FrequencyTop 100
Kyōiku (2nd grade) 
KankenLevel 9
Composed of
thin person

While you're a really thin person, weak and feeble, you can still make things. Sure, you might not be able to do carpentry, or anything else that requires significant strength, but you can still make paper planes or something like that.

Used in kanji (1 in total)
bamboo rope
Used in vocabulary (855 in total)
to make; to produce; to prepare (food); to brew (alcohol); to raise; to grow; to till
work; operation; manufacturing; fatigue duty
tactics; strategy; military operation; naval operation
work (e.g. book, film, composition, etc.); opus; performance; production
operation; management; handling; manipulating (to one's benefit); manipulation; influencing
making; producing; appearance (attire, make-up, etc.); build; physique; sashimi
action; movements; motions; bearing; behaviour; behavior
to manufacture; to produce; to raise (crops); to invent; to dream up; to create
to build up; to complete; to construct; to make up; to fabricate; to invent
drawing up (e.g. legal document, contract, will, etc.); preparing; writing; framing; making; producing
author; writer; novelist; artist
easy; simple; ready; casual; off-hand; easy-going
work (e.g. of art); production; harvest; cultivation; technique
handmade; homegrown; hand-crafted; homemade
action; operation; effect; function
work (film, book); production; creation; turning (something) out
creator (of a work); author; writer; artist; composer; playwright
new work; new production; new composition; new creation; new title
manufacture; production
operation; functioning; running
manners; etiquette; propriety; manner of production (esp. of prose, poetry, etc.); way of making
handicraft; work; construction; maneuvering; manoeuvering
fit; spasm; attack; seizure
to form; to shape; to make; to mold; to mould; to build up
creation; production; creative work (novel, film, etc.); fabrication; fiction; invention
conduct; behaviour; movements; gesture; performance (on stage, etc.); dance
masterpiece; best work; amusing blunder; funny mistake; boner
crop; crops; (agricultural) produce; farm products
strategy meeting; council of war
one's own work; making by oneself
side effect; adverse reaction
to remake; to rebuild
original work
artificial product; man-made product; fiction; made-up story; decoration (e.g. for a festival); theatrical prop (esp. a large prop in noh or kyogen, e.g. tree, well, boat)
trial product; prototype model
trial manufacture; experiment; test piece; prototype
fiction; made-up story; fable; fabrication; myth
no trouble; easy; simple
laborer; labourer; blue-collar worker
to make time; to carve out some time (to do something)
failed creative work; flop; dud; bomb
etiquette; courtesy
forced laugh; forced smile
composition; setting (of music)
work-in-progress; working state
remote control; remote operation
work of art the creator has confidence in; work one is proud of
to manufacture; to produce; to raise (crops); to invent; to dream up; to create
writing (an essay, prose, etc.); composition; formal writing with little real meaning
confectionery making
writing; book
spy; agent provocateur; covert operative; maker; builder; constructor
workshop; works
sashimi; make-up
to remake; to remold; to remould; to convert; to reconstruct; to adapt
masterwork; masterpiece; crowning work; one's magnum opus; work of the highest quality
having children; attempting to conceive
manufacture; production
crops; agricultural produce
work clothes; fatigues
manufacturer; producer
large-scale operation; large-scale campaign; major mission
ill-mannered; rude
within the story (of a book, play, film, etc.)
