anxiety; uneasiness; worry; apprehension; fear; insecurity
wonderful; marvelous; strange; strangely enough; oddly enough; for some reason
dissatisfaction; discontent; displeasure; complaint; unhappiness
unhappiness; sorrow; misfortune; death (usu. of a relative); bereavement
unnatural; artificial; affected; strained
unclear; obscure; unknown; unidentified; ignorance; lack of wisdom
insufficiency; deficiency; shortage; dissatisfaction; discontent; complaint
sudden; abrupt; unexpected; unforeseen
pout; displeasure; ill humor; ill humour; sullenness
weird; ominous; eerie; uncanny; ghastly
incomplete understanding; doubt; question; distrust; suspicion; strangeness
displeasure; discomfort; unpleasantness; indisposition; ailment
unreasonable; irrational; outrageous; absurd
disadvantage; handicap; unfavorable position
instability; insecurity; crankiness
missing (of a person); lost; unaccounted for; whereabouts unknown
unpleasant; disagreeable; displeasing; uncomfortable; unhappy
discomfort; inconvenience; poverty; want; inability; disability
clumsy; awkward; tactless; awkward (e.g. socially); (arch.) mean; (arch.) cowardly
absence; disregard; indifference
disquieting; threatening; turbulent; restless; unsettled; disturbing
daring; fearless; intrepid; bold; tough
surprise attack; surprise visit; catching a person off guard
bad; poor; inferior; delinquent; hoodlum; hooligan
ominous; sinister; unlucky; inauspicious
inconvenience; inexpediency; unhandiness
injustice; unfairness; wrongdoing; iniquity; impropriety; irregularity
un-; non-; negative prefix
incomprehensible; mysterious; inexplicable; inscrutable; enigmatic; baffling
of uncertain meaning; ambiguous; cryptic; nonsensical; incomprehensible; perplexing
dissatisfaction; discontent; disapproval; objection; complaint; protest
lack of sleep; insufficient sleep
misfortune; bad luck; ill luck; ill fortune
inconvenient; inexpedient; unfavourable; wrong; improper; objectionable
unfairness; injustice; partiality
injustice; impropriety; unreasonableness; undeserved; unfair; invalid
suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly
impossible; incapable (of doing); incompetence; inability; impotence; having no solution (of an equation)
bad (taste); unpalatable; poor; unskillful; ugly; unattractive
reluctant; unwilling; involuntary; unintentional; unintended; unlooked-for
unprepared; careless; imprudent; indiscreet
imperfect; incomplete; faulty; defective
immortality; eternal life; undeath; undead
barren; sterile; infertile; unproductive (e.g. discussion); fruitless
good-for-nothing; spineless; gutless; spiritless; feckless; pluckless
mystery; something inexplicable; unfathomable (of a Buddha's abilities); 10^64 (or 10^80)
unidentifiable; unidentified
adultery; immorality; impropriety; (an) affair
indiscrete; imprudent; unscrupulous
irregularity; unsteadiness; disorderly
wholeheartedly; with heart and soul; intently; with undivided attention; with intense concentration; single-mindedly
poor; pitiful; piteous; pitiable
bad condition; not to work out (i.e. a deal); disagreement; break-off; disorder; slump
wrong; bad; not allowed; not possible; failing grade
invulnerability; immortality; insensibility to pain
inexperienced; unfamiliar (with); unversed; lacking experience
immovable; motionless; firm; Acala (Wisdom King); Fudō; fierce Buddhist deity
disrespect; irreverence; impiety; blasphemy; profanity
discontent; dissatisfaction; complaint; grievance
suspicious behavior; acting suspiciously
poor physical health; bad shape
arrogance; insolence; disrespect
impossible to understand; impossible to decipher
ill-bred; impolite; rude; impudent; insolent; blunt
lack of ability; inadequacy; (being) out of one's depth
insufficient; inadequate; imperfect
absurd; irrational; unreasonable; absurdity (philosophy)
failure; defeat; mistake; unconsciousness
unreliable; uncertain; indefinite; unclear
unclean; dirty; unsanitary; indecent; dirty (story, money, etc.); obscene
though one didn't intend (expect) to
unexpected; unforeseen; accidental
small mercy (from some misfortune); silver lining of a dark cloud; consolation in sadness; blessing in disguise
imbalance; disproportion; disparity; mismatch; asymmetry
absolutely essential; indispensable; vital; critical
act of God; irresistible force; inevitability; force majeure; vis major
carelessness; inattention; thoughtlessness
impure; adulterated; foul; mixed; dishonest
lawless; outrageous; insolent; rude; inexcusable; unpardonable
disadvantage; handicap; drawback; inadvisability; inexpediency; loss
defect; deficiency; imperfection; Yours in haste
curiously; curiously enough; oddly enough; to the point of being mysterious; to the extent of being strange
dishonor; dishonour; disgrace; shame
clumsy (work); awkward; poorly made; ugly (of a person); unattractive; plain
labour shortage; labor shortage; shortage of workers; shortage of hands
dissatisfied-looking; looking discontented
to be uneasy; to be anxious; to fear
distrust; mistrust; insincerity; impiety; faithlessness
indecisive; irresolute; shilly-shally; vacillating
flaw; defect; problem; inconvenient
scandal; deplorable event
unworthy (of one's father, teacher, etc.); I; me; incompetent; unskilled; (arch.) unfortunate
unshapely; ill-formed; misshapen; awkward; clumsy
for better or worse; luckily or unluckily
perpetual youth and longevity; immortality
poor health; ill health; unhealthy
immortal; undying; indestructible
dimness; obscurity; indistinctness; unclear; unintelligible
omission; failure; incompleteness; irregularity; mismanagement; misconduct
not asking (about); letting go unquestioned; disregarding; ignoring; overlooking
