
the most; the best; peerless; the greatest; first-rate
having exposed roots
sales; amount sold; proceeds
commission; excise tax
upper pool (e.g. in onsen); upper bath
conjugation (inflection, declension) of ichidan verbs ending in "iru"
raising and lowering; praising and blaming
clear layer of fluid (at the top of a mixture); supernatant liquid; supernate
self interest supremacy doctrine; (irresponsible) capitalism
cover; wrapper; envelope
to dry up; to parch; to ebb away
neckband; round upright collar (on some traditional Japanese clothing)
to be set up (completely); to be put together; to be composed (e.g. type)
asshole boss; arsehole boss
don't complain until the job is finished; the end crowns the work
to be baked (food); to be printed (photos); to be fired (pottery)
to move up (e.g. date, rank, order); to be advanced; to be carried (of a number in addition)
to take advantage of someone's kindness or patience; to get carried away; to be elated; to get puffed up (with pride); to push one's luck; to get cocky
to be cooked; to have finished cooking
Hominoidea (superfamily of apes and humans)
outer garment
bonfire often in temple grounds, usu. of charms, talismans, New Year decorations, etc.; ritual burning of money, cedar sticks, or other objects as an offering
tumbler; self-righting doll
mechanism used to lift an actor onto the stage (in kabuki)
extramarital sex; affair; fooling around; infidelity; wantonness; unfaithfulness
upper millstone
to set up (in high position); to kick upstairs; to hold sacred; to worship
rich person; wealthy person; housekeeping
upper side; surface
even more; all the more
ground-level station; aboveground station
kabuki in the Kyoto-Osaka style
to be launched (e.g. rocket); to lift off; to be washed up (on the shore)
people don't know themselves as well as they know others; even if you know what will happen to others, you don't know what will happen to yourself; (lit.) a fortune teller can't tell their own future
to crown beauty with even greater beauty
start; beginning; build up; how well a pitcher pitches at the start of the game
place exposed to winds which blow up from below (usu. a beach); beach exposed to sea winds; fountain
spinning of cocoons; silkworm's last sleep; transformation to the pupa stage
to be born (of a baby); to come into the world
to make a bold speech; to make a bold statement
former prisoner
to lose one's means of livelihood; to become unable to earn a living
to put on airs; to be pretentious; to window-dress; to pretend
distribution transformer; service transformer; pole-mounted transformer
commission; brokerage; wages; fee for a prostitute or geisha
top-grade rice flour made from non-glutinous rice
climb high; more expensive than expected
bordered matting; rug; carpet; (arch.) saddlecloth; (arch.) harness
first-class inn
Kings I (book of the Bible)
to twist hard (e.g. arm, screw)
unlisted company (on a stock exchange)
people don't know themselves as well as they know others; even if you know what will happen to others, you don't know what will happen to yourself; (lit.) a fortune teller can't tell their own future
persuasiveness; skilled in the art of persuasion
to crown beauty with even greater glory
Xenarthra (superorder comprising anteaters, tree sloths, and armadillos)
top-hinged window shutter (often held open with a pole)
top-hinged swinging window
naval militia; maritime militia
buying; purchasing
framework raising ceremony
cost of goods sold; cost of sales; sales cost
tuft of hair under temple; sideburns; sidelocks
ancient language; ancient word; Old Japanese; Japanese as spoken from the end of the 6th century to the end of the Nara period
spinning of cocoons; silkworm's last sleep; transformation to the pupa stage
to have a coughing fit; to sob convulsively
captured pieces (in the game of go); captured stones
to run up (a hill, stairs etc.); to dash up; to rush up
schools of the upper quartile; highly ranked schools
a fish out of water; (lit.) a kappa up on land
uphill path; path or slope that becomes slowly steeper
chasuble; phelonion
beginning one's studies with something familiar and gradually increasing the depth of learning
win an election due to another's death or disqualification
going upstream; swimming upstream
to bring (a book) into the world; to publish
buying; purchasing
riding a horse so skillfully that it appears as if man and horse have become one
all the worldly (mundane) matters; everything in this world
upheaval; upthrust; uplift
not less than; ... and over; beyond (e.g. one's expectations); above; above-mentioned; aforementioned
to rise (e.g. sun, moon)
to flatter; to boot-lick; to curry favour (favor)
knee-swing (gymnastics); legging-up
impractical desktop theory (proposition); unworkable idea; an idea that isn't worth the paper it's written on
clean hot bath water for rinsing
on a grave; by a grave
to become bright with sunlight following a shower
rich person; wealthy person; housekeeping
quilt; bedspread; cover (for a kotatsu quilt); cloak; smock; second dyeing
finishing early (e.g. work, a game); entering elementary school a year earlier than others
last death anniversary for which there is a memorial service held (usu. the 32nd or 49th)
to spring; to jump up; to fly up; to skip
stage fright; social anxiety disorder; social phobia
to be born (of a baby); to come into the world
to boil up; to come to the boil; to arise; to break out; to get excited; to be in uproar
now that it is as such; since it is as such
polishing; polished finish; burnished finish
to pick up; to adopt (e.g. a proposal); to accept; to take away; to confiscate; to deliver (a baby)
to boil up; to come to the boil; to arise; to break out; to get excited; to be in uproar
to raise; to lift; to hang up; to raise prices (artificially, deliberately)
to gradually rise
superscription (on a letter, parcel, etc.); address; overwriting (data, file, etc.)