performing a part in one's own play; playing a musical piece that one has written; doing everything by oneself (from preparation to execution); put-up job; charade; sock-puppeting (i.e. pretending to be more than one person on the Internet)
abundant harvest; bumper crop
trouble; difficulty; hospitality; treatment; treat
to build up; to complete; to construct; to make up; to fabricate; to invent
pre-made (esp. food); prepared in advance
workbench; work table
this piece; this work
ill-mannered; rude
maker; builder; creator; tenant farmer
large-scale work; voluminous work; monumental work; great work; masterpiece
fake (work); counterfeit
for work; for manufacturing
work clothes; workwear; boilersuit; overalls
malfunction; failure
poor crop; bad harvest; crop failure; low quality (e.g. of literary works)
to form a line (row)
random; unintentional; unintended
cultivation; farming
manipulation of information; spin
artificiality; pretence; contrived act; commission (of a crime); feasance
manual labor; manual labour; manual procedures
to create a debt in one's favor (e.g. by doing someone a favor); to create an obligation in one's favor
style (of a work, author, artist, etc.); characteristics
work of art; artwork; objet d'art
painstaking piece of work; work of great effort; tour de force; toil; labor; labour
most important work (of a writer, artist, etc.); representative work; masterpiece
spasmodic(ally); fitful
subversive activities
fake smile; false smile
heart attack; to have a heart attack
simple work; repetitive job; unskilled work; menial work
diversionary tactics (maneuvering); disguise; hide by camouflage
debut work; one's first work
memory-making; making memories
creative work (e.g. artistic, literary)
sound of operation; operation noise; running noise
original author (of a work)
making; forming; cultivating; form; appearance
drawing pictures; painting pictures; taking photographs
rescue mission; evacuation operation
works; factory; plant
intentional; deliberate; contrived; artificial
previous work; preceding work; first crop grown in a double-cropped field; preceding crop
dodgy dealings; monkey business
most recent work (e.g. book, film, etc.); latest work; latest offering
dressing oneself up to look young; altering one's appearance to look young; dressing younger than one's age
to farm; to cultivate a field
prototype model; experimental machine
deceitful; cruel
collaboration; joint work
user guide; how to operate; operation procedures
(writing) song lyrics
will (urge) to create; creative urge; appetite for writing
poor piece of work; rubbish; trash
easy; simple; ready; casual; off-hand; easy-going
Mimasaka (former province located in the northeast of present-day Okayama Prefecture)
rice cultivation; rice crop
to perfect; to detail; to polish; (arch.) to make (inside something)
assembly-line system
bad harvest; poor crop
artificial product; man-made product; fiction; made-up story; decoration (e.g. for a festival); theatrical prop (esp. a large prop in noh or kyogen, e.g. tree, well, boat)
building (esp. a house); house fixture; fitting; facial features
fitness training; development of physical strength; building stamina; keeping up one's fitness
workload; quantity of work; work rate; units produced
manufacturing; craftsmanship; making New-Year's decorations; (arch.) preparing fields; (arch.) farming
repair work; renovation work; restoration work
playwright; dramatist
study (for a role); preparation for a part (in a play, etc.)
to put on coquettish airs; to act flirtatiously; to act kittenish
plagiarism; plagiarised work
samue; monk's working clothes
operation plan; scheme of operations; plan of campaign
control board; control panel; console
mopping-up operation; search-and-destroy operation
features of the face
maiden work; debut work
implementor; author
etiquette; good manners
to compose a poem
derivative work (usu. unauthorized and produced by fans, e.g. dōjinshi, fanfiction)
concocting an alibi
operability; usability; user friendliness; ease of use; maneuverability; manoeuvrability
trial stage; experimental phase; prototype stage
cultivated land
planting a field with the same crop each year; repeated cultivation; collaborative literary work; story made up by several writers working on it in turn; series (of novels); cycle (of poems, songs)
posthumous works
super work; tremendous work; spectacular; blockbuster
toil; labor; labour; painstaking piece of work; (a) work involving considerable effort
composition of a poem
military operation; military tactics; military strategy
hit (film, song, book, etc.); bestseller; blockbuster
songwriting (words and music)
to remake; to rebuild
no trouble; easy; simple
concocting an alibi
production cost
(a) study (e.g. in music, art, sculpture, etc.); etude; practice piece
art project which is done in place of a graduation thesis at a college of arts
under construction; in preparation
creative cookery; creative cuisine
operational; strategic
title (of a work of art)
no trouble; easy; simple
great writer; major writer
(Japanese) Copyright Act
putting a plan into operation
dry field farming; dry field crop
physical culture; bodybuilding (body development, not necessarily weightlifting)
tenant farming
autopurificatory activity (in the natural world)
good piece of work; honourable mention (honorable)
house for rent; house to let; building a house; built house
small build; small size
musical composition; melody writing; song writing
to remake; to remold; to remould; to convert; to reconstruct; to adapt
operation (working) of the mind
operator; worker; maker
woman writer; lady writer; authoress
mystery writer; detective fiction writer; crime author
in operation (of a machine, especially security cameras); in use; in action
anthology; collection of works
nest-building; making a hive, web, den, etc.