unable to fight (esp. in video games); unconscious; knocked out; dead
clumsiness; awkwardness; ineptitude
to be curious; to wonder; to marvel
unfit; unsuitable; unmarketable
insincerity; dishonesty; untruthfulness; bad faith
not serious; frivolous; insincere; unsteady
reluctantly; grudgingly; unwillingly
unforeseen; unexpected; sudden; accidental
unsuitable; inappropriate; improper
wondrous; marvellous; uncanny; like a charm
misfortune; ill fate; bad luck; obscurity
(examination) failure; rejection; disqualification
to be suspicious (of something or somebody)
lack of physical exercise; insufficient exercise; inactivity
economic slump; hard times; poor (business); dull; gloomy; cheerless
to become sulky; to become irresponsible (due to disgruntlement)
rude person; villain; blackguard; scoundrel; rogue; libertine
discord; (on) bad terms (with)
eternal; everlasting; unchangeable; invariant
uncleanliness; dirtiness; (arch.) menses; (arch.) feces (faeces); bathroom
uneasy feeling; sense of anxiety; malaise
persistence; fortitude; indomitability
real estate agent; realtor
inviolability; nonaggression; sacredness
opaque; obscure; opacity; obscurity; unclear; unpredictable
involuntarily; reluctantly; against one's inclination; against one's will; as a matter of unpleasant necessity; despite oneself
beyond one's means or position
truancy; school non-attendance
unfaithfulness; infidelity; unchastity
incorrect; wrong; incorrect interpretation (answer, solution)
irrational; illogical; unreasonable; absurd; inconsistent
seven wonders (of a particular area); total mystery; enigma; conundrum
foreign matter; impurities
friction; discord; trouble; dissension; disagreement
unfortunately; regrettably; sad to say
abstention; nonparticipation
unknown; unidentified; unspecified
weak point; unskillfulness
bad job; poor workmanship; bungle
variables; uncertain elements; uncertainties; imponderables
to fall into disgrace with; to incur someone's displeasure
immorality; injustice; adultery; infidelity; (arch.) murdering one's teacher or a government official
unbecoming; improper; unsuitable; ill-matched; unworthy of
being beyond recovery; having no hope of recovery
morbid; unhealthful; insalubrious
unfortunately; unluckily; regrettably
constant; persistent; indecisiveness; usual; normal
unspecified large number (of people)
lack of filial piety; disobedience to one's parents
unlawful; illegal; unreasonable; outrageous; unjust
inevitable; inescapable; unavoidable
bad reputation; disgrace; unpopularity
inferior goods; defective product; defective goods
lese majesty; lèse-majesté
depression; recession; slump
unsuited; inappropriate; improper; undeserved
discord; dissonance; cacophony; discord (in a relationship); disagreement; disharmony
break in contact; not hearing from; having no communication with
uneven; irregular; non-uniform; unsorted; odd; miscellaneous
dishonesty; injustice; dishonor; dishonour; ingratitude
poor crop; bad harvest; crop failure; low quality (e.g. of literary works)
daring; fearless; audacious; bold; dauntless; daredevil
suspicious character (person, figure)
no sleep or rest; working day and night
lack of virtue; immorality; vice; depravity; unworthiness
different suitabilities; being cut out for certain things (and not for others)
emergency landing; forced landing; crash landing
abstention; nonintervention; noninterference
out of control; uncontrollable
unshapely; ill-formed; misshapen; awkward; clumsy
unwritten law; common law; unwritten rule
indeterminate form; undefined; indefinite; unstructured
to suffer an embarrassing defeat
distrust of (other) human beings
sleeplessness; insomnia; wakefulness
irregular; indeterminate; tramp (steamer)
uncertainty; insecurity; inconstancy; indefinite; undecided
perfidiousness; faithlessness; inconstancy; insincerity; falsehood
untraceable; long lost; one's whereabouts being unknown
outrageous; reprehensible; rude; insolent; nefarious
illicit sexual relationship
uncertain; unreliable; inauthentic; insecure
blur; blurred; indistinct
unconsciousness; having no recollection of one's actions
to take (a person) unawares; to make a surprise attack
unsanitary condition; lack of hygienic care; inattention to hygiene; unhygienic conditions
undefeated; unbeatable; invincible
greatest mistake of one's life
dissatisfied-looking; looking discontented
(treasuring something by) never taking (it) off the premises
(a person or body being) unidentifiable (unidentified)
to misfire; to come to naught; to end in failure; to fizzle out; to fall flat
dysfunction (often medical); malfunction; insufficiency
discrepancy; discord; disagreement; mismatch; dissonance
excess or deficiency; too much or too little
disqualification; unfitness; noncompliance
unsociable; unfriendly; blunt; surly; curt; cold
unhappiness; misfortune; ill luck
idleness; lack of application; lazy study habits
unkindness; unfriendliness
strong and weak points; likes and dislikes; strengths and weaknesses
immorality; iniquity; impropriety
indigestion; dyspepsia; incomprehensibility; inability to understand
miscreant; scoundrel; villain
to offend someone; to give offence; to hurt someone's feelings
negligence; carelessness; incompetence; mismanagement
imbalance; disproportion; disparity; mismatch; asymmetry
to make the impossible possible; to accomplish the impossible
inadequacy; inappropriateness; unfitness; impropriety
incomplete combustion; imperfect combustion; being off one's game; not doing one's best; being unable to use all of one's strength
disused; unused; useless; wasteful; of no use
un-; non-; bad ...; poor ...
