FrequencyTop 800-900
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
thin person
Used in vocabulary (138 in total)
ceremony; rite; ritual; service
bow; bowing
manners; courtesy; etiquette
Examples (91 in total)
The ceremony went off well.
This rite is part of their religion.
The custom of bowing is peculiar to the islanders.
Every child bowed to the teacher.
He bowed to the Queen.
She bowed to me politely.
Nobody bowed to him.
He bowed to me as he left the room.
His manners are not those of a gentleman.
In Japan, it is proper to bow when you meet someone.
The ceremony is to turn away evil spirits.
I attended his funeral.
During the war, people went through many hardships.
That nurse is very kind and polite.
She's very polite.
It is not very polite, either.
You must be more polite.
You should've spoken more politely.
Japanese people in general are polite.
Be polite to your parents.
You should be respectful to your teachers.
You should try to be more polite.
Though he is young, he is quite polite.
They are mostly polite.
She didn't even have the courtesy to say that she was sorry.
She is by no means polite.
She always acts politely toward everybody.
Japanese people are considered to be polite.
Please be polite.
I was trying to be polite.
Therefore it is important for us to be aware of other forms of politeness.
It is not polite to interrupt someone while he is talking.
Everybody likes polite people.
Try to be as polite as you can when asking directions.
This parade descends from an ancient rite.
The monarch is supposed to attend the funeral.
I cannot put up with his bad manners any longer.
It's bad manners to make a noise when you eat soup.
Of the three boys, Bill behaves most politely.
His child behaves well.
His manners were not those of a gentleman.
He is careful about his manners.
I was quite taken aback at their bad manners.
It's bad manners to eat on trains and buses in Japan.
The mother was embarrassed at her son's bad manners.
It's bad manners to do that kind of thing during meals.
He is being very polite today.
We were forced to back out of a contract due to the earthquake.
Tom is a very polite man.
Tom is being very polite today.
Tom is always polite.
Tom was very polite.
Tom is having a hard time deciding what to wear to the party.
Tom bowed politely.
Tom was well-behaved.
The sacred ceremony was held in the magnificent temple.
He bowed to me as he passed by.
It was a very traditional ceremony.
The Japanese do not always make a bow as a mark of respect.
Our neighbors were forced to sell their house.
Her manners were anything but pleasant.
Greetings are the basis of good manners.
My mother is strict with manners.
He treats me as if I were a stranger.
They watched the solemn ceremony in the church with awe.
You must be polite to your elders.
Tony is a polite boy.
They fought in the cause of freedom.
The English are known for their courtesy.
The English are a polite people.
Kindness is the essence of politeness.
The minister was obliged to resign from the cabinet.
The Prime Minister was obliged to resign from the Cabinet.
It's not polite to speak with your mouth full.
It was a surprise to see all the students behaving with decorum on prom night.
All his political enemies showed themselves at his funeral.
Tom took off his hat and bowed politely.
He took off his hat and made a polite bow.
There are people who say that the politeness of Englishmen is essentially a sense of fear.
He has no manners at all.
My mother is strict about manners.
He was compelled to resign on account of ill health.
The government was obliged to make changes in its foreign policy.
The delay forced us to stay overnight in an expensive hotel.
A wedding is a significant ceremony.
Is Tom behaving himself?
Mary asked her son to behave himself.
She told her son to behave himself at home.
Keep quiet and behave well!
Because of the volcanic eruption, many people were forced to evacuate.
Mass is a Catholic ceremony of remembering Jesus Christ by eating and drinking.