fletcher; arrow maker; fletching; arrow-making
community door-to-door campaign; search operation; cleaning campaign carried out thoroughly over an area
authentic work (as opposed to a fake)
(operator) console
independent production (e.g. of a film)
feigned voice; unnatural voice
fabrication; lie; fiction
networking; making contacts
manufacturing; craftsmanship; build
built-in; fixed; attached
much-discussed work (book, film, etc.)
oeuvre; complete works
error (in the operation of a machine, vehicle, etc.); operation mistake; operational error
built-in; fixed; attached
manufacturing cost; production cost
joint work; collaboration
Japanese witch-hazel (Hamamelis japonica)
penal labour; work assigned to prisoners
method of operation; operating procedure
rush work; crash program; working on a crash basis; working at top speed
to make
trouble; difficulty; hospitality; treatment; treat
creating a (usually favorable) environment
elementary operation; basic operation; fundamental procedure
rice cultivation; rice farming
old work; existing work
to adorn; to decorate; to dress up; to build up
controversial work (art, literature, etc.); work that caused public criticism; work of art dealing with contemporary questions; succès de scandale
written thing (e.g. book, musical composition); works
rotation of crops
cartography; mapping
drawing and manual arts (school subject)
(made of) stone; stone-built
manufacturing; craftsmanship; making New-Year's decorations; (arch.) preparing fields; (arch.) farming
repeated cultivation damage (same crop, same soil); continuous cropping hazard; replant failure
political maneuvering; politicking; political machinations
town planning; urban development; community development; creating a community
adaptation (of story)
lyric writer; lyricist; songwriter
idea; design; motif; conception; intention
fabrication; lie; fiction
work procedure; operational procedure
broadcast writer (TV and radio)
next work (writer, composer, etc.)
fiction writer; dime novelist
fool; blockhead
light work; light-duty work
to make up a party
manufacturing; craftsmanship; making things by hand
copyright holder; copyright owner
no trouble; easy; simple
co-production; collaboration
one's characteristics as a writer; characteristics of a creator
timeless masterpiece; immortal work
epic film; big-budget movie
cheap literature; writing for amusement; light literature popular in the late Edo period
character (in a novel, film, etc.)