displeasure; ill humour; ill humor; pique
partial; incomplete; imperfect
insufficient; inadequate; imperfect
insubordination; outlawry
shortage of talented people; shortfall in human resources
neglect of one's health; unhealthy living; intemperance
person with whom one is having an illicit love affair
surprise attack; surprise visit; catching a person off guard
sleeplessness; insomnia; wakefulness
ill-preparedness; insufficient preparation; lack of preparation
suspension; interruption; stoppage; tie-up; cessation
non-conforming process; noncompliant; incompatible
deformity; distortion; disability; word written at the end of a letter
ignorance; inexperience; unfamiliarity
determination; conviction
nonprosecution; nonindictment
rejection (of an application)
unfair practices; wrongdoing; malpractice; cheating; foul play
irregular pulse; arrhythmia
undutifulness to one's parents; lack of filial piety; (arch.) (the crime of) cursing one's parents; (arch.) disowning one's child
inevitable; inescapable; unavoidable
boorish; inelegant; unpolished; unromantic; tactless
uncertainty; inaccuracy; incorrectness
cause for concern; reasons for uneasiness
impiety; unbelief; infidelity
phosphorescent light; mysterious lights on the sea; sea fire
impoliteness; carelessness; misconduct; clumsiness
imprudent (misguided) fellow
dissatisfaction with the work (role) given to one; feeling oneself above the given work (role); not up to the task; (being) out of one's depth
inexperienced person; incompetent person; ignoramus
unexploded ordnance; unexploded shell; unexploded bomb; UXO
eccentric young person (esp. girl)
improper; inappropriate; unjust; unfair; unreasonable
lack of information; data deficiency
quirk of fate; curious coincidence; happy chance
inadequacy; inappropriateness; unfitness; impropriety
unlawful dumping (e.g. of garbage)
imbalance; lack of balance; lopsidedness; disproportion; inequality; disparity
to make up a shortfall; to cover a shortage; to compensate for a shortage; to fill a gap
Acala (Wisdom King); Acalanatha; Fudō Myōō (Myō-ō); fierce Buddhist deity
indolence; laziness; sloth
dissatisfaction; discontent; displeasure
to suffer an embarrassing defeat
dullness; slump; stagnation; inactivity; depression
lack of evidence; insufficient evidence
real estate company; real estate firm; property firm
sexual frigidity; insensitivity; indifference
everlasting; immortal; eternal; enduring; undying; imperishable
non-aggression pact; non-aggression treaty
disharmony; discord; dissonance; incongruity
bad behavior; misbehavior
being two sides of the same coin; being the same (while appearing different); Very sincerely yours; (arch.) peerless; (arch.) unparalleled
water shortage; shortage of water supply
failure; rejection; rupture
shortage; amount outstanding (e.g. on loan); deficit
sleepless vigil; night watch; vigilance
to ignore; to disregard; to overlook; to connive at
failure; poor result; disfavour; disfavor; unpopularity
mortal enemy; sworn enemy; nemesis
regarding with apprehension; viewing with anxiety
bad girl; juvenile delinquent
not permitting; not authorizing
suspicious object (e.g. potential bomb); suspicious substance
contrary to one's wishes; gone awry; gone amiss; short of money; in financial difficulty
undesirable state brought about by (my) lack of virtue; feeling morally responsible; mea culpa
barren land; sterile soil; wasteland
unkindness; inhumanity; heartlessness
lawless people; gang; malcontents; recalcitrants
war renunciation; anti-war; bout cancelled due to absence of one of the wrestlers
to jar; to grate; to make others uncomfortable
poor; pitiful; piteous; pitiable
unshapely; unsightly; clumsy; unpresentable; uncouth; awkward
bad debt; nonperforming loan
nightless gay quarters; nightless city
unmeasurable; impossible to measure
person unfit for society; misfit
situation (turn of events) being unfavorable (disadvantageous)
unauthorized (computer) access; hacking
advantage or disadvantage
good match for an opponent; worthy (e.g. rival)
disapproval; disagreement
rare; extraordinary; unparalleled; unparallelled
undetermined manner of death; suspicious death
failure; abortive (attempt, action)
inaccurate; indistinct; imprecise; unclear; indecisive
infertility; sterility; barrenness
being unknown; not knowing; ignorance; foolishness
dissent; disagreement; disapproval; objection; refusal
sulking in bed; going to bed in a huff
cannot allow (oneself) to live (with someone) under the canopy of heaven; cannot allow (the sworn enemy) to live in this world; irreconcilable (enemy)
of unknown nationality (of a vessel, plane, etc.); unidentified
beyond one's means or position; inappropriate to one's lot in life
perpetual youth and longevity
distaste; unsavoriness; unsavouriness
dishonouring (a bill); dishonoring; bouncing (a cheque, check); non-payment
lack of appetite; anorexia
dissent; disagreement; disapproval; objection; refusal
very bad condition; (in) terrible form; serious slump
vague; ambiguous; noncommittal; off-point
nonessential and nonurgent; unnecessary
hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body)
tort; illegal act; illegal activity; offence; offense
lack of knowledge or understanding
emergency; unexpectedness
unrecoverable; irreversible; irreparable
unbecoming; improper; unsuitable; ill-matched; unworthy of
very rude; very insolent; extremely reprehensible; outrageous
inconsistency; mismatch; nonconformity; unconformity
illegal entry (into a country); illegal immigration
fire under suspicious circumstances; arson
not watching where one is driving; not keeping one's eyes on the road
discomfort index; temperature-humidity index
thoughtless; indiscreet; lacking in common sense; rashness; betraying one's lack of judgment (judgement); absurd
faulty maintenance; poor maintenance; inadequate maintenance
bragging of one's misfortune
insubordination; disobedience
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928); Pact of Paris
uncertainty about the future; concern about future prospects
tenacity; indomitableness; dauntlessness; inflexibility
being a match for thousands; being a mighty warrior (combatant)
unpleasant; awkward; embarrassing; uneasy
destabilization; destabilisation
disgraceful; inauspicious; ill-omened; ominous; scandalous
unspecified; random; indefinite
real estate agent; realtor
inconsistent; illogical; unconvincing; not thorough; indefinite; half-way
permanence; forever unchanging
unchastity; misconduct; dissipation; fornication
unprofitable business operation
suddenly; casually; accidentally; incidentally; unexpectedly; unintentionally
social unrest; public anxiety
unfilial son; undutiful son; thankless son; unfilial daughter; undutiful daughter; thankless daughter
noninvolvement; nonintervention; neutrality
irregular; unseasonable; changeable; unsettled; abnormal
malnutrition; malnourishment
good-for-nothing; spineless; gutless; spiritless; feckless; pluckless
illegal residence (in a country); illegal stay; illegal overstaying (of a visa)
uneasiness; uncertainty; anxiety; apprehension; restlessness; insecurity
dishonesty; untruthfulness
failing to practice what one preaches
ugly (of a person); plain; unattractive; (arch.) lacking ability; (arch.) incompetent
lack of uniformity; unevenness; imbalance; inequality; disproportion
unclear point; unclear points
point of dissatisfaction; complaint; gripe; issue
truant; school dropout; child who refuses to attend school
misconduct; misbehaviour; impropriety; profligacy
illegal resident (in a country); illegal alien; illegal overstayer (person who has overstayed their visa)
vote of censure; vote of no confidence
kidney failure; renal failure
inexperienced; incompetent; inept; incapable; careless
discontented elements (e.g. of society); dissatisfied members; malcontents
past forty; following right course
shortage of stock; scarcity of goods
everyday clothes; ordinary clothes; casual wear; informal dress
worried look; worried expression
bad form or manners; indecency; impropriety
unseasonable weather; fickle weather; bad weather
bad inventory; deadstock; dead stock
non-confidence; lack of confidence
uncertainty; indeterminacy; unreliability; unauthenticity
stubble; unshaven face; beard one has because one is too lazy to shave; 5-o'clock shadow
inexperienced; unfamiliar (with); unversed; lacking experience
difference; diversity; irregularity; disorder
to take (a person) unawares; to make a surprise attack
imbalance; disproportion; disparity; mismatch; asymmetry
disagreement; disapproval; objection; dissent; non-consent
gang of hoodlums (hooligans); bad company; companion in gang activities
neglect of health; intemperance
irresolution; indecision; vacillation
nonfulfillment of a contract; contractual non-performance; breach of contract
uneven; irregular; non-uniform; unsorted; odd; miscellaneous
underdevelopment; poor development; maldevelopment; decreased growth; stunting
poor (academic) performance; poor (business) results (showing)
rude person; villain; blackguard; scoundrel; rogue; libertine
talking about one's misfortunes; tales of one's misfortunes
illegal immigration; illegal immigrant
disadvantageous; harmful; unprofitable
indifference; lack of enthusiasm; inattentiveness
dubious; doubtful; of unknown authenticity
the instability of a political situation; political instability
fate (safety) of a person (persons) being unknown
negligence; carelessness; incompetence; mismanagement
disuse; not using; non-usage
shorthanded; understaffed
poor business performance; economic slump
returning no more (usu. of a person who has died); dying
action before words; work before talk
argument that something is unnecessary; opposition
major recession; serious (economic) depression; Great Depression
non-recoverable; unrecoverable; irreparable; irreversible; irretrievable
unbending; inflexible; tenacity; indomitableness
unsuccessful candidate; rejected person
clumsy with one's hands; all thumbs
timeless masterpiece; immortal work
illegal possession; unlawful possession
firm; steadfast; indomitable; unswerving; invincible
infertility; sterility; barrenness
