play (music)
FrequencyTop 2700-2800
KankenLevel 1
Composed of
two people
old bird
Used in vocabulary (23 in total)
to cheer; to jeer; to mock
to praise extravagantly; to lionize; to lionise; to make much of
accompaniment for traditional performances (noh, kabuki, etc.); orchestra; band
accompaniment for traditional performances (noh, kabuki, etc.); orchestra; band
to play accompaniment; to keep time; to cheer; to applaud; to jeer; to mock
to cheer; to jeer; to mock
(noh) musician; orchestra leader
to praise extravagantly; to lionize; to lionise; to make much of
on-stage performance by musicians in a kabuki play; shamisen accompaniment when a performer (esp. a rakugo story teller) appears on stage
orchestra present at Japanese festival; festival music (may be sung from a festival float)
five court-musician dolls at the Girl's Festival (in March)
tanuki drumming on their stomachs
meaningless words added a song for rhythmical effect; words or utterances added to modulate the cadence of a song
to spread (e.g. a rumour); to talk about (widely); to make fun of; to sing the praises of; to praise to the skies
meaningless words added a song for rhythmical effect; words or utterances added to modulate the cadence of a song
orchestra present at Japanese festival; festival music (may be sung from a festival float)
to spread (e.g. a rumour); to talk about (widely); to make fun of; to sing the praises of; to praise to the skies
short noh piece with three seated performers
heartburn; sour stomach
heartburn; sour stomach
type of informal noh musical performance