poor work; humble reference to one's own work
animation director
two crops a year
farm hand; tenant
prolific (writer, artist, etc.); productive; producing many works; writing prolifically
spy; special agent; covert operative
packing; baling; crating
to fix (e.g. to a wall); to secure; to install; to plant
writer of children's stories
work by the same author (artist, etc.); work in the same style; same way of making
to fix (e.g. to a wall); to secure; to install; to plant
keeping soil in good condition
apocryphal work; forgery; spurious article
psychological tactics
work sent to a competition; competition entry
point of action (e.g. of a lever)
manipulation of public opinion
versification; verse making
bactericidal action; germicidal action
to put on coquettish airs; to act flirtatiously; to act kittenish
working group; task force
operations (a strategy) on two fronts; two-pronged strategy
drawing a figure; drawing a diagram; construction
mediocre work; poor work
rural community development; rural community activation
crop conditions; quality (of art)
writing songs or poems; poem
collection (e.g. literary works); collected edition
anonymous author; pseudonymous author; writer who conceals his identity
to compose a haiku poem
English composition
excellent (piece of) work
work of art or literature that brings fame
stimulant effect (e.g. caffeine)
rent paid by a tenant farmer
dance (in kabuki); dance play
forbearance; omission; nonfeasance; inaction
trial printing; prototype edition
inconsistently, horribly drawn animated film or cartoon; animated cartoon episode of lower picture quality than other episodes in the same series
gardening; gardener
town planning; urban development; community development; creating a community
strategy of holing oneself up in a castle (house, building)
creative writer
recent work
model of writing; example of writing; example sentence (in a dictionary); illustrative sentence
operating principles
sashimi prepared from live fish, arranged in its original shape; fresh sashimi
poor piece of work; rubbish; one of my works
operation to win over someone by using a tactic of gentle persuasion
share price manipulation
bribery scheme; acquisition maneuver
report generation; report writing; report writer
internal maneuvering; secret maneuvering (within an organization); reconciling the various views within an organization before airing something in public
English composition
promoting; arousing
factory ship; repair ship; spy ship
creating a garden; landscape gardening
landed farmer; owner farmer
collecting bodies (of casualties, etc.); recovering bodies
new creation; new invention; new production; new breed
play writing
semiannual crop; two crops per year
small dried sardines or anchovies (gomame) cooked almost to dryness in soy sauce and sugar; tilling a rice field; person who tills a paddy field
normal crop
(mutual) interaction; reciprocal action; interplay
house playwright (of kabuki)
peace initiative; peace overture
copyright infringement; (software, etc.) piracy
unprolific (writer, artist, etc.)
writing a book; literary work
imitation (work)
propaganda work; propaganda efforts (maneuvers)
creative power; genius; creative originality
floriculture; flower gardening; floriculturist
whole work; all of the works
restoration; restoration (restorative) work
preparatory operations; measure taken in advance; doing the groundwork
personnel training; human resources development; character building
animation studio; animation production company
Japanese sword making
epileptic seizure; epileptic fit
operational; manipulative
counterfeiter; faker; appropriationist
sanitation worker; garbage collector; refuse collector; street cleaner
shoreline protection or operations
wheat raising
come-back work (film, album, book, etc.)
composing haiku poems
mechanism of action (e.g. drug); mode of action; action mechanism
work after one's heart
fields and rice paddies that have been abandoned and are no longer cultivated
manufactured article; work; (a) construction; structure
competition for better work
behavior; bearing; demeanor; one's daily life
style of building; construction; recipe; how to grow (something)
good crop; masterpiece
decorated with gold
artistic work; literary work
work in a Zen temple (e.g. cleaning, working in the fields)
operational expense
porcelain making; ceramics making; pottery making
methods of writing; rules of good writing; writing style guide
thin strips of raw fish and squid
confabulation; fabrication
rice-field tilling
second crop; interim crop
cartography; mapping
splendid work; masterpiece