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome; MODS; multiple organ failure (former term); MOF
slowness; inertness; inability; lack of talent; dullness
unhappiness; misfortune; ill luck
lack of faith; unbelief; impiety; infidelity
uncanny valley (hypothesis about humanoid robots)
of uncertain meaning; ambiguous; cryptic; nonsensical; incomprehensible; perplexing
rude; outspoken; presumptuous; cheeky
short supply; supply shortage
lawless; outrageous; insolent; rude; inexcusable; unpardonable
Acala (Wisdom King); Āryācalanātha; Fudō; fierce Buddhist deity
unfair dismissal; wrongful dismissal; unfair termination
poor correspondent; apparent disdain of (or trouble with) writing; someone who appears to dislike (or be poor at) writing
lack of uniformity; unevenness; inequality; heterogeneous; nonuniform
(listed in) no particular order; arbitrary order; random order
in a few days; at an early date
lack of talent; incompetency
delinquency; misdeed; misconduct; delinquent behavior
devoting one's body and soul to Buddhist teachings; unsparing devotion to Buddhism
wisdom tooth; not knowing who your parents are; person who doesn't know who their parents are
evil; sin; vice; mischief
discontented element; discontented (grumbling) member
clumsy person; bungler; person with no particular talents (in performing arts); nondrinker; nonsmoker
absence; nonattendance; nonappearance
haughty; arrogant; overbearing
sense of uncertainty; lack of clarity; indecisiveness
heartlessness; inhumanity
stubble; unshaven face; beard one has because one is too lazy to shave; 5-o'clock shadow
unaccounted-for expenditures
freedom; liberty; independence
to complain about one's hard lot
neither arising nor ceasing
acting according to one's own beliefs, being undisturbed by others
lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
non-combustible waste; non-burnable rubbish
unavailable; unobtainable; not available
the unobtainable (that which cannot be known)
I'll write again soon (closure for a letter, etc.); more anon; sincerely yours; yours truly
indisposition; emperor's illness; unhappiness
very rude; very insolent; extremely reprehensible; outrageous
poor result; bad record; failure
Seven Wonders of the World
not writing or contacting for a while; neglecting to write (call, visit, etc.); failing to write (call, visit, etc.); long silence
non-intervention in the domestic affairs of another nation
antifreeze; antifreezing solution
forbearance; omission; nonfeasance; inaction
menstrual irregularity; irregular periods
non-inflammables; incombustible (usu. waste)
real estate world; property market
underdevelopment; incomplete development; aplasia; hypoplasia; infantilism
unwise plan; bad policy; inexpediency
less-than sign or greater-than sign (< or >); inequality sign
inconsistency between one's words and actions; insincerity; saying one thing and doing another
firm and solid; sturdy and indestructible; unshakable; adamantine
anti-anxiety agent; anti-anxiety drug
misappropriation (of funds, etc.)
imperturbability; steadfastness; cool head in an emergency; keeping one's calm (e.g. during a fight)
non-support; disapproval (e.g. in an opinion poll)
very insolent; extremely audacious; reprehensible
irregularity; unevenness; asymmetry; lack of uniformity
pending; unsettled; undecided
strict observance of the Buddhist commandment that all priests should be celibate
improper; inappropriate; illegitimate; unacceptable; unfair
bad reputation; disgrace; unpopularity
distrust of politics; political uncertainty
accounting fraud; irregular accounting
small attendance; poor house
Buddhist revelation through intuitive discernment; Spiritual awakening cannot be experienced with words and letters; Spiritual enlightenment can be attained only by means of communion of mind with mind (Zen Buddhism)
not carrying (driver's license, passport, etc.); not having on one's person; nonpossession
John Doe; Jane Doe; person unknown
blood circulation failure
unprofitable department; loss-making division; loss-making segment
dishonorable discharge; dishonourable discharge
aplastic anemia; aplastic anaemia
unpromoted (piece); limit orders that become market orders at the closing auction if not already executed
real estate register; real property register
out-of-office notification (email)
parliamentary motion of non-confidence against the cabinet
not serious; frivolous; insincere; unsteady
petitioning (an administration) for redress; suing civilly to seek redress (for a court's action); lodging an appeal
impartiality; neutrality; fairness
unwritten; illiterate; uneducated; poor writing
person unfit for society; misfit
lack of filial piety; disobedience to one's parents
poor academic performance; underachievement
lack of leadership (esp. of a teacher)
divorce; unrealized marriage (prospects); unrealised marriage
insincerity; dishonesty; untruthfulness; bad faith
(Goedel's) incompleteness theorem
Amoghapasa (manifestation of Kannon)
ahimsa; abstinence from taking life; principle of non-violence in Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.
