FrequencyTop 1200-1300
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
divining rod

One of the more ridiculous methods of fortune-telling involves dangling a divining rod over your mouth and trying to predict the future based on how it wiggles.

Used in kanji (13 in total)
stick on
Used in vocabulary (121 in total)
to occupy; to hold; to account for; to make up; to take up
monopoly; monopolization; exclusivity; hogging; keeping to oneself
occupying; having (an area) all to oneself; military occupation; possession; capture
fortune-telling; divination
occupation (e.g. of territory); exclusive possession
hogging; having all to oneself; monopolising; monopolizing
to tell someone's fortune; to forecast; to predict; to divine
diviner; fortune teller; soothsayer
possessiveness; desire to monopolize (monopolise); desire for control
possession; occupation; occupancy
fortune-telling; divination
divination; fortune-telling; mantic
to be encouraged by initial success; to get a taste for; to yearn for more
occupied territory
astrology; horoscope
buying up of goods; cornering (market)
being under military occupation
occupation forces; occupation army
hogging; having all to oneself; monopolising; monopolizing
to take a seat; to sit; to occupy a position (e.g. committee president)
love fortune-telling
hogging; having all to oneself; monopolising; monopolizing
slip of paper with a fortune-telling message; street fortune-teller
flower reading; fortune-telling based on plucking the petals off a flower
antitrust law; Antitrust Act
exclusive right; sole right
right of possession
compatibility horoscope (esp. for love); compatibility reading
to occupy; to hold; to command; to account for
augury; fortune-telling; divination
buying up of goods; cornering (market)
tarot reading; tarot fortune-telling
oneiromancy; dream fortune-telling
fortune teller; diviner; soothsayer
diviner; fortune teller; soothsayer
occupant; possessor; occupier
occupancy (rate); share (e.g. of market)
rule of an occupying power
occupier; occupying forces
protective occupation (of a country)
determining a speaker's true or hidden meaning; determining a speaker's intentions from his manner of speech; (arch.) divining good or bad luck from listening to someone
divination; fortunetelling; soothsaying
divination (using bamboo divination sticks)
divination that predicts the events of the whole year (esp. concerning crops)
monopoly business, enterprise
to occupy the throne; to sit on the royal throne; to be at the top; to hold the premier position; to win a championship
occupied territory
occupation and defence (of land, etc.)
exclusive use; private use; monopolization
monopolistic enterprise; monopoly
rabbit; rabbit cage
physiognomy; divination by facial features
private monopolization; private monopoly
antimonopoly; antitrust
divining one's own fortune
rice porridge divination; harvest divination carried out during Koshogatsu
dowsing; water divining
diviner's book
Lyophyllum shimeji (species of edible mushroom); euagaric fungus (in grocery stores, usu. refers to cultivated field mushrooms, etc.)
Champa (former kingdom(s) in central Vietnam)
divining one's own fortune
unlawful detention (of shipping); unlawful occupation (of a house or land)
occupying a certain place
brown beech mushroom (Hypsizygus marmoreus); brown clamshell mushroom
Lyophyllum shimeji (species of edible mushroom)
man on horseback (species of mushroom, Tricholoma equestre); yellow knight
rabbit; rabbit cage
divination with rods; divining rods
I've got it!; I've done it!; that's it!; bingo!
divining one's own fortune
clustered domecap (Lyophyllum decastes); fried chicken mushroom
right of preoccupancy
scapulimancy (divination using the cracks in the heated shoulder blade of a deer); scapulomancy; spatulamancy; armomancy
divination (esp. one carried out with divination rods or sticks); diviner
occupation period (e.g. post-WWII period during which the Allies occupied Japan)
divining the year's crop yields from the shape of lingering snow
cornering the market; stock cornering; a corner
Occupy Wall Street (protest movement, 2011-)
Occupy Wall Street (protest movement, 2011-)
oligopoly price; oligopolistic price
wood blewit (Lepista nuda)
livid pinkgill (species of poisonous mushroom, Entoloma sinuatum)
Lyophyllum fumosum (species of mushroom)
Lyophyllum fumosum (species of mushroom)
Examples (45 in total)
Work is a very important part of life in the United States.
He occupies a prominent position in the firm.
Sometimes reading took up half his time.