lyric writer; lyricist; songwriter
to remake; to remold; to remould; to convert; to reconstruct; to adapt
antiterrorist operation; counterterrorism operation
management task; management function
to put up an (emotional) wall (between two people); to become distant; to form a wall (of people)
experimental car
sashimi with skin still attached
makeshift; improvised; hurriedly prepared; hastily got up
(immunological) sensitization
unfaithful adaptation; hideous adaptation; terrible spin-off
pacification work (activity)
aerial work platform; elevating work platform; boom lift; bucket truck; cherry picker
semi-recent release (usu. video)
Invasion of Normandy (June-July 1944); Normandy Invasion
movie in which ... has the starring role
reaction; adverse effect
Operation Barbarossa (1941)
sashimi prepared from live fish, arranged in its original shape
to crow at the break of dawn (of a rooster, etc.); to mark the dawn; to proclaim the dawn
implementation technique
sashimi prepared from live fish, arranged in its original shape; fresh sashimi
weathering (action)
review work; study; investigation
start day for military operation; departure day; D-Day
second crop
(the act of) disintegration
action-reaction law; Newton's third law of motion
price manipulation; price fixing
crop diversification; crop rotation; change of crops
catch crop; intercropping
genetically-modified crop; genetically-engineered crop; transgenic crop; GM crop
spade work; preliminaries
auxiliary logging road
two-part work
pincer operation (tactic)
touch controls (e.g. on a smartphone)
efficient cause
coiling (pottery-making method)
works (of art, etc.) on display
no trouble; easy; simple
three crops a year
string-pulling; backstage manoeuvering (maneuvering)
currency intervention; foreign exchange market intervention; currency manipulation
deportment; behavior; carriage
diversionary operations
cast-on stitch
composition and arrangement
odd but somehow interesting work of art
catalytic action; catalysis
Operation Tomodachi; United States Armed Forces assistance operation to support Japan in disaster relief following the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
sashimi prepared from live fish, arranged in its original shape
cataplexy; atonic seizure
mixed cultivation
(immunological) desensitization
single crop
poor manufacture; poor quality; inferior goods
makeshift; improvised; hurriedly prepared; hastily got up
thinly made; slight build or stature
movie in which ... has the starring role
winter crop
impoverishment of farmers because of a bumper harvest; decline in farmers' income caused by the sharply lower farm prices as a result of bumper harvests
performer of an action; agent; actor
designing a font; creating a new character not currently available
coauthor; joint author; collaborator
copyright notice; copyright declaration
feigned illness
sashimi; make-up
underground activities; secret maneuvering
autumn crops; fall crops
controlling element; actuator; operating portion
tsukuri-e; painting technique with initial lines painted over by opaque color and redrawn later
assimilation; metabolism; anabolism
to make; to produce; to manufacture
grand mal (seizure)
chrysanthemum growing
fiction; fabrication
bumper crops; year of a full rice harvest
spring crop
bibliographical catalogue; author bibliography
affected look; made-up face
anonymous; of unknown authorship
crops planted in summer
carbon assimilation; carbon fixation
script-writer; auteur
rural community development; rural community activation
honorable mention; honourable mention
symbol manipulation
abandonment of cultivation
activities of daily living; ADL; normal activities of daily life
heavy rescue vehicle; rescue truck
standards author; writer of standards
full array of masterpieces
sashimi prepared from live fish, arranged in its original shape; fresh sashimi
adding something to or altering a finished work of art; something added or altered in this manner
becoming haggard
epileptic seizure; epileptic fit
-maker (e.g. ice-maker)
audit trail; history
rice paid as rent
undefined behavior; unspecified behavior
sliced raw fish
processor frequency; clock speed
buying a book, manga, etc. because one is a fan of the author
impoverishment of farmers because of a bumper harvest; decline in farmers' income caused by the sharply lower farm prices as a result of bumper harvests
Operation Tomodachi; United States Armed Forces assistance operation to support Japan in disaster relief following the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
selection of masterpieces
log (i.e. work-file)
joint work (art, music, etc.)