inconvertible paper money; fiat money
non-combustible waste; non-burnable rubbish
illegal employment; illegal work; unauthorized labor
shallow thinker; indecisive person
sterilization (operation); sterilisation
worry (uncertainty, uneasiness, insecurity) about one's life (future)
nothing increases or decreases (because all things are void)
ceaseless; constant; uninterrupted
metrorrhagia; abnormal vaginal bleeding
dull; slow; sluggish; inactive; inanimate; quiet
disloyalty; unfaithfulness
scandal; bribery case; graft case
irregular; undisciplined; disorganized; disorganised; slipshod
non-inflammability; incombustibility
miscreant; scoundrel; villain
poor health; failing health
unrefined; tasteless; inelegant; prosaic; unpoetic; unromantic
misconduct; misbehaviour; impropriety; profligacy
indomitable perseverance; invincible fortitude
to complain; to express one's dissatisfaction
(weather-related) line of discontinuity
Unfair Competition Prevention Act
not aware of what one is doing
not having; unaffected by; aside; I don't know about ...; (arch.) I know not whether; (arch.) I know not if
non-existence; absence; lack
disloyalty; unfaithfulness
anxiety neurosis; aporio-neurosis
general malaise; unidentified complaint; all-round poor physical condition
(arch.) great impropriety (esp. towards the imperial family); crime against the imperial family (or a shrine dedicated to them, etc.)
ne bis in idem; prohibition against double jeopardy
police questioning (of a suspicious person)
dull; slow; sluggish; inactive; inanimate; quiet
gloominess; gloom; questionable; unfair; underhand
impartiality; neutrality; independence
Acala (Wisdom King); Acalanatha; Fudō; fierce Buddhist deity
adulterous love affair with someone at work
vagrant; transient lifestyle
don't get me wrong, but ...; I'm sorry
Death comes to old and young alike; uncertainty of life
person in the wrong; malfeasant
unreasonableness; absurdity; irrationality
indiscretion; bad idea; thoughtlessness; indiscreetness
strangely; oddly; mysteriously
inarticulate; clumsy with words; poor at speaking
the principle of fluidity and immutability in haiku; Haiku is both "fluid and transitory" and "eternal and immutable."; An interchange between the transient and the immutable is central to the soul of haiku. (Basho)
crying in spite of oneself
not writing or contacting for a while; neglecting (failing) to write (call, visit, etc.); long silence
Very sincerely yours; (arch.) different
having no fixed days off; having no regular closing days; having no regular holidays
unshakeable (e.g. belief); invincible; steadfastness; firmness; unwavering (e.g. support); absolutely secure
lawlessness; violation of customs
sad occasion (esp. a funeral)
bid-rigging; knockout sale
acting on an impulse; doing something without considering the consequences; loose morals (e.g. of a geisha); easy virtue
human immunodeficiency virus; HIV
everlasting; eternal; immortal; imperishable; undying
discordance; discrepancy (e.g. statistical); conflict; incongruity; inconsistency; mismatch
faithlessness; insincerity
reluctantly; grudgingly; unwillingly
Amoghasiddhi; Infallible Magic (a dhyani-Buddha)
no liking for; no interest in
incurable (illness); bedridden (for the rest of one's days)
old sinner; elderly man-about-town; older person who enjoys free and easy lifestyle unfettered by social taboos
disgraceful incident; scandalous affair; untoward (deplorable) event
in no hurry; nonessential (industry)
civil disobedience movement; civil disobedience campaign
infertility; sterility; barrenness
female infertility; inability to carry a pregnancy to full term
menstrual irregularity; irregular menstruation
an idle brain is the devil's shop
polyunsaturated fatty acid
theatre of the absurd (theater)
very rude; very insolent; extremely reprehensible; outrageous
Unauthorized Computer Access Law (2000); Law Banning Illegal Access
to pass away; to depart this life
Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union (1939); German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
lacking enough gravity for (a position, task); being an insignificant figure for (a position)
acquired immune deficiency syndrome; AIDS
unstable state; metastable state; quasistable state
Sincerely yours (with the nuance of "please excuse the brevity of this letter")
nonperforming asset; bad assets; toxic assets
untouchable (of the Indian caste system)
indefatigability; indomitableness; with unremitting tenacity
inconvenience; hard living
absentee ballot; absentee voting
nonexpansion; localization; localisation; nonaggravation
miscreant; scoundrel; villain
simultaneous inequalities
free-spirited and uninhibited
non-substitutable; irreplaceable; unique; non-fungible
indiscretion; bad idea; thoughtlessness; indiscreetness
premenstrual dysphoric disorder; PMDD
immunity from arrest (i.e. of Diet members or foreign diplomats); diplomatic immunity; parliamentary immunity; legislative immunity
indefatigability; indomitableness
scalene (triangle); triangle having three sides of different lengths; inequilateral triangle
inexperienced; unfamiliar (with); unversed; lacking experience
to complain about one's hard lot
insincerity; unfaithfulness
police questioning (of a suspicious person)
undesirable state brought about by (my) lack of virtue; feeling morally responsible; mea culpa
joint unlawful act; joint tort
slightly off; not quite good enough; slightly wild-looking (e.g. fashion)
improper billing; illegal charge; false claims (e.g. for health insurance reimbursement)
mistrust in medical services; distrust of medical practitioners
unavailable (stock, etc.)