launching; launch; end (of a theatrical run, etc.); closing party (e.g. a theater show); cast party
to fabricate; to invent; to make up (a story); to cobble up; to put together in a hurry
to pull in (fish); to land
to knead well; to polish; to refine
to knead well; to polish; to refine
to take advantage of someone's kindness or patience; to get carried away; to be elated; to get puffed up (with pride); to push one's luck; to get cocky
fabrication; put-up job; trumped-up story; frame-up; hoax
fabrication; put-up job; trumped-up story; frame-up; hoax
to be completely boiled; to be boiled to a turn
to sniffle; to snuffle; to sob
being a good listener; good listener
superficial; shallow; frivolous; careless; sliding along the surface of something; being slippery
to march on the capital
to march on the capital
to move up (e.g. date, rank, order); to be advanced; to be carried (of a number in addition)
to move up (e.g. date, rank, order); to be advanced; to be carried (of a number in addition)
to be cooked; to have finished cooking
to be cooked; to have finished cooking
to make a bold speech; to make a bold statement
by force of circumstance; in the circumstances; given the circumstances
something pulled upwards; turning up a lamp wick
reading aloud; recitation
adoption; acceptance; confiscation; midwifery; midwife
maudlin drinker; person who is prone to crying when drunk
being good at thoughtfulness for others; thoughtful and considerate person
increase in digit (e.g. if we add 2 to the number 9)
greatness is comparative; there is always someone better than you
jumping; jump (e.g. in prices); rashness; rash person
tumbler; self-righting doll
riser (in a building); rise
bonfire often in temple grounds, usu. of charms, talismans, New Year decorations, etc.; ritual burning of money, cedar sticks, or other objects as an offering
from now on; in the future; further
skilfully; skillfully; successfully; smoothly; deliciously
climbing kiln; ascending kiln; connected (pottery) kilns built on a slope
raised tatami-floored seating area (usu. in a Japanese restaurant); small separate dining room
imperial decision
place exposed to winds which blow up from below (usu. a beach); beach exposed to sea winds; fountain
place exposed to winds which blow up from below (usu. a beach); beach exposed to sea winds; fountain
vehicle burglary; theft from a vehicle; stealing valuables from an unattended car; person who steals from a vehicle
if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is; there's a flip side to every coin
no hope of getting ahead
no hope of getting ahead
being good at shopping sensibly; sensible shopper; shrewd buyer; smart shopper
rising diagonally up and to the right; growing; expanding; soaring
even more; all the more
top-grade Chinese soup stock
imperial edict
woman purported to bring good luck to the man she is near or has sex with
woman purported to bring good luck to the man she is near or has sex with
to bid up the price of
carrying a portable shrine with arms stretched out (i.e. without shouldering it)
verbal note (notes verbale); written statement
uphill path; path or slope that becomes slowly steeper
ex-geisha; former geisha
ex-geisha; former geisha
ex-geisha; former geisha
squamous cell carcinoma; SCC
at first glance poor, but on closer examination skillful (of artwork, etc.); crude but charming; poorly made but captivating
trapdoor; trap door; flap door
Daurian redstart (Phoenicurus auroreus)
raised seedbed
light blue samurai costume commonly worn when committing suicide
now that it is as such; since it is as such
vehicle burglary; theft from a vehicle; stealing valuables from an unattended car
a long time ago; in those days; once upon a time
being good at hosting; good host; person who knows how to entertain guests
being good at hosting; good host; person who knows how to entertain guests
one's superior
soaring skylark; high-flying skylark
having exposed roots
neckband; round upright collar (on some traditional Japanese clothing)
almost every day; constantly
Japanese bird cherry (Prunus grayana); Gray's bird cherry; Gray's chokecherry
Japanese bird cherry (Prunus grayana); Gray's bird cherry; Gray's chokecherry
captured pieces (in the game of go); captured stones
riding a horse so skillfully that it appears as if man and horse have become one
to lose one's means of livelihood; to become unable to earn a living
taking a day off by paying one's own fee to one's master (of a prostitute; often in order to see her lover)
taking a day off by paying one's own fee to one's master (of a prostitute; often in order to see her lover)
last death anniversary for which there is a memorial service held (usu. the 32nd or 49th)
left-hand opponent; player to one's left
degenerative eye disorder caused by cloudiness in front of the pupil
(freshly brewed) green tea
carry (of digit, bit, etc.)