stick with a hook, claw or other handling mechanism
magnum opus; (one's) best work
no trouble; easy; simple
painted eyebrows
crops; quality
right crop for the land; suitable crop for the land
tenant farming; sharecropping
to set a bad example; to create a bad precedent
to raise a war cry
multiple cropping
construction camp; bunkhouse; workers' living quarters
Japanese witch-hazel (Hamamelis japonica); bumper crop; abundant harvest
manufactured article
hydraulic oil; hydraulic fluid
fundamental interaction (i.e. gravitation, electromagnetism, weak interaction, strong interaction)
make-believe crying
without any difficulty; with ease; easily
to fail in making
currying of political favor; buying political influence
recommended system requirements (software)
production committee system (joint financing for a work, e.g. anime, film, game)
landed and tenant farming; landed farming with some tenant farming on the side
sifting out; weeding out; selection; sorting
to form; to shape; to make; to mold; to mould; to build up
building (esp. a house); house fixture; fitting; facial features
fabrication; lie; fiction
to pile up; to form into a (huge) pile
sake brewer; sake brewery
rural community development; rural community activation
catch crop; intercropping
sashimi prepared from live fish, arranged in its original shape
imitation (work)
deportment; behavior; carriage
tsukuri-e; painting technique with initial lines painted over by opaque color and redrawn later
-maker (e.g. ice-maker)
without any difficulty; with ease; easily
goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni)
various works
perpetual land lease; perpetual tenant farmer
perpetual land lease; perpetual tenant farmer
something accidentally accomplished; two working together
feigning good feeling
to fail in making
feigned illness
alias; pseudonym; pen name; nom de plume
feigned blindness
well-trimmed tree
farm; workshop
surface soil
sashimi prepared from live fish, arranged in its original shape
rights of authorship
nonfarming land; untilled land
delivery; parturition
subtenancy; sublease
tactical operations center; tactical operations centre
poor crop; diminished yield
the right to tenant farm in perpetuity
suitable crop
shape of the head; using make-up
stabilizing (stock) transaction
squid chopped, salted and mixed in its own ink
crime of commission
subject of a composition
without any difficulty; with ease; easily
without any difficulty; with ease; easily
price-keeping operation; PKO
Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering; FATF
being absorbed in writing popular novels (cheap fiction); being absorbed in writing something to amuse oneself
Three Alls Strategy (Japanese scorched earth policy during the second Sino-Japanese War)
a bad wife spells the ruin of her husband; a bad wife means a hundred years of bad luck to her husband
author's personal rights; moral rights
fish, chicken, shellfish, etc. blanched by exposure to boiling and then icy water
fish, chicken, shellfish, etc. blanched by exposure to boiling and then icy water
leather; tanned animal hide; kanji "leather" radical (radical 177)
petit mal (seizure)
bowyery; bow making; bowcraft
(immunological) desensitization
manual process; manual operation; manual procedure
(systems management) operation
Data Manipulation Language; DML
work(ing) space; work(ing) area
working-storage section (COBOL)
single step operation; step-by-step operation
single step operation; step-by-step operation
availability ratio
character manipulation
cotton production
operating voltage; working voltage
differential gap
finely sliced eel and cucumber salad, dressed in sake, soy sauce and vinegar
writing (poetry); composing
working angle; angle of action; (camshaft) duration
termination of cultivation (usu. tobacco)
good crop; increased yield
palace workshop responsible for making furnishings, etc. (Heian period)
vasoactive substances; vasoactive agents
stylishness (esp. of a woman working at a nightclub, etc.); sophistication; refinement; class; style
non-manual signals; NMS
dish of white and red-fleshed fish arranged next to each other
hydraulic oil; hydraulic fluid
market manipulation; monetary operation
to window-dress; to put on airs; to be pretentious; to pretend
smaller harvest than expected; poor crop; bad harvest; crop failure
operation order
plan; tactic; strategy
neologism (esp. medical)
made-up kanji; Chinese character of one's own creation; arranging a group of things or people to form a character; (arch.) kanji created in Japan (as opposed to China); (arch.) Japanese-made kanji
made-up kanji; Chinese character of one's own creation; arranging a group of things or people to form a character; (arch.) kanji created in Japan (as opposed to China); (arch.) Japanese-made kanji
en plein air; plein air painting
fundamental interaction; fundamental force
central control room; main control room
online sockpuppet (who acts on behalf of a company or organization); paid troll
Operation Ketsugō (Japanese military plan for responding to the Allied invasion of the homeland)
underlying work; original work
I feign no hypotheses; hypotheses non fingo
denudation; degradation
spy; secret agent; ninja
welfare workshop; collaborative workshop
carbon assimilation; carbon fixation
crops planted in summer
common mushroom (Agaricus bisporus)
to be ready to cry; to be on the point of tears
Examples (200 in total)
What did you make?
What are you making?
What do you make?