one's dark days; the period during which one suffered misfortune and obscurity
disapproval; dissent; veto
you are what you eat; slogan encouraging consumption of local seasonal foods for one's health; (lit.) indivisibility of the body and the land (because the body is made from food and food is made from the land)
Mount Fuji; Mt. Fuji; Fujiyama; Fuji-san
clumsiness; unskillfulness
to commit vice; to do evil
to ignore; to disregard; to overlook; to connive at
Mohorovičić discontinuity
real-estate financing; real-estate loan
financial instability; financial uncertainty; financial turmoil; financial unrest; financial jitters
not enrolling for compulsory schooling
certain victory; sure victory; invincibility
unauthorized travel; riding without a valid ticket (e.g. on a train); stealing a ride
being neglected by the world; being denied one's deserved recognition and status
inexperienced; unfamiliar (with); unversed; lacking experience
unidentified; name unknown
irregularity; unevenness; asymmetry; lack of uniformity
dishonored bill; dishonoured bill
free-spirited and uninhibited
unmoved mover (in philosophy); prime mover
the pain of not getting what one seeks
to bungle; to make things awkward
rejected goods; rejected article; reject; seconds; second; off-grade goods
unfair ruling; unfair verdict; unjust decision
false entry in an officially authenticated document
an idle brain is the devil's shop
Japanese shrew mole (Urotrichus talpoides)
Good and evil are but two faces of the same coin
false labelling; mislabelling; misrepresentation
incomplete metamorphosis; hemimetabolism
unshakeable (e.g. belief); invincible; steadfastness; firmness; unwavering (e.g. support); absolutely secure
determined; steadfast; unswerving; unshakable
generalized anxiety disorder; GAD
cash shortage; illiquidity
(strict) observance of the Buddhist precept of lifelong celibacy
dissident element (e.g. in a political party); discontented element
freedom; liberty; independence
physically handicapped person
intolerance (to food, drug, etc.)
Shiranui style of grand champion's ring-entering ceremony
permanence; immortality; eternity
determined; steadfast; unswerving; unshakable
to commit vice; to do evil
unenforceability; impossibility of performance
petitioning (an administration) for redress; suing civilly to seek redress (for a court's action); lodging an appeal
misconduct; profligacy; licentiousness
immutable law (usu. the Meiji constitution); indestructible canon
antidepression policy; antirecession policy; counterrecession policy; economic recovery policy; remedy for depression
being devoid of consideration for human beings
dissent; disagreement; disapproval; objection; refusal
I'll write again soon; more anon; sincerely yours; yours truly
nonvolatile component; nonvolatile constituent
physically handicapped child
forced sterilization; involuntary sterilization
not fishing; needing more than one tile to win
ill-bred; impolite; rude; impudent; insolent; blunt
of uneven quality; heterogenous
Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris var. cicla); silverbeet
everlasting; unchangeable; immortal
discord and hostility; feud
unlawful trespass; occupying a property and refusing to leave
at age forty, one has no doubts
unfair labor practices; unfair labour practices
pre-test stress; test anxiety
congestive heart failure; CHF
barren woman; sterile woman
strongly attached to each other; inseparable
undeliverable item notice
poor; pitiful; piteous; pitiable
agreement used to prevent unauthorized or faked divorce by couples in Japan in the future
Buddhist precept prohibiting the consumption of alcohol
not writing or contacting for a while; neglecting (failing) to write (call, visit, etc.); long silence
out of touch with the voters; indifferent to the concerns of the people
dissatisfaction with the work (role) given to one; feeling oneself above the given work (role); not up to the task; (being) out of one's depth
untouchable (of India's caste system)
good match for an opponent; worthy (e.g. rival)
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; NPT
insulator; nonconductor; poor conductor
inapparent infection; subclinical infection
infertility (esp. of animals)
I can't help but laugh; I have to laugh at this
omission; failure; incompleteness; irregularity; mismanagement; misconduct
fatal familial insomnia; FFI
real estate acquisition tax
primary immunodeficiency syndrome
a wise person always follows the right course; a wise man never wavers
non-transferable; non-assignable; unassignable; non-negotiable
combined immunodeficiency
Administrative Appeal Act (1962); Administrative Complaint Investigation Law
unlawful detention (of shipping); unlawful occupation (of a house or land)
petitioning (an administration) for redress; suing civilly to seek redress (for a court's action); lodging an appeal
unconsciously; unwittingly; unawares
tumbler; self-righting doll
untouchable (of India's caste system)
Very sincerely yours; (arch.) different
unqualified (incompetent) person; square peg in a round hole
aorist tense (Greek); past-perfective tense
concealment (e.g. of facts); nondisclosure
inseparability of body/mind and geographical circumstances
not serious; frivolous; insincere; unsteady
to-infinitive; full infinitive
smartphone app malware; Trojan horse app
arrogant and presumptuous; haughty arrogance; intolerable insolence
indiscretion; bad idea; thoughtlessness; indiscreetness
recession caused by the strong yen
few; numerical inferiority
mislabeling; false labeling; deceptive labeling; fraudulent labeling
suddenly; casually; accidentally; incidentally; unexpectedly; unintentionally
suddenly; casually; accidentally; incidentally; unexpectedly; unintentionally
miserable; wretched; unhappy; sad; pitiable
Mount Fuji; Mt. Fuji; Fujiyama; Fuji-san
reluctantly; grudgingly; unwillingly
reluctantly; grudgingly; unwillingly
shortage of talented people; shortfall in human resources
shortage of talented people; shortfall in human resources