carry (of digit, bit, etc.)
top-hinged window shutter (often held open with a pole)
top-hinged swinging window
top and bottom; up and down; high and low; upper and lower classes; ruler and ruled; the government and the people
going up and down
being held in suspense; being on edge; scared stiff; (lit.) one's testicles going up and down
(tailor's) cutting; styling
finishing workman; finisher; fitter
finishing workman; finisher; fitter
food offering; yield; waste
tatami mat finished on both sides
to cut off (the head)
downward compatibility; backward compatibility; compatibility with input or components intended for lower tier or older systems, versions, etc.; upward compatibility; forward compatibility; compatibility with input or components intended for higher tier or later systems, versions, etc.
placing on the agenda; member of the upper house
to draw off the top liquid
to die at the top
going upstream
the emperor's thoughts
adding to the top; what's placed on the top
high retainer
raising the ridgepole
outside string (on a package)
cover; covering
first paragraphs omitted
relief work; embossing
high and broad forehead
river raised above the surrounding land
weather clearing at night
tactical operations center; tactical operations centre
to shoulder (palanquin)
thin padded mat laid on the tatami
thin padded mat laid on the tatami
relief work; embossing
relief work; embossing
conveyance of the views of those below to those at the top
to bring up for discussion
unparalleled in history (unparallelled)
the four tones in old Chinese phonetics
having the figures read aloud by another person; calculation by abacus
land terminal equipment (of a submarine cable)
emergency surfacing drill (submarine)
ten highest ranked maegashira wrestlers certain to wrestle against san'yaku ranks
4 corner bales on the outer rim of the sumo ring
30 highest ranked makushita wrestlers
elevated podium in Japanese-style house
to be promoted to makuuchi (of a juryo-division wrestler)
gilding the lily; adding redundant things
overriding necessity; absolute requirement; an absolute must
match held in front of the Emperor
knowing how to get on in the world; knowing the secret of success in life
exceeding (overstepping) one's powers (competence, authority); abuse of one's legal authority; acting ultra vires
person who likes alcohol and sweets equally well; person who can drink much alcohol without becoming tipsy
carry (of digit, bit, etc.)
carry (of digit, bit, etc.)
to carry (of digit, bit, etc.)
to carry (of digit, bit, etc.)
raised floor
Shanghai Incident (1932); January 28 Incident
terrestrial digital radio broadcasting
Murakami Fund (Japanese investment fund)
on-the-sea ballot (votes cast in a federal election by ships' crewmen and sent by fax)
twisting overarm throw
completely helpless; unable even to drive away the flies on one's own head
conjugation (inflection, declension) of nidan verbs (resulting in a stem of either "i" or "u" for every conjugation)
endorsement commission; commission earned; sales commission
tenth month of the lunar calendar
superior conjunction
neckband; round upright collar (on some traditional Japanese clothing)
neckband; round upright collar (on some traditional Japanese clothing)
neckband; round upright collar (on some traditional Japanese clothing)
neckband; round upright collar (on some traditional Japanese clothing)
Chronicles I (book of the Bible)
personal reasons; personal matters; personal affairs
surface water (depth: 0-200 meters)
ridgepole-raising ceremony
constitutional right; constitutional rights
Second Section company (on the Tokyo Stock Exchange)
reverse link; uplink
hypernym; broader term
round-up function; rounding
flying height; head gap
rise time; launch time; release time
civil status; status (of a person) under the Civil Code
a bad person does not deserve to die in his own bed
mind your own business!; keep out of it!
