FrequencyTop 1200-1300
KankenLevel 3
Composed of
thin person
long-tailed monkey

Occasionally even a long-tailed monkey looks like a person. If you look from far away. And it's dark. And you've lost your glasses in a ditch.

Used in vocabulary (77 in total)
coincidence; chance; by chance; unexpectedly; contingency
image; idol; statue
accidental; incidental; occasional; casual
Examples (103 in total)
That discovery was quite accidental.
It happened completely by accident.
It happened by accident.
I met her by chance.
What a coincidence!
By chance we saw him as he came out of the shop.
Coincidentally enough, I know him.
By chance, I met your brother on the street.
I met her in the store by accident.
It was entirely by chance that I found out what he was doing.
It was a pure accident that I met him there.
It was a mere chance that I found it.
I chanced to be working there.
I found the book by chance.
I met him by pure chance.
I met him by chance.
I met her on the street by accident.
I happened across an old friend in the street.
Our meeting was purely accidental.
The explosion came about by accident.
It was pure accident that I came to know her.
Yesterday I ran across her at the station.
Yesterday I ran across him at the station.
My meeting her at the station was a pure accident.
I met her at the station by accident.
She ran across her old friend while walking in the park.
We happened to meet her in the park.
I met her by chance on a train.
I ran into your mother in the library.
I ran across an old classmate on my way here.
He found his lost camera by chance.
Is that just a coincidence?
I think it is a mere coincidence.
He met a mysterious man by chance while taking a walk.
By chance, I found a hot spring.
I ran into a friend on the bus.
He met his English teacher at the station by accident.
I ran across my uncle at the station.
It was a chance meeting.
Our meeting was quite accidental.
It chanced that we were both traveling on the same train.
I heard the news by chance.
We happened to be on the same train.
He overheard the conversation by accident.
I came across him on the train.
When the earthquake occurred, I happened to be watching TV.
I found that restaurant by accident.
As soon as I left home, I came across her in the street.
I happened to run into my teacher at the restaurant last night.
I met her by accident.
I ran into my aunt by chance in Europe.
On my way to work, I ran into my uncle.
The invention was brought about by chance.
I unexpectedly ran into him at the airport yesterday.
Quite by chance, I met my old friend at the airport.
It chanced that I met him at the airport.
When I was in New York, I happened to meet my old friend.
I ran into an old classmate of mine on my way to the station.
I ran into a friend while walking in Ginza.
I ran into Mary at a party last week.
By chance, I met her in the street.
It wasn't simply by coincidence that Tom and Mary both happened to be there.
Tom happened to meet Mary at the supermarket.
I met her by accident at the bus stop.
The war didn't break out by accident.
He chanced on a rare book at a second-hand bookstore.
I found this book by chance in a secondhand bookstore.
I ran across a rare book in a secondhand bookstore.
I ran into an old friend at Tokyo Station.
I met an old friend by chance.
I met an old friend by chance in Kyoto.
I came upon an old friend of mine on the train.
I ran into an old friend of mine at the party the other day.
I ran across an old friend of mine at the party yesterday.
Yesterday I ran across an old friend of mine at the airport.
I ran across an old friend in the street.
I ran into an old friend at the station.
Such things often happen by accident rather than by design.
I met Jane in the department store by chance.
I met Jane by accident.
We happened to see a truck run into the guard-rail.
While staying in Paris, I happened to meet him.
By chance I met my ex-girlfriend in Portugal.
It is true that he did it, whether by accident or by design.
I met her by chance at a restaurant yesterday.
I met him by chance on the train this morning.
His rudeness was conscious, not accidental.
It was sheer coincidence that Mary and I were on the same train.
We happened to ride the same train.
We happened to get on the same bus.
We happened to take the same train.
Nancy ran across an old friend of hers yesterday.
He met Sam purely by chance.
Every even number is the sum of two primes.
Twelve is an even number.
Odd numbers alternate with even ones.
Two and four are even numbers.
We met them by accident at the bus terminal.
At Narita Airport, I ran into an old friend of mine.
It is no accident that she won the first prize.
That we met in Paris was a fortunate accident.
He came across this old coin in an antique shop.
I came to Liverpool by chance.