Britain (island); Great Britain
Britain (island); Great Britain
nonviolence; non-harming; ahimsa
Japanese parrotfish (Calotomus japonicus)
clumsiness; stupidity; blunder
following blindly; following suit without reflection
human immunodeficiency virus; HIV
Sincerely yours (with the nuance of "please excuse the brevity of this letter")
Mohorovičić discontinuity
night-scented lily (Alocasia odora); giant upright elephant ear
impossible; futile; type of children's game; Chinese person; Chink
impossible; futile; type of children's game; Chinese person; Chink
impossible; futile; type of children's game; Chinese person; Chink
Japanese bird cherry (Prunus grayana); Gray's bird cherry; Gray's chokecherry
stubbornly sticking to one's own convictions; being stubbornly independent
a wise person always follows the right course; a wise man never wavers
pitcher's misjudgment (misjudgement)
nonfarming land; untilled land
emergency landing; forced landing; crash landing
poor preparation; poor arrangements
nonconformist; free-thinker
irregular forces; guerrillas
negative reaction; unsuccessful vaccination
dishonored check; dishonoured cheque
unwritten law; common law
unreasonable; irrational; illogical
trouble-shooting; fault analysis
the principle of not resuming debate on an item in the same Diet session in which it has been voted down
uncodified constitution; unwritten constitution
day's longest successful jump
recession-induced bankruptcy
commutative justice; justitia commutativa
nonsequitur; non sequitur
nonsequitur; non sequitur
attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder; ADHD
policy-induced slump; stagnation resulting from poor economic policies
getting mixed up with the wrong people; getting into bad company
long and uninterrupted (unbroken)
the point of an argument being unclear; the tenor of an argument being poorly reasoned
daredevil; reckless; thinking nothing of one's death
everlasting; forever unchanging; undying
still remaining after a thousand years; immortal
lack of blood flow; poor circulation
a bad wife spells the ruin of her husband; a bad wife means a hundred years of bad luck to her husband
totally unexpected; completely unforeseen
principle holding that any matters left unresolved at the end of one Diet session are not to be carried over to the next
absentee investor (e.g. in real estate)
Gini coefficient; Gini's coefficient
Sadaparibhuta (bodhisattva)
Lamarckian evolutionary theory in which individuals lose characteristics that are not used and develop characteristics that are often used
Deuteromycota; fungi imperfecti; mitosporic fungi; anamorphic fungi
inhuman; immoral; unreasonable; barbarity (one of the eight unpardonable crimes, incl. killing three people in one family, or dismembering a corpse)
primary immunodeficiency syndrome
primary immunodeficiency syndrome
incomplete intransitive verb
bare infinitive; root infinitive
file attribute conflict condition
non-maskable interrupt; NMI
non-receipt notification request indication
non-repudiation of delivery
non-delivery notification
non-repudiation of submission
non-repudiation of origin
without a place of publication; sine loco; s.l.
non-existence of a business corporation
the word impossible is not in my dictionary
the word impossible is not in my dictionary
unfair business practice; unfair business practices
infertility (esp. of plants)
falling ill (esp. of a monk); illness
doing as much evil as one wants
iniquities of fathers are visited upon their sons
iniquities of fathers are visited upon their sons
unequal cleavage (embryology)
(theory of) the immortality of the soul
advance reservations not required
prolonged recession; depression; protracted economic slump
nonaggression pact; nonaggression treaty
imperfect fungus; deuteromycete
10^37218383881977644441306597687849648128; 10^(7x2^122)
Act for Identification, etc. by Mobile Voice Communications Carriers of Their Subscribers, etc. and for Prevention of Improper Use of Mobile Voice Communications Services; Mobile Phone Improper Use Prevention Act
something concealed; something not disclosed
female infertility; inability to carry a pregnancy to full term
binding of Acala; fast binding
unbiased estimate of population variance
fraud detection; fraud control
disconformity; parallel unconformity
premenstrual dysphoric disorder; PMDD
defective performance; imperfect performance
tax-exempt rice field (ritsuryo system)
one's fame or achievements being passed down eternally
uneven ground; broken terrain
scholarship and swordsmanship are one and the same; the literary and the military are the same path
atypical genital bleeding; irregular vaginal bleeding
anxiety about child-rearing
sinus arrhythmia; irregular heartbeat
random alloy; disordered alloy
statically indeterminate structure; redundant structure; statically indeterminate construction
aphagia; aglutition; acataposis
Nichiren sect that does not accept from or give to non-believers
depression cartel; recession cartel
being able to live as an artist is no blessing
being able to live as an artist is no blessing
dreams and fortune-telling are hit-and-miss
dreams and fortune-telling are hit-and-miss
declaring one will participate in the game without first looking at one's dealt hand (when being the dealer)
notice of absence; form requesting post office to hold mail during an extended absence; missed-delivery notice
notice of absence; form requesting post office to hold mail during an extended absence; missed-delivery notice
apareunia; sexual impotence
defective pixel (on an LCD display)
Three Noes (former Taiwan policy of no contact, no negotiation and no compromise with China)
True's shrew mole (Dymecodon pilirostris)
American shrew mole (Neurotrichus gibbsii); Gibb's shrew mole; least shrew mole
Chinese shrew mole (Uropsilus soricipes)
gracile shrew mole (Uropsilus gracilis)
Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus); milu; elpahure
gibberfish (Gibberichthys pumilus)