100th birthday
force pump; forcing pump
force pump; forcing pump
head of a clan
head of a clan
up-bow (technique used when playing a string instrument)
credit monitoring; credit limit monitoring
conveying the views of the subordinates to the rulers; rulers apprehending the views of those they govern
rising intonation; rising tone
woman in waiting in the inner part of a lord's mansion
small boat used for unloading goods from a large anchored boat (Edo period); lighter
third climate of spring (when the ice breaks and fish start appearing near the surface)
third climate of spring (when the ice breaks and fish start appearing near the surface)
epigeal stem; (normal) plant stem which is above the ground
hanging wall
execution (on the command of a feudal lord)
execution (on the command of a feudal lord)
on the verge of starvation; at the point of starving
high-quality leaves (e.g. green onions, tobacco, tea)
kabuki in the Kyoto-Osaka style
to heat something up
to heat something up
superclass; (arch.) top-ranking priest in the Office of Monastic Affairs
Afrotheria (superorder of mammals of African origin)
epididymitis; inflammation of the epididymis
Deuterostomia (superphylum of animals)
Lophotrochozoa (superphylum of protostome animals)
sensory epithelium; neuroepithelium
eldest son; older brother; older sister; older person; head of a clan; head of a region
mountain top; summit
outer layer (e.g. of skin); cuticle; epidermis; bark; rind; crust
even the gods drink sake; there's nothing wrong with drinking
even the gods drink sake; there's nothing wrong with drinking
bodily injury caused by negligence in the conduct of business; accidental infliction of injury in the conduct of business
gradualist approach; build-up approach; buildup approach
tipping a wheelchair back (e.g. to negotiate stairs)
rain that stops in the morning
terrestrial digital broadcasting; digital terrestrial television
desk debugging; desk debug; desk checking
superstratum; superstrate
skilled male lover
taking a cut from a thief's plunder; vile deed
upper leaves
sake that is brewed in winter, pasteurized, aged over the summer, and distributed in autumn after a second pasteurization; end of harvest
end of the rice harvest; celebration for the end of the rice harvest; increased rice prices in autumn due to a poor harvest
capital appreciation; capital gain
right-handed outside grip (on one's opponent's belt)
being good at dressing fashionably; good dresser
being good at dressing fashionably; good dresser
being good at dressing fashionably; good dresser
to take a piece of the action; to benefit from another's work without working oneself
clear layer of fluid (at the top of soup, etc.); another person's share (commission, profit, etc.)
cloistered emperor; ex-emperor who has become a monk
wave (on the water's surface)
looking worse after putting up one's hair (when coming of age)
looking better after putting up one's hair (when coming of age)
entering elementary school a year later than others
entering elementary school a year later than others
to offer a toast for longevity
cursive kanji form used as a syllabary (Heian period); ancient kana
Tanaka memorial (document, ca. 1927)
eating a lot, drinking a lot, and on top of that, eating mochi
kamigata-e; ukiyo-e prints from the Kamigata area (modern day Osaka, Kyoto)
elevated station; over-track station
drinkers drink too much (and harm themselves in the process), nondrinkers drink too little (and miss out on the medicinal benefits of alcohol)
colored wood-free paper (coloured)
colored wood-free paper (coloured)
colored wood-free paper (coloured)
sleeping on the road (because of intoxication)
disaster simulation exercise; disaster imagination game; DIG
fools fall easily for flattery; (lit.) fools and smoke rise to great heights
fools fall easily for flattery; (lit.) fools and smoke rise to great heights
being romantically involved with someone of higher class (esp. of a man)
superscript diacritics; diacritical marks above letters
on-street activities (peforming, collecting, etc.)
street drinking; drinking in the streets; public drinking
Murakami Station (Chiba)
Kamijō Station (Niigata)
Solanum lyratum (species of nightshade)
liker of; fan; enthusiast; -phile
Examples (200 in total)
There are more than 4000 languages in the world.
I have known him for more than ten years.
I have been teaching for over 15 years.